thirty nine

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How do I fix it?

Well you apologised and that hasn't worked obviously numnuts
Idk I've never fucked up with Jisung so just make him know you're really sorry and that you do actually like him and say your shitty rumour excuse

Why are you and Woojin the only ones that don't hate me right now :(

Woojin can see through your bullshit and I'm not stubborn like Changbin or biased towards either of you so I actually listened to what you had to say.
That doesn't mean I'm not mad at you bc I am that was a shitty thing to do bc you knew what'd happen if you said that so really its your own fault but I want Jisung to win so hurry up and fix it


Yeah we made a bet on when you two would get together

Wow what a great friend you are

Sorry do you not want my help to fix your own damn mistakes
Thats what I thought bitch
Now get your dirty ass up and do something bc I'm unsubscribing from your life until you fix it

But how do I fix it?
Bro don't do this to me

So its been a day since I said thank you for 4k and now I have 5k reads and I'm so emotional snsndne I feel like I should do something special but idk what. Thank you for 5k reads I love y'all a lot :')

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