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The bell rang, signalling the end of school and the beginning of Seungmin's first detention.

He slowly made his way to the detention room, a small, dark room, with one window and that constantly smelled like wet towels and a grandmothers closet; along the far end of room, posters, diagrams and detailed drawings of all kinds lined the wall, along with a large 'GEOLOGY ROCKS' banner hanging across the top.

Towards the front of the classroom a large blackboard was hung from the wall and Seungmin knew this room must be old considering every other classroom had interactive whiteboards and projectors.

On the board was the word 'Detention' and underneath was a set of rules chalked out in large bold letters:

No Talking.
No Eating.
No Cellphones.
No Laptops.
No Electronic Devices.
No Reading.
No Sleeping.

You must stay seated for the full hour.
You get one toilet break.
You may revise for any upcoming exams.

Seungmin walked to one of the desks, dumping his bag on the ground next to him and letting out a loud groan as he sat down, placing his head on the desk.

Not long after, the supervising teacher waltzed in and rather harshly placed his belongings on the desk.

"Head up kid!" He yelled, making Seungmin jolt and apologise.

"You're new."

"Name?" He asked.


"Last name thickhead."

"K-Kim sir, sorry sir!"

"Don't stutter Kim, it's not proper!" He yelled once more.

It was obvious why this teacher took most of the detentions, he was old, grumpy, very harsh and about as blunt as a rubber chicken trying to cut steak.

He probably went to school in the 'my-teachers-use-canes-on-everyone-for-no-reason' era, he seemed like the type that would sign a petition to bring canes back into schools. He reminded Seungmin of a real life Argus Filtch, just without the long hair and scary cat.

"Hwang you're late. Hurry up and sit down!" The teacher yelled, snapping Seungmin out of his thoughts.

Out of all the old, creaky desks in the room Hyunjin had to sit in the one right next to Seungmin.

"You're in my seat if you're wondering why I'm here."

'He's a mind reader as well as a dickhead.' "Don't see your name on it."

"Well I carved that dick in the corner there with a pair of scissors and if you feel it there's a heap of gum stuck under the desk to make the letter 'H'. You know for Hyunjin or Hwang or Hottie or-"

"Heap of shit? Can't you sit somewhere else?" Questioned Seungmin, trying not to gain the attention of the old man half asleep on his desk.

"Don't be so rude snitch, its your fault were here," Hyunjin replied.

"Again its not my fault," Seungmin said rather calmly, attempting to control his anger bubbling up.

Seungmin was generally a nice person, he was never intentionally rude to anyone and stuck to himself or his friends Jeongin, Felix and Jisung.

Hyunjin on the other hand really lit a match for the burning hatred Seungmin held for him. He was constantly calling him a snitch and picking on him for the smallest of things.

"If you hadn't followed me I wouldn't be here," Hyunjin muttered.

"If you hadn't have ditched in the first place I wouldn't be here."

"Why were you following me anyway?"

"I was trying to make you do the right thing for once in your life but I guess with someone as small a mind as yours you'd have difficulty making toast!" He spat.

"Sorry I'm not a goody two shoes who listens all the time like a fucking nerd," Hyunjin hissed, getting agitated.

"Excuse me! I am not a nerd nor am I a goody two shoes, I just like following the rules!"

"I just like following the rules! Such a snitch," Hyunjin mocked in a babyish tone.

"I. Am not. A snitch!" Seungmin shouted, standing up so harshly his chair fell backwards onto the floor.

"Kim! Hwang! Detention for the rest of the week now shut it!" The teacher yelled.

With visible steam coming out his ears, Seungmin picked up his bag and walked to the other side of the classroom while hyunjin crossed his arms and kicked his feet up onto the table.

'When does this damn detention end.'

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