twenty three

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Thank you for 2k reads on here and 4.5k reads on alphabet 💙🤗

Seungmin ran home once he got out of the school gates, face red, heart pounding and mind going fifty thousand miles a minute, he was perplexed, was it bad he kissed back? Was it even worse that he enjoyed it and that he got upset when they got interrupted? How far would they have gone? Does this all mean he likes Hyunjin? He didn't know, he simply couldn't find a plausible explanation as he searched every crevice, nook and cranny of his brain and it overwhelmed him, he definitely enjoyed the kiss, it was breathtaking, literally and figuratively.

He ran inside his home, his mother greeting him but getting no response as he ran upstairs and slammed his bedroom door shut, dropping his bag on the ground and his phone on the bed, he didn't know how he was feeling but why was it agitating him? He didn't know if it was the fact he'd just kissed someone for the first time and he hadn't meant to, or the fact that Hyunjin seemed embarrassed by it, were they going to pretend like it hadn't happened? Were they not going to be friends anymore? Was Seungmin that much of a horrible kisser that Hyunjin never even wanted to acknowledge him afterwards?

His feelings got the better of him and he burst into tears, he was so emotional, this wasn't usually like him. He covered his hand over his mouth to stop the sobs from reaching his mothers ears, not wanting to burden her with worry. He picked up his phone and a typed out a message to the one person he knew could probably help with feelings.


Jiji 👻

Help me
Alone please
Don't bring Minho

Is this about why you just walked past us earlier?


On my way


Not long after there was a knock at the front door followed by some muffled chatter and footsteps coming up the stairs, there was a soft knock on the door and Jisung opened it slowly, looking at Seungmin, sitting on the bed, eyes red and puffy and bottom lip quivering, "I d-dont know why it's making me so emotional, help," he whispered, voice cracking in the middle of his sentence. Jisung walked over and sat down beside him, placing his hand comfortingly on his friends knee and asking him to explain what had happened.

And that's what Seungmin did, he explained everything from how they got locked in the cupboard to how Hyunjin had gotten a little too 'excited' and finally the kiss. Jisung's eyes softened at the sight of the small smile plastered over Seungmin's face, a few tears rolled down his cheeks as he explained the kiss, leaving out a few details. "First of all Minnie, crying won't help so try to stop yeah?" He said softly, Seungmin nodding in return and rubbing his eyes as Jisung continued, "secondly, did he say he didn't like it?" Seungmin shook his head softly, a few strands of hair falling over his rubbed raw eyes, "then that doesn't mean he didn't like it Minnie, he might've just been embarrassed or worried you didn't like it," Jisung explained, voice still soft, "lastly, did you get that tingly lightheaded feeling and your fingertips go numb and you feel like your stomach's on fire but like happy fire and its making you all warm and fuzzy?" Jisung asked, obviously relating to his own experience. Seungmin nodded again, his sniffles finally stopping. Jisung grinned happily, "I think you like Hyunjin, Minnie," he giggled quietly standing up and hugging his friend before he left quietly, Seungmin still lost in thought.

What was he meant to do now? How was he meant to act now that he 'liked' Hyunjin? After a while he decided he'd do something to take his mind off of everything and what better to do than sleep, he plugged his phone in and got changed into the large pastel blue sweater he woke up in at the party, he never found out whose it was and none of the others said it was theirs when he asked them so he decided to keep it, loving the way it felt.

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