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"Shit!" Jeongin yelled jumping up from his place on the floor.


"Shut up its like early."

"Why are you shouting mister fish head?" Felix asked concerned, still dreaming.

"Seungmin what time did you say we'd meet Chan?" He questioned grabbing a few things from his bag.

"Like eleven-thirty or something, why?" Seungmin replied, yawning as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

"Because its quarter past eleven!"

"He's gonna think we ditched him or something if we're late get up!"

"We have to walk too we don't have any way of getting there and its like 15 minutes away hurry up!" He shouted, running out of the room to get changed.

The three juniors groaned as they slowly got up, grabbing there clothes and spreading to different parts of the upstairs to get changed.

A few minutes later, a wide eyed and frantic Jeongin was dragging three half asleep and groaning teens from the house as he pulled out his phone.

Channiee 💌

Good night!
Don't stay up too late its unhealthy

Hey hyung! Sorry we might be a bit late because we slept in a little and I only just got them out of the house and we have to walk there and ugh! O^O

Its okay, where are you guys??

We just walked past the school why?

Confused, Jeongin put his phone back in his pocket, continuing to herd the others.

A couple of minutes later a car pulled up beside them.

"Get in losers we're going shopping!" Chan yelled as he rolled down the window.

"Hey! That's a mean girls reference!" Jisung shouted excitedly.

"You made one when we first met why couldn't I make one?" Chan grinned, reaching over and opening the passenger door for Jeongin.

"You have a car?" Felix asked clicking his seatbelt in place.

"Yeah, shouldn't you three have cars? Or at least your P's or something," Chan asked as he started driving.

"Don't even have my L's, too lazy" Felix said.

"Too broke to buy my own car and my parents are using the family one," Jisung sighed.

"Not seventeen yet, I still have my L's" Seungmin pouted. (Idk if Americans and Europeans have the same driving system sorry).

"Not old enough yet," Jeongin groaned.

"I wasn't talking about you silly," Chan said, reaching over and patting Jeongin's head softly.

"Oof," Felix whispered.

"Big mood, Felix," Jisung replied.

"You guys are such memes," Seungmin giggled.

A few - very badly sung - songs later and the five boys were getting out of Chan's car and walking inside.

"What do you guys wanna do?" Felix asked.

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