Somebody I Used to Know

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A/N: Okay, tbh.... this is more of a Steve x Reader piece... BUT I actually really liked how this turned out. And I haven't written Steve before, but hey; maybe I will in the future! :) Hope you like it. :)


WARNINGS: idk, Bucky being an asshole, some sexual themes mentioned briefly, angst alert,


Now and then I think of when we were together

Like when you said you felt so happy you could die

Told myself that you were right for me

But felt so lonely in your company

But that was love and it's an ache I still remember.


I sat silently on the couch after work, staring at the note on the table addressed to me, stating that Bucky was out with friends and that I shouldn't wait for him to come home. The anniversary cake that I had purchased had been placed right next to the paper.

Tears pricked at my eyes, but I willed them away as I pulled out my phone. After a few moments of silence, I put the phone up to my ear, the dial tone ringing in my ear.


"Hey Steve. Is Bucky with you?" My voice broke, but I tried to cough to cover it up.

"No, he's not." I could almost see the frown forming on his face. "Is something wrong, Y/N?"

"He..." I let out a deep sigh as I closed my eyes and leaned back against the couch. "He missed our anniversary... again."

Most people would think it was silly for me to allow this to happen again. But Bucky Barnes had a way to regain my favor that I could never resist. His sparkling blue eyes pleaded me to forgive him, to come into his strong arms and allow him to take me to bed. He would be gentle and caring, kissing me passionately and loving me like I knew I deserved.

We would fall back in love with each other for the next few days... before everything began to slip away again, like sand falling through my fingers. It was a routine cycle, one that absolutely crushed me and one that Bucky barely noticed.

"Oh Y/N." Steve's voice sighed through the phone. "I'm so sorry."

"I can't keep doing this." The tears began to fall down my cheeks, and my bottom lip trembled slightly. "I love him, Steve, but I can't keep letting him break my heart like this."

"Do you want me to come over? I can bring some food and we can watch a few movies. "

"I appreciate the offer, Steve, but-"

Behind me, I could hear the door startle, someone trying to jam the key into the hole. I sighed as I knew who it was.

"He's home. I have to go deal with this. Talk to you later?"

"Of course. Call me whenever you need me, doll." His voice was filled with sympathy, and I pressed 'end', before Bucky finally opened the door and stumbled in. His eyes were filled with laughter, but faded slightly as they landed on me.

"I thought I told you that you didn't need to wait up for me."

"I'm aware." My voice was tight, and I fought back my tears as I stood up. "But we need to talk, so I suggest you take a seat."


You can get addicted to a certain kind of sadness

Like resignation to the end, always the end

Bucky Barnes imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now