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I have a biology exam in 2 hours and then I'm on a two week holiday :')

Seungmin woke up the next morning to playful giggles and quiet whispers, he got off the couch and followed the sounds to the kitchen where Jisung was sat on the counter, covered in flour from head to toe, Minho in between his legs, his arms raised above himself and placed on Jisung's shoulders as they whispered sweetly back and forth, the pancakes they were planning to make lie forgotton as the mixture dripped over the side of the bowl and down the counter opposite the pair, "morning," Seungmin yawned, "I'm going to have a shower so you can have one after me to get the flour off."

Seungmin made his way upstairs and grabbed a towel from the linen cupboard and proceeded to make his way to the bathroom. Jisung looked back down at Minho and kissed him on the forehead, earning a playful growl as Minho lifted him up and spun him around, placing Jisung back on the ground in front of him with a kiss to his cheek, "eat some cereal or something and I'll clean up babe," he whispered pushing Jisung lightly towards the counter where the cereal boxes were neatly placed and landing a soft smack on his butt.

After a few short minutes Seungmin returned, even though he slept in his uniform he still managed to have it looking pristine, tie done up neatly and laces done up in a double knot. He ruffled his hand through his hair and made bowl of cereal for himself as Jisung hopped up the stairs, leaving small piles of flour in his wake. Minho emptied the dustpan full of flour into the bin and made his own bowl of cornflakes, "do you think you'll come to the party?"

Seungmin pondered on the thought for a bit, about to say no considering alcohol will most definitely be involved but the words 'you have to not care about the rules' crossed his mind and he changed his answer, "definitely." He absentmindedly smiled, remembering the afternoon before and how it was actually rather fun even if he didn't do anything that rebellious, "thinking about your date with Hyunjin last night?" Minho asked.

Seungmin nodded before realising what he'd said and shaking his head, "no no I wasn't! Wait how did you know I was with Hyunjin? And it wasn't a date, were not gay."

"One, Hyunjin told me that you face planted yesterday afternoon and that raised suspicion so I asked him why he was with you and he told me what you asked him to do, two I know it wasn't but I'm classing it as one and three, that's a blatant lie," Minho chuckled, walking over to a freshly washed Jisung who was skipping down the stairs and hugged him.

Shortly after the three boys left Jisung's house and made their way to school, Minho left his car at the house knowing he'd be back there this afternoon. Jisungs parents had come home Sunday but they left again, like always, leaving jisung home alone for days at a time and Minho did not find that enjoyable. He made a vow to himself to never leave the cute squirrel-like boy alone ever again.

They walked in, Seungmin going to his locker and Minho and Jisung going who knows where to do who knows what because Seungmin did not want to know. After exchanging a few books between his bag and his locker, Seungmin made his way to art where Felix was already waiting at a small table placed outside the room, smiling down at his sketchbook as his pencil moved back and fourth diligently. Upon hearing footsteps Felix shut his book and shut off his phone, looking up to see Seungmin, "Hey!"

"Hi," Seungmin replied a small yawn making itself present as well.

"You can keep drawing you know."

"Nono it's okay, this one kind of private," Felix smiled.

After a while the bell went and the students piled into the classroom. Every Wednesday was free day in art, where they could draw or paint or use any medium to create anything they wanted, so Seungmin pulled out his art book and grabbed the container of watercolour paints, a cup of water and his preferred paint brushes, deciding he'd try to recreate the beautiful scenery from yesterday. He knew that no matter how much trouble he put into the artwork it wouldn't compare to the real thing but he gave it a shot.

"Sorry Miss, I'll be on time next time! Maybe," Jisung said (although mumbling the last part) as he stumbled in the door and over to his friends.

"Where have you been going lately? You're always showing up late for class," Felix chuckled.

"He's probably been sucking Minho's face off," Seungmin butt in, laughing at the horrified expression plastered on Jisung's face.

"Hey! His face isn't the only thing of his I've sucked off!" He said exasperated, causing the other two boys to move down a seat and pretend to throw up.

Classes went smoothly for the rest of the day and Seungmin waltzed into his last detention hopefully forever and sat down slowly counting the seconds until it was over.

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