thirty four

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"Why'd you tell Jisung but not us Minnie?" Felix asked, shoving his hands in the pocket of his jumper. Seungmin could feel the guilt pouring into him and filling him up as he bit his lip anxiously, looking over at his two friends trying to find a reason why he didn't tell them, "I'm really sorry, it was a spare of the moment thing and Ji's had experience with relationship ship stuff and I just really panicked. Plus we didn't want it getting back to Taehyung you know with all the stuff he's been doing," his voice was laced with sadness and his lips upturned into a pout as they strode down the path towards the nearest convenience store, the almost silent scuffing of their sneakers against the concrete path being the only noise until Jeongin spoke up, "do you like Hyunjinnie?"

Seungmin's eyes lit up at the mention of the name, his pout turning into a smile as he looked towards the ground, voice a quiet whisper as he replied, "yeah I do, I really like him and I think he might like me back," it was Felix's turn to speak up, eyes wide with happiness, "how do you know?" Seungmin giggled to himself before he replied timidly, excitement making itself present through his words as he spoke, "we've kissed like a gajillion times, well we've only like properly kissed twice but oh my god his lips are so soft and he tastes so I dunno pretty, that probably doesn't makes sense but yeah," he grinned, looking over at his friends.

"Ew we didn't need to know!"

"I know what you mean! Chan tastes pretty as well!"

"Jeongin you're a child you shouldn't be kissing yet!"

"I'm sixteen!"


The three friends laughed as they stepped into the store, grabbing a shopping basket and going to the bakery aisle taking two packs of four chocolate chip muffins and a pack of cookies and cream cupcakes. "What else do we want?" Felix asked as he pulled out Minho's card with a wink. Jeongin disappeared for a few seconds and came running back a bottle of apple juice in one hand and two bottles of cola in the other. They went through every aisle trying to find more snacks to blow Minho's money on, soon the ended up with an over flowing basket of multiple sour candies, a few bags of chips and roughly five different blocks of chocolate, they waltzed up to the counter, sure they'd used up all of Minho's money when they noticed Taehyung standing behind the counter, phone in hand as his tongue pressed against the inside of his cheek, a smirk plastered over his face.

"Excuse me can you do your job?" Seungmin scowled after they'd been standing there for a few minutes while Taehyung typed away on his phone. He put it in his back pocket, eyes rolling as he started scanning their items, "now now, no need to be feisty Kim," he spat cockily, hissing out the boys last name as if it was venom on his tongue, "your total comes to thirty five dollars and forty cents, you sure you kids can afford that?" He grinned mischievously, cocking his head to the side with a click of his tongue.

Felix pulled the card out of his pocket and handed it to Seungmin, too intimidated to talk to the senior. Seungmin was about to tap the card when a thought crossed his mind, "actually I'm not sure could you check my balance please," he feigned a smile as he stuck the card in the machine and entered the pin, Taehyung's eyes widened as he turned the small screen around, Jeongin letting out a loud 'holy fucking shit' followed by a snort as he turned around and covered his mouth as to not burst into cackles in the middle of the store. Felix's eyes widened to something equivalent to the size of the moon as his mouth unhinged itself from his jaw and dropped to the ground, a smug smile made its way onto Seungmin's face as he tried to keep his composure, "I think we can afford it thanks," he smiled, pulling the card out and paying by paywave as he picked up his shopping bags and walked out, Felix and Jeongin in tow still trying to keep themselves together.

"How did you know that would work?" Jeongin wheezed, as they hurried back to Jisung's, "Honestly I didn't think it would but we know one thing now." Felix looked at him confusedly "what's that?" The three of them burst into hysterics, tears falling out of their eyes after Seungmin wheezed out,

"Jisung got himself a sugar daddy."

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