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7 days until the dance.

5 days since Brendon and I started dating.

5 days since Brendon and I last kissed.

5 days since I last talked to Dallon.

5 days since my mom and brother found out I'm gay.

5 days since I wore my skirt last.

"It's becoming more clear now." I mumbled getting closer to the mirror.

"I told you that you needed glasses." Brendon mumbled his phone clutched in is hands.

"I don't need them, they just help." I poked at the frame of the glasses.

"They help you see better. And before you couldn't see how beautiful my face is." Brendon finally looked up from his phone and glanced at me.

"I could see you fine. You never looked too blurry." I took the glasses off and looked at myself in the mirror. "I can see fine."

"If you want to dance with me at the dance, you have to see what you're doing." Brendon got up from the chair and picked up the glasses and slowly lowered them on my face. "I think these look cute on you." Brendon gave me a lopsided grin and pushed my shoulder. "Can you see?"

I nodded, a blush spread across the cheeks as Brendon's lips slowly made contact with my cheek.

"Good." Brendon took the glasses off and walked up to buy them, grabbing my hand in the process.

Walking home with my arm linked with Brendon's was still so surreal. My glasses made everything just slightly more clear. Before things just became slightly fuzzy. But now, I can see clearly.

And that means I could clearly see Dallon with his arm around some girl with bleach blonde hair.

"Bren, Bren." I pulled on Brendon's coat and pointed towards the bench where Dallon was clearly sitting.

"What?" Brendon hissed.

"That's Dallon, who's she?" I asked drawing my hand back.

"I've seen her a few times. I'm freshman year she lost her retainer in the garbage can." Brendon started chuckling.

"At least she doesn't still need to wear her retainer." I teased grabbing his arm tighter.

"Hey, I only got my braces off three months ago." Brendon started to walk again but I was in a trance. I wanted to know more about her.

But I can't get in any contact with Dallon. He's denied all my calls. Won't respond to any of my texts, and turned of read receipts. I haven't even seen him in the halls.

"So I was thinking," Brendon whistled. "Want to come to my house on Halloween. Then you could meet my parents." Brendon offered raising an eyebrow. I smiled but soon a frown replaced it.

"I can't, I have to go to my dads for a week." I mumbled.

"It's ok Ry, maybe we could still see each other?"

"Not until November 9th. I even miss schools those days." Brendon frowned.

Before I knew it we had reached my house. I sighed and I reached for the door handle Brendon spun me around and kissed me on the lips.

My eyes stayed open (once again) as he quickly pulled back. His cheeks were red, as were mine.

I quickly waved goodbye as I stumbled into my house.

"Someone's love struck."

Oh boy was he right.

How are y'all liking sketchy girls & lipstick?
sorry for no update yesterday
My family had an emergency to go rescue and dog and it was way out of our way so we were out pretty late last night but it was fun
I've literally spent 5 hours at the salon so that's where I was all day
Also I watched big hero six again today and I forgot good it is but also how sad it is I was pretty much sobbing the whole time
•Song Suggestion•: Immortals by Fall Out Boy
•Fun Fact•: I've had a streak in my hair since 1st grade

~enjoy killjoys~

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