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4 days until the dance.

But that means 5 days until I have to be at my dads for a week. Which I am not looking forward to.

"Hey Ry, we need to talk." I slowly closed the door squeezing my eyes shut.

"Yeah mom?" I asked and leaned against the door.

"Please sit." I cursed inside my head and slowly walked over to sit down.

I sat down and my mom pushed a cup of peppermint tea towards me. I smiled and took the cup taking a small sip to make sure it wasn't too hot.

My mom got up from her chair and went into the living room before coming back with a hairbrush in her hands. I smiled and relaxed a little as she came and stood behind me.

She started combing through all the knots and curls in my hair.

"Dear god Ryan, when was the last time you combed your hair?" My mom lightly chuckled. I giggled a little and shrugged. "We still need to talk." I relaxed my back against the chair. It felt like the previous tension in the room had faded.


"You and Brendon?" I hissed as my mom pulled on my hair. "Oh sorry honey." She leaned down and kissed the top of my head.

"Uh, Yeah. We're dating." It felt really cool to say he was my boyfriend.

"Oh, does he treat you right?" I gulped as my moms voice shook slightly.

"Yeah, o-of course he does." My voice cracked and a smile spread across my face.

"And the skirts? Are they new too?" I bit my lip.

"Uh, Yeah they are. I don't know I bought one to try it out, I actually like them quite a bit. But I'll only wear them sometimes. Brendon bought me another one yesterday." I rambled on.

"He sounds like an amazing guy." My mom said as she set the hairbrush down.

"He really is, he asked me to the dance." I felt a blush spread across my cheeks.


"Yeah, and he said we could make our costumes match!" (a/n someone please remind me what Brendon said he would be for Halloween)

"That's very sweet. Does he know you're going to your dads?"

"He does. Does Liam know?" I asked biting my lip.

"No, I haven't told him yet. But I'm going to today."

"Good luck." I laughed a little as I stood back up to leave. "Brendon and I are hanging out." I pointed towards the door and my mom waved her hand.

"Have fun." And with that I darted out the front door.

How's everyone's day?
I started watching heathers today but I didn't have time to finish it but so far I really love it
After I finish the original I'm going to watch the musical bc I love the soundtrack
I'm also going on vacation for three days so idk how good the WiFi is going to be so I'm going to apologize in advance
But I'm really excited
I went down to the beach today and swam a little
But on our way back my father goes 'left' and I turn to see this really cute boy who looked to be a year older than me maybe? And he was speaking a  different language
And heck he was soooo cute and just ahhh
I think my third piercings infected
•Song Suggestion•: Pink by Waterparks
•Fun Fact•: I really miss being in musicals

~enjoy killjoys~

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