Trust Issues Pt. 2

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I waited for almost a minute before Abel answered just wearing sweats and no shirt. Damn he looked fucken good.

"May-- what are you doing here?"

"What? Now you're not happy to see me?"

I pushed my way through his suite to see some naked bitch sitting on the table in the kitchen area"

"Maya let me explain-"

"Save it Abel. You, blondie get the fuck out"

By this time Valerie's words were going through my head (you will never be the only one) and I was feeling angry.

"Abel who is this crazy bitch telling me to leave?"

"Aubree get dressed and just leave"

"No you owe me or I'll upload those pictures for everyone to see!"

"What pictures?"

I could see Abel staring me down as I waited for this blonde girl to answer me.

"I don't give a fuck anymore, upload them because I'm not fucking you. The only girl I care about is here and she's going to leave me anyway"

Looking at Abel confused I didn't even want to know what they had going on.

"Fuck you Abel! You owe me!"

Before I could realize this crazy bitch came charging at me and all I felt was a sharp pain in my stomach. Pulling out the steak knife I felt the blood soak my top as I fell on the floor in shock.

She stabbed me and all I felt was pain.        

"What the fuck did you do?!

Maya baby talk to me!

Please say something!"

I could feel Abel hold me close while calling for help, I was feeling cold and numb when I heard my name being called faintly......


"Simaya..... Simaya can you hear me?"

"Am I dead? It hurts so bad"

"My.. you're in the hospital"

Clearing my eyes more I recognized that voice to be Amina's.

"Amina what are you doing here? When did you fly to London"

"We are in Toronto My, you fainted on the way to the hospital"

I was so confused did I dream all of this?

"Where's Abel? And Isabella? Amina where is she?!"

I tried getting up but there was a IV in my left hand.

"Simaya calm down, I don't know where Abel is at, you got in a fight with him two months ago remember? And who's Isabella?"

"Amina it was all a dream, it seemed so real though. What happened why am I here?"

"You were dehydrated My, on our way here you passed out that's why they're giving you fluids through an IV"

"How long have I been here?"

"For a day now"

I laid back in the hospital bed just thinking about everything I dreamnt about.

"Amina? I'm not pregnant right?"

"No My, the doctor said the flu had you severely dehydrated and that you needed rest and once you woke up and were well enough you can be discharged"

"Thanks for bringing me. I love you girl"

~2 Weeks Later~


It been 3 months since I've talked or seen Simaya and I couldn't lie that I missed her. Valerie and I were trying to make a relationship happen but I wasn't into it. While I was away for shows I would fuck with other girls and wouldn't bother trying to hide it. Doing this I hoped that Valerie would finally leave me but she was always high or drunk and acted like it never happened.

Tonight the crew and I planned on hitting up the club Simaya worked at. Freshly lined up ready to go I placed my XO chain over my head waiting for my boys to come through. Tonight it was just Lamar, Hawk, Henny and Cash.

Before we headed to the club it was a ritual that we did a line or two or popped some pills downing it with some lean. After my two lines I felt the nerves disappear. Why the fuck was I nervous? She's just a stripper bitch I use fuck with.

Since I became known it was hard going places without being recognized but that didn't stop me. Walking into the haze filled club Alex the owner took us to our usual VIP area and had our bottles ready. The lines I did earlier seem not to be enough so I popped an Ecstasy pill with a shot of Bombay Sapphire. The bitterness of the gin burned down my throat.

As the night went I was faded as fuck and couldn't wait for Simaya to go on stage so I decided to go to her dressing room. I told my boys that I was going to the rest room so they wouldn't question where I was.

I walked by Simaya's door and let myself in her dressing room. She was standing there wide eyed looking surprised I was in front of her.

"Abel... What are you doing here?"

"I just wanted to see you"

She started putting her stuff away avoiding eye contact.

"Well you see me"

I walked closer to her and I could tell she was feeling uncomfortable.

"Look at me Maya"

Being this close I wanted to pick her up and fuck her on her damn vanity but I knew this wasn't going to be so easy. She slowly looked up and I looked into her dark hazel eyes.

"What do you want from me Abel?"

"I want you"

"You just want to fuck me, be real with me"

She bit her bottom lip while placing her left hand on my chest.

"I do want to fuck you My"

She brought her face so close to mine I could feel her warm breath at the tip of my lips.

"Doesn't it feel better telling the truth?"

"Yeah it does"

She placed her lips on mine, entering her tongue in my mouth. She was rough but gentle as she softly bit my bottom lip before braking away from me.

"Don't you already have a girlfriend to fuck?"

She backed away still staring in my eyes and walked out the door.

What the fuck just happened?

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