Our Little Secret

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A/N: Okay! So... here we go. This one is pure angst, at least this part. This one's pretty long (this part is over 4000 words, good Lord) , so I made it into (at least) two parts, and still, it's long. Anyway, I hope you like it. As I said, it's pretty angsty so... beware. 

WARNINGS: Angst, violence

It started off as a secret. We did not want anyone to know, not even Steve or the rest of the Avengers. It was hard, seeing as they were parts of our daily lives. But we did a good job hiding our little secret.

Until Steve walked in on me changing one day in Bucky's room, my slightly swollen belly exposed.

"Steve..." I whispered, as his eyes focused on my stomach before they flickered up to mine. "You can't tell anyone. Please."

"Y-You're pregnant?" He stuttered. "Is it-"

"Mine?" Bucky walked into the room. His jaw was slightly tense as he leaned against the door way. "I would sure hope so. We are married, after all."

"How far along?"

"Four months." Bucky moved from his spot to stand next to me, his metal arm wrapping protectively around me and his hand laying where our unborn child was resting. "Steve... you can't tell anyone. "

"How long did you expect to keep this a secret? Until the baby fucking popped out of Y/N?" Steve scoffed, as the shock left his face and anger took it's place.

"HYDRA is still out there, Steve." I said softly, as I placed my hand on top of Bucky's. "We don't want them to find out."

"You think I'd tell them?" Hurt laced in Steve's voice, and his eyes fixed on my husbands. "You think your best man at your wedding would give up this secret? For what? My life? You know I wouldn't!"

"If you were kidnapped by them, they could get inside your head, and make you tell them what they want to know!" Bucky snapped, and I squeezed his hand gently to keep him calm. "You don't know what they can do."

"Well, it's too late for that now!" My husband's best friend threw his hands in the air, and I could sense both hurt and anger radiating off of him in waves. "You might as well tell the rest of the fucking Avengers now."

"Tell us what?" My eyes turned to see Natasha standing in the doorway along with Tony, Thor, and Clint. Her eyes widened as a gasp escaped her lips. "Holy shit."

"Have you gone mad, Barnes?" Tony snapped as he walked into the room. "Getting your wifey knocked up at a time like this? Stupid mistake."

Bucky's body lurched forward, and I grabbed his arm to hold him back from attacking Tony. Steve pushed his way between Tony and Bucky.

"That's enough!" Steve barked, and everyone fell silent in the room. "Nothing can change it now. We can't let this news get out of the Tower. Understood?"
Everyone mumbled their agreements and I stood silently by Bucky's side as plans were being made.

I would stay in my room at all times, in bed, until I had given birth to my baby. After that, we would need to formulate a new plan. One where Bucky and I would disappear with him or her for awhile, until HYDRA was defeated once and for all. I only wished HYDRA was gone, and then none of this would be happening. But nothing can change that now. I could only hope for my safety and for that of my baby.

Third Person POV

And little did any of the people know, that there was a bug planted on the outside of Steve's uniform, having been attached on the last mission. Everything that had just happened had been seen and heard.

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