Breathe (Bucky Barnes x Reader)

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A/N: Hello! Welome to my new book Marvel Imagines! This one is quite sad, but I really put in a lot of work on this one. Also, sorry if the whole POV thing is confusing. I'll try to make it less confusing in the future. At this time, I will not be taking requests, but in the near future, I will. I will let you know when that time comes. I just got a new laptop for my graduation present so updates will be pretty frequent. I will put up a posting schedule (if I got enough readers that actually enjoy this). Anyway, have a good day!

-Megan <3

 Y/N's POV

I knew that it was a risk. But that Is what I signed up for. This job was not about playing it safe, and letting whatever challenge that was hard overcome me. It was more, and I knew that. I knew that the lives of millions of people were worth more than just my own, single life. The world was bigger than who I was. And I always kept that in mind while on the job.

3rd Person POV

"Is everyone out?" Steve asked, panting as he limped out of the burning building that was behind him. Only minutes ago, an explosion had rocked the surrounding area, sending the structure up into flames.

"All of the children are." Tony landed on the ground, his mask still on. "I don't know about the rest of us."

"Well, we need to be sure, Tony." Steve snapped. "I'm not leaving anyone behind."

"I'm glad to hear that." Sam coughed, as the two men turned to see him walking over from a few feet away. "Nat, and Clint are out. Unsure about the rest."

A groan caught their ears, and all of their eyes fixed on Bucky emerging from a pile of rubble and concrete. A trickle of blood was flowing from his nose, and a bruise was beginning to shadow around his left eye. His eyes eagerly scanned the group in front of him before he began to speak. "Where is she?"

Bucky's POV

A response from Steve was caught off by the sound of another explosion at the top of the building, causing them all to fall to the ground. Immediately, I pushed myself off the ground and made a bee line for the building in a dead sprint.

"Buck! Stop!" Steve caught me by the arm and pulled me to a halt. "You can't go in there!"

"Like hell I can't." I snarled. "Let go of me!"
 "The building is going to collapse!" Steve yelled. "She is capable of getting out of there herself!"

"And what if she's not, Steve!" I shoved Steve in the chest, causing him to stumble backwards. "What if she's up there, unable to move, unable to escape? She will die!"

"I am not willing to lose another friend if that's the case, Buck! I can't!"

"And I'm not willing to lose the love of my life, because my friend won't let me go!" I yanked away from Steve. "Damn it, Steve! You don't understand how-"

I was cut off, as the building behind them to groan with the lack of support of the beams that were once holding it up.

"No." I whispered, as it slowly began to crumble to the ground. All of the Avengers were rooted to the ground as they watched the once strong, stable building collapse, possibly bringing one of their own with it. No one moved, even a few seconds after the dust had settled and all was quiet. A small, broken cry of pain echoed across the clearing and immediately, my feet began to move him forward.


I didn't respond to the protests of my team mates, as I quickly ran into the destroyed pieces of the building they had so desperately tried to save. It was her. I could recognize her voice anywhere, even when it was full of pain and distress. My head turned quickly, trying to detect where she was. "Doll? Where are you?"

"B-Buck." A small voice whimpered softly, and my eyes came to rest on Y/N, only ten feet away from me. My heart broke immediately when I saw her, and I held back the tears that were beginning to pool in my eyes. Her face was streaked with ash, and small lines where her tears had fallen. Heavy pieces of concrete had fallen on top of her, and I quickly rushed to her side, pulling them off of her. A moment later, my whole world came crashing down. A large piece of metal had pierced her body, and went all the way through, coming out of her lower stomach. A small stream of blood slowly made its way out of her mouth. "Bucky..."

"Oh my God." I whimpered, as I landed on my knees beside her.


"Do not tell me you are fine." My voice broke as I spoke to her, my eyes raising to meet hers. "You know damn well that you are not fine."

"Okay." She swallowed back her tears, as she looked at me. Her soft hand touched mine gently. "What can I tell you?"

"That you love me." I whispered, as I gently pulled her closer, taking her in my arms. She winced gently, but did not complain. "That you won't leave me. That you will be okay."

"I love you." Y/N whispered, as tears streamed down her cheeks. "But we both know that I'm not... I'm not going to be okay."

"Why can't you?" I rested my head against hers, already knowing the answer to my question. "Stark has all his damn machines, technology that can fucking heal anything-"

"It's too late." Y/N leaned her head back against my shoulder, her eyes looking up at me. "I'd be dead by the time we got back the the Tower."

A small sob escaped my lips at the word 'dead', and I couldn't hold any of my pain back anymore.

"Why didn't you stay back?" I cried into her hair. "Why couldn't you put yourself first?"

"It's part of the job description, B-Buck." Y/N gripped onto my metal arm gently. "You have to be selfless to be an Avenger. And those people needed my help. So I put them before me. I would do it for you too, you know."

"No one deserves you, doll." I sniff.

"No." She chuckles softly, before lifting her hand up to cup my face. "No one deserves Bucky Barnes. But still, here you are." Her body shakes as she coughs, and more blood began to come out of her month. "I love you, James. Please, don't forget that. And please, don't shut out anyone else. You understand me?"

"I do." I whispered, as I held onto her tighter.

"Good." She slowly pulled herself closer, and kissed me. I kissed her back passionately, not caring if her lips tasted like her blood or that she was covered in ash. She was my girl, my only love that I'd ever have in this life. And I was about to lose her forever. She pulled back a few moments later, and winced slightly in pain. "B-Bucky, I can't breath."

"Just look at me." I said softly, as I cradled her in my arms. "Breath in deeply, and let it out."

Her body shook in struggle as she fought to breathe, and at that moment, I realized that this was what hell was like. Misery, loss, pain. I felt it all. Her hand clutched my flesh one, and I held onto hers tightly as I watched her through watery eyes.

"I-I..." Her body twitched as she struggled to speak. "I l-love you."

"I love you too, Doll." I whispered, and a moment later, her body became still. Her Y/E/C eyes lost the light in them that I fell in love with, and I knew she was gone. Footsteps grew closer to where we were, but I did not move at all. If it was HYDRA, fine. Let them kill me. Soft gasps were exclaimed from behind me and I knew it was my friends. I stayed still, my lips still buried in her soft hair, as Steve came behind me and clutched my shoulder.

"I'm sorry, Buck."

I didn't respond.

"We need to go. I'll take her for you, if you want."

"No." My voice was rough, and scratchy from my tears. I had no shame. I couldn't feel anything anymore except my own pain. "I'll take her." Slowly, I rose to my feet, with the love of my life in my arms and walked back to the jet. Y/N's funeral was the week after, and I was there in the front row, with her family. The following weeks were exhausting. I was a mix of my pain and my anger, my desperation for finding the HYDRA agents responsible for this driving me into my own madness. But eventually, I did find them. I killed them all, and for a few moments, the pain was lifted. But then the crushing weight of loss and pain hit me again, and at the moment, I could not breath. My love, my life, my air... was gone.

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