Chapter 366: Keeping Up With The Jonas'

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Lori woke up to get ready for  work. We followed suit quickly behind her. I went into our kitchen brew some coffee for my siblings to drink, put out their mugs on the island, and starting cooking breakfast  for us to eat. Annie walks in next  greeting  " Good morning Sweet T."  She mixes her mug and starts drinking it. Minutes after that I replied to her " Morning Ella."

Our brother joins last in the kitchen  greeting " Good morning girls."  We replied to him in unison "  Morning Chad." He took Annie's previous cue. Both of them set our kitchen table in a deep conversation with each other. I poured out my drink to put back the carton in our fridge.

Saturday morning is finally here for us.  Breakfast is promptly  served at 7:45 am. Everyone sat down around the tables dishing out our food to eat. Our usual drinks are coffee and juice. We ate together like one big happy family. After eating put all the dirty dishes  in our  sinks.

The group grabbed  our stuff while  our goodbyes  each other. Our group is split into two. Within minutes we are at the door walking through it. A good percentage of us head to the subway station to catch one for class or work. Meanwhile  at the apartments and house in our group  the other  half of it cleaning or doing coursework for school.

Chad opens up the  dance studio for us to go inside that morning.  We set it up together for classes. I put down my stuff on the couch in it's office. Students filed into the door at 8:00 am. They put their under the barres.

Everyone warms up in this duel location set up. Chad starts teaching his dance that morning. We stood in our corner catching up with each other  while controlling the boom box. Over at the theater it's cast is ready. House lights are dimmed now. The show begins at 9:15 am when the curtain rose.

Meanwhile over at the studio I am paying attention for the mirror. Dance class one is now finished. They grabbed their stuff to leave nice and sweaty. Chad teaches the whole routine. We ran through it a few times  in half speed. I did  it myself in full speed with music.

Cool down time is here for my class. My brother gave me a water bottle. The three of us cleaned up the studio. I went into the studio's  office for my stuff. Chad locks the door and turns off the lights. We exchanged our goodbyes  to each other then head to the subway station.

The pair of us arrived  home. Ella greeted " Good evening guys," from our kitchen. We replied to her  in unison " Evening Ella." Our keys are put down on the mail table.  Both of us  head to the showers. They aren't very long that evening.

Intermission time is a fifteen minute break starting  in seconds. The audience went into the lobby to  use  the bathroom and get refills for their refreshments. As for the  cast  are getting their touch ups on their make up. Seconds later the audience is  resettled in their seats.  Catch Me If You Can  round two finally begins now.  It went by a whole lot faster.

Curtain call time rolls arounds at the theater. It's cast  took their bows to get applause. The audience threw away their  trash going home.  Costumes are put back on the racks. As for the cast strikes the stage. They grabbed their stuff while exchanged goodbyes to each other.

I got dressed that afternoon in something nice. Within minutes Joe and Nick arrived at the apartment to pick me up. Everyone mentioned goodbyes to each other. We drove into New Jersey to head straight to Kevin's house. Moments after that we pulled into their driveway.

Once we stepped in the house that afternoon. Alena came running  to me. "Hey Kiddo," her Uncles greeted her.  " Good afternoon  Uncles," she replied. These are our parents and younger brother Frankie.  Hi Mr. and Mrs. Jonas. Please call me Denise. I will keep it at Mr. Jonas for you because I don't want to mix you up with your son. Your the famous Tia that Nick called us about earlier. Of course I am, it's nice to finally meet the rest of you," I replied.

As for Mama Warren went into their kitchen to wash her hands. We followed suit quickly behind her. Pots and pans are placed on the stoves with food in them. Everyone else has a job to do in this process. My sister sets our kitchen table. As for Chad took out both the drinks and ice. The kitchens are smelling really good right now. Our meals are in their final minutes on the stoves.

Lunch is promptly brought or served at 12:00 pm. Everyone  sat down around the tables dishing out our food to eat. Conversations are going on through our group. We ate together like one big happy family. The girls threw away their trash in the bins. After eating we put all the dirty dishes in our sinks.

Ella grabs our dirty clothes basket to head for our building's laundry room. Our neighbors are already in their doing the same thing. She sorts out our clothes into separates. Minutes after that they greeted each other. The laundry room is now talking to each other.

Our first load is put in the washing machine. A good way to pass time is by singing songs. The first load is finished in the machine. It is now put in the dryer. Seconds later the next load went into the washing machine. They went back to talking when the song finished. Our clothes are now finished for that afternoon. Everyone mentioned their goodbyes to each other.

Seconds later Ella went to our apartment to put the clean clothes in my room. Our girls are still working at the station. The three of us begin our round of goodbyes with everyone. I am taken back to our apartment. Lori and Sam are finally heading home that afternoon.

Mama Warren went into their kitchen to wash her hands. Her trusted assistant and the rest of us joined in our own kitchens that evening. Pots and pans are placed on the stoves with food in them. Everyone else had a job to do. Our sister sets the kitchen table. As for Chad took out both the drinks and ice. The kitchens are smelling really good right now. Our meals are in their final minutes on the stoves.

Dinner is promptly served at 6:00 pm. Everyone sat down around the tables dishing out our food to eat. Conversations are going on throughout our group. We ate together like one big happy family. After eating we put all the dirty dishes in our sinks.

Lori and the guys stayed in the kitchen to wash the dishes and clean it up.  Back in the  family rooms with the Warren's, girls, and I watching  t v. Everything is put back in it's regular places. All the kitchen lights are turned off.  They joined us on the couches so it's now full.

Family time continues  in front of the t v. We watched a very long and funny movie. I walked over to my room to change into my room to change into my jammies and brush my teeth. Later on, I returned to both our couch and my favorite spot.

Credits rolled for our showing. My siblings got me to watch a few more shows before bedtime. I mentioned goodnights to them with hugs and kisses. " Night Sweet T," both of them answered. Seconds later they watched as I walked away and waited for my door to shut.

All the t v sets and family room lights are turned off. The group took their baths to get ready for bed. My siblings just changed into their jammies. I have been in my bed for the last fifteen minutes with Junior. Soon after that Mr. Warren, Mrs. Warren, Jon, and the group say their goodnights to each other. Everyone else joins me in dreamland that night.

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