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To anyone that read chapter nine: I'm sorry!!! I accidentally uploaded it so it wouldn't have made much sense!

This chapter kind of doesn't progress the plot but anyway, the next chapter does progress the plot but It doesn't seem like it during the chapter lmao


hot not thot 🎅

Out of detention ;-;
You guys already at G's?

Innie 😸
Yah I am

Lix 🍑
I'm about to leave but I can meet you at the school and we can go to your place, grab your shit and walk to his yeah?

Okay cool, ty ty 💙

Jiji 👻
Hurry b4 we eat all the snacks

You won't

Jiji 👻
Nah we won't

Seungmin shut off his phone as he saw Felix coming towards him.

"How was it?" He asked, preparing for a mini rant or something.

"Weird, I never thought The Hwang Hyunjin was capable of saying sorry," replied Seungmin.

"He what? Did you hear wrong or something?" Felix asked, shrugging his bag back onto his shoulders.

"No I didn't, he literally said sorry."

"Wow, what has the world become."

"He also said Changbin thinks your cute."

"WHAT?!" He screamed, whipping his head to look at his friend.

"How did- why- what?!"

Seungmin chuckled as he opened the front door to his home, luckily he didn't live too far from school so there wasn't much walking to do.

"Mum I'm home! Felix is here too but we'll be leaving soon," he shouted, hoping his mother would hear him.

He jumped up the stairs two at a time and ran into his room, shoving some clothes into the nearest bag and changing out of his uniform. He grabbed his wallet and bag and walked out of his bedroom and down the stairs.

"Bye ma! Have a good weekend," he said kissing her on the cheek as he and Felix walked out the door.

Fortunately, Felix, Seungmin and Jisung all lived within close walking distance to the school, meaning close walking distance to each other's houses. Most weekends were spent at someone's house playing games or just sitting around on their phones.

Around five minutes later the two arrived at Jisung's house, his parents had gone to visit family for the weekend so Jisung had the house to himself. Obviously he got permission from his parents to have his friends over since he wasn't entirely a rebel but they didn't have a curfew and could stay out until two in the morning or throw a party.

Who were they kidding? They were going to play games and sit around eating junk all night.

"Were here thots!" Felix called out inviting himself into the house.

detention [h.hj x k.sm]Where stories live. Discover now