forty seven

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Long awaited last chapter is here :')
Also I'm sorry but when all nine of them are together my crackheadedness just bursts out

Seungmin sighed dejectedly as he slowly made his way to the old detention room, feet trailing further behind with each step, he'd not long finished his first week of detention and now he was right back here, waiting for the teacher (he hoped it wasn't the grumpy old croon that looked like a crow that had aged seventy years in a day). Maybe this detention would be different? After all he wouldn't be alone he'd have his boyfriend. Boyfriend, the word still sounded unfamiliar as it bounced back and forth in his mind, he whispered it quietly, his cheeks tinging pink and his eyes scrunching up in delight as he whispered it a few more times, the unfamiliarity being replaced by the warm fuzzy feeling of that happy flame that tickled the insides of his stomach.

He felt the aforementioned flame die down and become replaced with embarrassment when he felt a pair of arms snake around his waist and a chin placing itself on his shoulder, Hyunjin's warmth breath tickled his neck as he smugly whispered, "someone's happy."

Seungmin turned around in the boys arms and wrapped his own around Hyunjin's neck, placing a gentle kiss on his cheek before resting his head in the crevice where his neck met his shoulder. "Shut up," he huffed happily, burying his head further into the warmth with a smile when he heard Hyunjin's quiet snickering.

A voice behind them cleared its gravely throat, a disgusting crack of phlegm being the sound to pull the boys apart and stare at the teacher, Seungmin's wish didn't come true because the old man was stood behind them, a snarl of impatience present in his voice as he unlocked the classroom and shooed the boys in, repeating his usual chorus of rules and regulations that neither teen paid any attention to as they sat down and threw their bags down beside them, their hands immediately finding each other and interlocking tightly under the desk.

A very slow hour later filled with hushed giggles about the small pool of dribble situated under the mouth of the old teacher (obviously passed out from a tiring day of dealing with high schoolers); a cute compliment war that left one another flushed and smiling brightly; and a few sneaky kisses to the cheek and one 'accidental' one on the corner of Seungmin's lips by Hyunjin who did it solely for the priceless reaction of Seungmin's ears flushing a deep red and him gently hitting Hyunjin while he buried his face into the latter's neck; and the two of them fled the school grounds like there was a pack of wild hellhounds chasing after them.

They walked in the direction of Seungmin's house, he'd already made arrangements with his mother to let Hyunjin stay for a while. She confirmed her feeling from a few weeks back that there was some sort of unhealthy environment that the boy lived in or else Seungmin would not have bursted into her bedroom at eleven at night and stood his ground demanding that Hyunjin stay at least until the school year ended, the other boy sheepishly standing behind him and fussing over being a burden, earning him an 'angry glare' which really looked like an adorable puppy pouting, from Seungmin who stormed over to him and unashamedly kissed him on the cheek (Hyunjin burning a deep red) and told him, "Jinnie what did I say about you never being a burden? I'd throw myself into a pit of fire for you." Seungmin's mother agreed on him staying, simply because she was half asleep and wasn't really listening to what her son was saying and instead thinking about how long it would be until she passed out from exhaustion. She didn't mind though, she would do anything to make her children happy.

"What do you want for dinner bub?" Hyunjin turned to Seungmin, slipping his hand into the smaller boys palm and bringing the back of his hand to his lips to place a gentle kiss to it. Seungmin's cheeks became dusted with a pink hue, his eyes crinkling as he whispered, "you're so cheesy." He thought for a moment, mainly about chicken, and opened his mouth to reply when his phone started vibrating from his pocket. He whipped it out and swiped on the answer call button, Jisung shouting at the background noise to subside as he greeted Seungmin;

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