Chapter 387

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Lori woke up the next morning to get ready  for work .  We followed suit quickly behind her still in our jammies. I went into our kitchen to brew some coffee for my siblings to drink, put out their  mugs on the island, and  start cooking breakfast for us to eat. Both of them greeted " Good morning Sweet T." Within seconds I  replied to them in unison " Morning guys."

Minutes after that they pivot to get their coffee. The pair of them gave me a kiss each on the cheek. Both of them set the kitchen table deep in a conversation with each other. The kitchens are smelling really good right now. Our meals are in the final minutes on the stoves.

Breakfast is  promptly served at 7:45 am. Everyone sat down around the tables dishing out our food to eat. Our usual drinks are coffee and juice. We ate together like one big happy family. Soon after eating we put all the dirty dishes in our sinks.

I took a quick bath to change. Our clothes are dumped on my bed. Within minutes my MP3 player is plugged in. The usual three piles are spread across my bed. I put away my stuff in the closet and drawers. My siblings came to pick up their respected piles of clothing.

Soon after that a text message popped on my screen.


Kris: Hey sis

Me: Hey Kris

Kris: How are you?

Me:  Good and you

Kris: fine thanks.

Me: That's good to hear

Kris:  Everything here is good

Me: busier then ever  with work and dance classes

Kris: nice... What about Aaron?

Me: he's good

Kris: tell him  that I send my regards

 Me: okay

Kris: bye 

 Me: I love you

                                        end of texting

I put my phone on the charger. Meanwhile with the guys taking a little break from studying. Jon lays on his bed wishing to spend time with me.  As for Cam goes for a quick walk.

Mama Warren went into their kitchen to wash her hands.  All of us followed quickly behind her. Pots and pans are placed on the stoves with food in them. Everyone else has their own job to do.  Our sister  sets the kitchen table. As for Chad took out both the drinks and ice. The kitchens are smelling really good right now. Our meals are in their final minutes on the stoves.

Within minutes  after that lunch is brought or served at 12:00 pm. Everyone sat down around the tables dishing out their food to eat. Conversations are going on throughout our group. We ate together like one big happy family. After eating we put all the dirty dishes in our sinks. 

The dreaded Sunday afternoon blues start kicking in around this time. We are running around the apartments and house getting ready for the next day of school and work.  The Warren's are relaxing  together watching their younger son for the entertainment. Nick and the girls are  home.  The three of them  joined the party.

Mama Warren went into their  kitchen to wash her hands. Her trusted assistant and all of us followed suit quickly behind her.  Pots and pans are placed on the stoves with food in them. Everyone else their own job to do. Our sister sets the kitchen table.  As for Chad took out both the drinks and ice. The kitchens are smelling really good right now. Our meals are in their final minutes on the stoves.

Dinner is promptly served at 6:00 pm. Everyone sat down  around the tables dishing out their food to eat. Conversations are going on through out our group. We ate together like one big happy family. After eating we put all the dirty dishes in our sinks.

The guys and I stayed in the kitchen to wash the dishes and clean it up . Meanwhile in the family rooms with the Warren's and girls watching tv. Everything is put back in it's regular places. All the kitchen lights are turned off. We joined everyone else on the couches so it's now full.

Family time continues in front of the  t v. We shared our favorite t v shows with the group. I walked over to my room in order  change into  my  jammies  and brush my teeth. Later on , I returned to both our couch and my  favorite  spot. I am nice and cozy.

My siblings got me to watch a few more shows before bedtime. I mentioned goodnights to them with hugs and kisses. " Night Sweet T," both of them answered. Seconds later  they watched as I walked away  and waited for my door to shut. They focused  on the  t v screen.

All the t v sets and family room lights are turned off. They group took their baths to get ready for bed. My siblings just changed into their  jammies. I have been in my bed for the last fifteen minutes with Junior. Soon after that Mr. Warren, Mrs. Warren, Jon, and the group exchanged their goodnights to each other. Everyone else joins me in dreamland that night.

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