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Jungwoo and Woojin are friends irl and every time I remember that I uwu real hard

"You have to not care about the rules. I'm going to start you off easy okay, I'll give you an example so stay right here and don't move until I tell you to," he said, walking up the driveway of a nearby house.

He looked behind at a confused Seungmin before chuckling and pressing the doorbell at least seven times and knocking rapidly at least thirty times before jumping over the small rose bushes and sprinting down the drive way and past Seungmin who stared at Hyunjin's flailing movements in bewilderment, "move Seungmin," he cackled, running back over and grabbing him by the arm, pulling Seungmin along.

"Why on earth would you do that?" Seungmin gasped, getting his breath back from running so fast.

"You try, go on, you just walk up quietly and ring the doorbell or knock or both and then run off its simple okay," Hyunjin stated as he pushed Seungmin up the pavement towards the next house.

Seungmin took a deep breath, lifting his arm up and knocked, three loud steady knocks. But he forgot what he was supposed to do next, he looked over his shoulder at Hyunjin who was signalling for him to move but before Seungmin could turn around fully the door opened.

"Oh, hello dear how can I help you?" A woman probably mid thirties with a small child planted on her hip, busying itself with sucking on a rather large duplo block opened the door.

Seungmin froze for a moment before pulling his bag around and pulling out one of his school books and a pen, improvising the best that he could as he explained, "hello, I'm starting a erh- a petition to erh- stop stores from selling certain toys to children. Did you know that some toys have been manufactured using *hemp, but sometimes every now and then a leaf gets through the machines and gets cooked into the plastic material causing young infants to get high at such a young age, already starting an addiction."

(*hemp is the stem of marijuana (weed) and its used through a lot of everyday products.)

"Oh my goodness, no I didn't, that's horrible!" The lady exclaimed as she wrestled with her daughter to get the block out of her mouth.

"I sure hope I get the same reactions from the next house I go to because yours was very positive, thank you for your time miss!" Seungmin chuckled as the woman wrote down her name and signature in his book.

Seungmin walked off, biting his lip to prevent himself from laughing as he walked towards Hyunjin, doubled over and wheezing from laughter, tears spilling from his eyes.

"You're right that was fun," Seungmin snorted as he burst into laughter.

The two walked along, coming to a small soccer field, Hyunjin looked over at Seungmin then over to the small metal fence surrounding the large patch of grass, "how are you at jumping fences?" He asked curiously as he threw his backpack over the fence.

"But there's a gate just there?"

"You wanted me to teach you how to break the rules and this is technically breaking a rule. C'mon I'll go first and show you how to do it okay?" Hyunjin coaxed.

He backed up a little, hopping forward as he planted his hands on top of the fence, pushing himself up and letting his legs swing over, gracefully landing on the ground. He turned back and looked at Seungmin whose eyes were sparkling in awe, "wow I wanna do that."

So he backed up, just like Hyunjin did, he hopped forward, just like Hyunjin did, he placed his hands on the top of the metal wires, just like Hyunjin did, he pushed himself up, just like Hyunjin did and he swung his legs over, just like Hyunjin did, except it turned out differently, instead his left foot got caught on the top of the fence, his right leg getting stuck behind it and with the amount of force he used to swing his legs the momentum had caused his torso to go flying forward, sending him face first into the dirt with an elegant thud, legs trailing behind him and hitting the ground.

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