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Just talk to him?!

I pulled on my hair and slammed my head against my locker. Liam had said just to talk to Brendon but he doesn't understand how hard that's gonna be.

I pulled open my locker and set my books down. I crossed off the days on my calendar to the dance.

14 more days.

I closed my locker and walked to the bathroom before class. Dallon told me he was staying home sick today.

I looked at myself in the mirror sticking my butt out to get a cute photo.

I mean my outfit is cute so maybe he'll-

"Hey, nice look Ryan." I froze as I looked over in the mirror to see Brendon smirking at me.

"T-thanks, um," I coughed. "Thanks." I tried to hide my blush but did a terrible job at it.

I was wearing Dallons pastel blue sweater with pink cuffs and my ripped up overalls with one of the straps off.

"So I've texted you, and called you and you've never texted back. What's up with that?" Brendon asked leaning on the sink. My heart stopped and I shoved my phone into my backpack.

"I am so sorry I really didn't mean to-" I rushed out.

"It's ok, I can ask you here." Brendon cut me off. He was trying to act tough, but he's actually pretty soft.

"Ok w-what is it?"

"Are you gay?" My breath got caught in my throat and I started coughing.

"Um y-yeah. Why d-do y-y-you want to k-know?" I asked still coughing. Brendon laughed and washed his hands.

"I needed to know for future references." And with that he walked out of the bathroom right as the bell rang.

Hell no was I going to class.

I needed to get out of here.

I ran out of the bathroom and ran right outside. I saw Pete Wentz talking to some girl with dark brown hair and a cigarette hanging between his lips.

I looked around and didn't see Brendon so I made a bolt to the fence.

Security didn't watch the fences during first and second period. Dallon and I used to ditch school and go to McDonalds.

I climbed the fence ripping one of the holes in my overalls even more. I hissed as I cut open my palm on one of the wires.

As soon as I got to the ground I wiped my hands off on my pants, smearing blood on them in the process and started walking away from the school.

"Ryan!" I stopped in my tracks and turned around and saw Pete Wentz smiling at me. "Brendon wanted to talk to you! Did he get to?" Pete clawed at the fence.

"Yeah, h-he did. Good luck on your date Pete." I said giving him a half smile. Pete blushed and waved to me and walked back to the girl. (a/n I'm sorry Pete likes a girl in this, why? idk maybe he'll end with with Patrick I'm not sure wOW IT DOESNT FEEL RIGHT FOR ME TO MAKE PETE STRAIGHT WHAT THE POOO????)

I started walking to the McDonalds Dallon and I used to go to all the time. At least I'm not getting high when I ditch school.

I pushed open the door and walked up to the counter.

"One mocha and a side of fries. Thank you." I said smiling at the employee.

She handed me a recipe after I payed that read '27'. (get the reference? it's not to fob I'll give you that hint)

I sat down and waited for my food.

Someone knocked on the window and I drew my attention to the noise. I gasped but was quick to cover my mouth.

"Why is he here?" I whispered to myself as he made his way into the building. And then sat down right. Next. To. Me.

Oof now I don't want pete to be straight
But I might deal with it🤷‍♀️
He'll probably end up with Patrick 🤷‍♀️
Um so today was fun I saw incredibles 2 again today and I fricken love it so much
Um idk I didn't do much today
I went to the dollar store and target but it wasn't that interesting
Um yah that's all lol
How's the book so far?
•Song Suggestion•: Teenagers by My Chemical Romance
•Fun Fact•: I have a plant named Gerard

~enjoy killjoys~

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