Kiss Land

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I've been ignoring Abel since he left at dawn, the fact that he didn't trust me really bothered me. His birthday is today and even though I was upset with him I still came to his birthday party with Amina. Grabbing my drink from the bar Amina and I walked toward where Abel and Cash were. With my drink in hand I looked toward Abel and he instantly locked eyes with mine.

Making my way through the crowd toward him he quickily grabbed my hand and pulled me into him, taking me to the VIP backroom and into the restroom. He locked the door behind him making sure we weren't interrupted.

"Baby I'm fucking sorry about early this morning. The thought of a baby scared me and I know I acted like an asshole"

The coke turned him into a different person, that's the only drug I had a problem with him doing. Never asking him to quit I'd hope that he would see how it affects us from developing a relationship.

"Abel, you really fucking scared me last night. When you pulled me out of bed by my arm, you hurt me"

"Baby I don't know what got into me I'm sorry, I was gone off blow and seeing those tests scared me and I don't know why I thought you would do anything like this on purpose"

"Baby you're not seeing the point, that fucken drug turns you into someone else. And that person I don't like"

"So you want me to quit right?"

"Not if you don't want to"

"And if I can't quit?"

"Then I don't know if I can be with you, especially if you have trust issues with me"

"Maya I can't quit, it gets me through my rough days or even weeks. And I've always had trust issues, I've been fucked over too many times before"

"But I haven't done anything to you, I wouldn't be trying to have something with you if I wanted anyone else. Answer me this, do you trust me?"

Grabbing the back of his neck I knew he was nervous to answer.

"Do we really got to talk about this right now?"

"Abel just answer my question!"

"No! I don't trust you. Even though I know you haven't fucked me over I can't get over the fact you might leave me for somebody better. Yeah it's my insecurity fucking with my head but it's the way I feel"

Looking down I knew I couldn't hold his insecurities against him. He dealt with this by getting high but I couldn't be with someone who couldn't trust me.

"Abel how are we going to workout if you can't trust me? Baby, I've told you that you're the only one I want"

Looking down I felt the rim of my eyes get blurry from the tears forming. As soon as Abel saw me trying to hide my crying he quickly held me and kissed my head.

"Baby don't cry please, I know you're right about everything and I'm just too arrogant to see how I'm fucking up. You don't deserve this shit, I'll chill on the coke and try getting over my insecurities. Just don't be sad"

He kissed my cheek and while I looked into his eyes I saw that he was genuine.

Kissing his lips I knew it was going to be a struggle for him but I he is the only person I wanted.

"I love you Abel and if you show me you can control that bad side of you I'll give you your way and quit the club"


"I love you too and your ass better quit because that ass is only mine"

Sucking on her neck my hands roamed up under her dress. She wasn't wearing any panties making my access easy.

"Baby I'll let you fuck later, everyone is probably looking for you"

"I don't give a fuck, they can wait cuz I'm going to give you this dick right now"

Picking her up she wrapped her legs around my waist as we kissed. Sucking on her neck I left my mark on her as I sucked and lightly bit. Her light moans escaping from her lips I held her up against the wall while holding her legs up. With one hand I unbuckled my belt and pants as my bulge was released. Pressing against her I guided my dick inside of her.

Pushing her against the wall I stroked in and out of her as hard as I could, causing her to hold on to me with one arm while she threw her head back. 

"uhhh... harder baby"

Her eyebrows were furrowed together as she took every inch of me inside of her. Grabbing her ass I felt myslef about to release myself when she was about to do the same.


Resting my head in her chest I tried catching my breath.

"Happy Birthday baby"

She kissed my lips and I sucked on her bottom lip. 

"Let's go babe, this is the last night we have together before I leave for two weeks"

She put a sad lip and I couldn't help but think of how I was going to get through these weeks without her or without a females touch. This was going to be a test for me.

It was six in the morning and before heading hm from the club we stopped at Mcdonalds for some McDoubles. In the back seat Maya was so faded she fell asleep resting her head on my shoulders. 

"So what's with you and Simaya?"

By this time the crew knew that Maya and I had something going on. I had my hands all over her all night which made it obvious. All my boys were having too much of a good time to even care but I did notice how Henny would often look our way.

"She's my girl Henn"

"Damn, since when do you take these bitches seriously?"

"What's your problem nigga? If I want to take her serious that's my problem, I'm the one fucking her not you. Unless you mad because she rejected you"

"Bro I didn't think that it was even that serious. I'm just looking out for you, we all know these girls just want you for the fame"

"I appreciate you looking out for me but let me handle my own. She's my girl so get use to her being around me"

Once getting dropped off Maya's we fell asleep as soon as we hit the bed. That evening I was leaving for two weeks to do some shows in Europe and after I was releasing Kiss Land. My schedule was about to get crazy. 


So this book is drawing to a close :( Comment on how would you like it to end? I'm open to all ideas.  

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