10 (edited)

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(a/n ^^ that's kinda what I image the skirt to look like just thiccer™️ fabric. That's me holding it lol I found it in a thrift store today)

(a/n hey! Future paloma! I really wasn't proud of this chapter so I edited it and it's still not my favorite but it's much better now)

I made my way out of Hot Topic when I ran into someone else. Someone who wasn't Brendon.

"Hey Ry." Dallon said smiling. The bag was between us and he slowly pushed it back towards me.

"H-hi." I said forcing a smile. I didn't want him seeing what I bought, or going into Hot Topic and making conversation with Brendon. Am I being jealous? Maybe.

"What'd you get?" Dallon asked reaching out for the bag, I quickly slapped his hand.

"I'll show you later, ok?"

"Um, yeah I guess." Dallon chuckled before turning to walk into Hot Topic. "I just need to grab something then we can leave, sound good?"

"Actually I kinda forgot that Liam has a tennis game and I need to be there. Ya know? Big brother stuff." I laughed and nodded.

"Ha, yeah I wouldn't understand though. I'm not a big brother." I shrugged my shoulders and laughed. I held my bag close to my chest as we went down the escalator. 

When we made it to the car (after a long time of Dallon forgetting where he parked). I jumped into the passenger seat and shoved the bag under my seat. Dallon glanced at me but probably just brushed it off.

Dallon started the car but turned his radio down. I bit my lip, I knew this only meant he wanted to talk.

"Yeah?" I said raising an eyebrow. Dallon sighed as he pulled out of his spot.

"Ok, on a scale of one to ten how much do you like him?" My breath caught in my throat.

Ten! Ten! Ten-

"Seven not really sure?" I shrugged, I kicked my bag farther back under the seat.

"Oh nice, I probably like him like a six or five. I think my crush is fading but I'm not sure." I looked up in time to see Dallon shrug. In my head I knew he was lying, and he knew I was lying.

Both of us liked him equally.

Sorry for this mess of a chapter it's 12:52am
And I'm tired
Also I feel kinda bad about shipping Ryden out of nowhere
So sorry if like idk
Ik it's my anxiety and stuff but that doesn't mean I can't not ignore it
And idk it hard to explain
I'm not taking a break I love writing (not I'm tired necessarily)
I cracked my screen protecter today slightly bc I dropped my phone on the ground and it bounced and just ah yay
Also my sister and I were outside tonight singing northern downpour bc the moon is really clearly out and then we heard a really scary noise tree and we quickly yeeted back into my house lol
•Song Suggestion•: Dancing Not a Crime by Panic! At The Disco
^^i listened to that today and it's so good it makes me kinda sad I also listened to part of One of The Drunks and it made me sad I literally turned to my sister and said: 'this is like the sadder version of Dont Threaten Me With a Good Time'
•Fun Fact•: I don't like thrift stores, they give me headaches

~enjoy killjoys~

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