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"Yeah, hi." Dallon swung the door opened and stormed off. I felt my chest ache for Dallon.

"Please walk me up to my room." I whispered to Brendon. He nodded and walked into the house.

"Honey. Dallons here-who's that?"

So many things are happening.

Too many things are happening.

-I'm wearing a skirt
-Brendon wants to take me on a date
-Dallons mad
-my mom sees me with Brendon
-Liam sees me with Brendon

"We're going up to my room for a minute-"

"No, come sit down." My mom stood up and pulled out two chairs.

I can't.

"Ry," Brendon looked up to me.

"Come sit down Ryan." My eyes widened as my mom said Ryan. She always said Ry except when she was mad at me. I turned to see Dallon sitting across from my mom tears streaming down his cheeks. He was shaking and clearly choking on sobs.

I jumped down from Brendon's back but still stood behind him. He started walking forward and I stayed behind him.

"Ryan I swear to god. Come sit down." I wasn't about to expose myself for wearing a skirt. Then I would have to come out to my family. Brendon walked a little faster and I did the same.

I quickly slid into my seat without my mother seeing. She smiled and patted Brendon's shoulder.

"Would you like some tea honey?" My mom asked Brendon.

"No thank you, retainer." My mom nodded and turned to Dallon who shook his head.

"Ok, now Ryan. Care to explain to me everything that's going on?" My mom said down and put one of her hands on top of Dallons.

Don't say it.

You're not ready.

Don't say it-

"Mom," I started. I knew this wasn't the right time. This wasn't the right time. But was there ever going to be a right time?

"Just explain honey-"

"Mom!" My mom closed her mouth and I saw her tighten her grip on Dallons hand. "I'm-I'm." I wasn't ready. I couldn't decide. "Mom,"

"What?" My mom said more calmly but it was still clear she was very angry. Liam had entered the kitchen and was sitting on the counter.

"Mom, I'm not ready to say this. But I n-need to." I looked over at Brendon who clearly didn't know what was going on. "I uh, I really like boys." I said closing one of my eyes and biting my lip. My moms mouth fell open and she got up from her seat.

She walked over to me and hugged me. She kissed the top of my head before pulling back and walking back to her chair. She placed her hand on Dallons again.

"Honey, I'm proud of you. I really am. And um, that's great but, please tell me what happened."

And then I explained all of it. To her, Liam, and Dallon.

The part where I bought the skirt.

The part where Brendon and I skipped school and he asked me to the dance.

The part where Dallon hit on Brendon.

The part where I freaked out and wore my skirt out to see Brendon.

"And that's where we are now." I said sighing and hanging my head.

"Stand up." I didn't try to argue with my mother. I stood up and I heard her gasp.

I felt all eyes on me as I stood there in my skirt.

Hey everyone
I've been in a better mood today which is good
I think this morning I went to take my allergy medicine but just opened the bottle then closed it so I don't think I took it Bc Ive been having trouble breathing and my nose is all stuffy now and my head is really pressured (??) idk how to explain it
Um I wrote a song today that I'm actually pretty proud of
•Song Suggestion•: Drain You by Nirvana
•Fun Fact•: most of my Song Suggestions are just whatever im listening to currently

~enjoy killjoys~

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