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"Ryan, honey you've been quiet, everything alright?" My mom asked leaning across the table and placing her hand on my forehead.

"Yeah mom I'm fine." I gave her a uncomfortable smile and pulled her hand off my forehead. "I'm not sick."

The truth was that I was, I was sick of the fact that Dallon won't talk to me. We've been best friends since 3rd grade and now because of some stupid boy he won't talk to me.

Well not stupid, he's Brendon Urie.

I blushed and put my hand over my mouth to try and hide my smile.

"I think he likes someone." Liam 'oo'ed. I shot him a dirty look.

"Shut up, prick." I hissed pointing my fork at him.

"Now now boys," my mom put her hands over the table. "Liam; mind your own business. And Ryan; don't call people pricks it's not nice." Liam stuck his tongue out at me. My mom sighed and took her hands off the table. "My shift is late tomorrow, is Dallon coming over tomorrow?"

"I don't know mom," no way was I gonna tell her that I was gay then and there. In the back of my mind I know my family would support me, but I need to be there for my family right now. I can't be selfish.

"Lie," Liam turned around. "Can you do the dishes tonight, I have a lot of homework." Liam rolled his eyes.

"I guess, but you owe me one embarrassment card." I bit my tongue and against my better judgement nodded. "Yes." He whispered punching the air.

"Hello, Dallons not able to come to the phone right now, please leave me a message if you care. Bye!" I let my phone drop from my ear and put my hand over my eyes. I heard the beep and picked my phone back up still my hand covering my eyes.

"Hi Dal, call me back."

I hung up and up my phone on the floor next to me. Liam walked in and threw his shirt off jumping into his bed which had an actual frame.

"Sooo," I rolled over to face away from him as I knew what the question was going to be. "Who do you like?"

"That doesn't matter right now." I mumbled as I pressed my face into my pillow.

"Yes it is are you kidding me!" Liam threw a pillow at my back and I threw it right back at him hopefully hitting him in the face.

"Please stop Liam." I mumbled as I felt tears build behind my eyes.

"Oh, ok, sorry. Night Ry." I smiled as a tear fell into my pillow. I loved it when people called me Ry, it made me feel important, it made me feel loved.

This is probably the most first person story I've ever written if that makes any sense??
Well today was the first day of summer for me and it was pretty good? I'm getting sick and ig I've been sick Oof so I feel kinda gross
Also today was really low tide and I went down with my father and my brother and it was really fun a clam squirted my brother in the face and it was really funny
Also I'm pretty sure all summer I'm gonna have really boring a/ns sorry
Well this happened on the last day of school but this kid tried to pull up one of the grass protecter things idk what they're called but he slipped and made a really high pitches squeak and it was really funny
•Song Suggestion•: When It Rains by Paramore

~enjoy killjoys~

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