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"Sorry boys, can't go outside today its snowing again. Make your way to the cafeteria please," the teacher chirped.

"I hate this weather," Jeongin grumbled, earning four other agreeing grumbles and head nods from his friends.

The boys made their way into the cafeteria, Seungmin made sure he didn't bump into a teacher since he didn't want an embarrassing repeat of last time. All the tables were occupied leaving three options, sitting with the nosy seniors, loud sophomores with that one kid that sounded like a dolphin or on the floor and considering the amount of rubbish and filth the floor collected they all agreed not to sit there.

Fortunately for Jisung, Minho just happened to be walking by and spotted them, slinging an arm around Jisung's shoulders as he told the group to follow him, directing them to his table of friends. At one end of the table sat Hyunjin, Changbin and Woojin and at the other end sat few others Seungmin recognised as Mark Lee, Donghyuck (two juniors in his class), Baekhyun and Chanyeol but he didn't know the rest.

"Sit," demanded Minho, noticing the four boys standing there awkwardly as he pulled Jisung onto his lap.

Chan and Jeongin sat down beside Woojin, Felix, in between Woojin and Changbin, leaving the only seat for Seungmin in between Hyunjin and Changbin. Minho and Jisung occupied themselves by tangling their fingers together, Jisung leaning back into Minho, both grinning like idiots as they talked about something Seungmin couldn't hear. Felix was too busy burning up from being in such close proximity to Changbin to talk to Seungmin and the others were too far away so he rested his head on the table.

A few minutes later he felt a small prodding on his shoulder, opening his eyes and looked over at Hyunjin who was staring at him mouth open as if he was about to say something, "Are you not going to eat?" He asked kindly.

Seungmin sighed and pouted, "I was in a rush this morning and forgot to grab something."

Hyunjin chuckled before reaching over to his bag, pulling out a packet of salt and vinegar chips (crisps?) And handing it to Seungmin, "you can have these if you want, I don't like them that much," he smiled as Seungmin sat up and took them gratefully, saying thank you as he opened them and ate one.

"Now that the whole school knows that they're dating they're practically showering everyone in their gay," Seungmin overheard Taehyung at the next table, not bothering to keep his voice quiet, if anything he was purposely trying to get them to hear his comment. He was never one to turn away drama and gossip.

Seungmin stood up and turned around, facing the senior as he grew angry, opening his mouth to say something but getting cut off, "we aren't dating, I don't even like him and I'm definitely not fucking gay, that's just- it's gross" Hyunjin growled, shooting up out of his seat.

Seungmin was shocked at how nonchalant his friends had reacted to him saying that, considering one of them currently had a boy seated firmly in his lap, trying to get away and his eyes glassy, only to be told 'I'll explain later'. Seungmin looked around at the faces of onlookers, some furious, some upset, some utterly confused, after all most of the school either had a boyfriend or were publicly known as gay or bisexual.

"The fuck did you just say?" Taehyung spat, standing up in his seat, only to be pulled down by his boyfriend, Jungkook.

"Y-you fucking heard me assh-hole," Hyunjin stammered, receiving at least a hundred stares and an awkward silence laying heavy amongst the students like a thick blanket.

Angrily, Hyunjin climbed over his seat, grabbing his bag and storming out of the cafeteria. After a few short minutes the chatter was back but this time focused on saying nasty things about Hyunjin. Changbin and Minho looked over to Woojin, signalling for him to go after Hyunjin, after all Woojin knew more about Hyunjin's situation than anyone did.

In case anyone gets confused this next part is centered around hyunjin and woojin :)

Woojin nodded and shot up out of his seat, grabbing his bag and walking out of the cafeteria, there's only a few places Hyunjin goes when he gets upset and considering he can't go outside, he's more than likely in the furthest bathroom, no one uses that bathroom because it's so far away and they don't know it's their and really the only people that know about it are Hyunjin and Woojin, Hyunjin found it playing hide seek back when he was a happy freshman and Woojin found it by following a crying Hyunjin, since that day Woojin is the only person Hyunjin feels comfortable enough to talk to about his problems.

Woojin softly opened the bathroom door and walked over to the end stall knocking lightly, "Hyunjinnie it's me," he whispered as he opened the door, eyes falling on Hyunjin sat on the toilet lid, knees up to his chest, arms wound tightly around them as the endless stream of tears flowed from his eyes.

"Has it been happening again?" Woojin asked softly, crouching down in front of Hyunjin who just nodded, not saying a word.

"You should've told me Jinnie. Can I see?" Woojin pouted. Hyunjin shook his head, tears flowing harder as he let out a choked sob.

Woojin nodded in understanding as he stood up, opening his arms as Hyunjin also stood up, wrapping them around the other and hugging him tightly. Woojin rested his chin on Hyunjin's shoulder as Hyunjin buried his head into Woojin's, fists balling his shirt as he cried harder. After a few minutes Hyunjin sobs dwindled into sniffles as he pulled away, smiling at Woojin as he walked over to the sink, turning on the cold water and washing his face.

"Thanks hyung, I- I'm okay now," Hyunjin whispered, his voice hoarse.

Woojin smiled gently as he picked up his bag again and walked out the door, not before stopping and turning around "Its okay if you can't come to class we understand but the teachers won't."

Hyunjin nodded as he watched Woojin walk out the door, as soon as he heard the footsteps growing faint and the awful ringing of the bell he burst back into tears, back hitting the cold tiled wall as he slid down to the ground and remained there, tears still streaming down his cheeks as he pulled at his hair.

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