A/N... again... imsosorry

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Hey guys! I'm so sorry if you thought this would be another update. I was planning on uploading another song imagine, but it needs quite a bit of editing, so I will get that out to you by this weekend at the latest, I promise. :) 

But since you're here, there are two things that I'd like to mention. First, I will be releasing my updating schedule for this summer in the author's note of my next imagine.  It's gonna be a busy summer, but I plan to update as much as possible, as well as bouncing back and forth between GOT and Marvel fandoms. It's gonna be great. :) But it's also gonna be a little confusing so I will save the rest of that for next time. 

Second, I saw this post on my Instagram, and I thought I'd share it with all of you. I attached it above in the photo section thing so you can see it. Reflecting on it, I had a few thoughts that I thought were super important for creators of all kinds, especially those who work with fan fiction, should remember. 

I think that I had felt that my work was not good enough, especially when I first started this account and now as I've made more accounts for other fandoms, where I don't think that my stories can compete with others. It felt like I needed a magic touch, a way with works that could draw people In, that I did not have. I mean, I have about 64 thousand reads on this story, so I can't be doing that bad. XD But that was how I felt, and sometimes do feel when starting up a new story or diving into a new fandom. 

It's a sucky feeling, but in reality, most people in this fandom really enjoy just reading and seeing what masterpieces we come up with. And I think that is something that really makes me happy.

I want anyone who is reading this who is a creator in any shape or form or who wants to be one, that your work is appreciated and/or will be appreciated.

If any of you have any pieces (art, stories, etc.)  that you want me to read or look at, I will gladly take a look. :))

Just wanted to let you all know that you're special, and that all of our work is important, no matter how much experience we have.

Thank you all for reading this long ass note, and I will see you in the next update. 

Well, not physically see- you know what, I'm just going to go. XD

Have a great day. 

-M <3

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