twenty two

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Detention came around and Seungmin's nose was still stinging but the throbbing and swelling died down a little and the bleeding had ceased. He walked into the detention room, Hyunjin leaning against a desk at the front and a small lady probably in her early twenties sat in the chair behind the teachers desk, too engrossed in whatever was on her laptop "Miss he's here can we have the keys and go now please?"

"Yeah just remember to be back here by the end of the hour so I can mark you off again," she sighed as she handed Hyunjin the keys. The two walked out of the room, down the hall and into the cafeteria and dumped their bags down next to each other on the floor, "shit I didn't know you bled that much, I'm sorry," Hyunjin whispered, the reason why he wasn't sure, when he saw the large pool of blood on the floor, a small trail leading over to the entrance of the room.

Seungmin walked over to the cleaning cupboard where the supplies were and unlocked it, placing the keys on a nearby table and walking into the rather small space, looking at all the different solvents, chemicals and cleaning utensils trying to determine what ones they'd need in order to clean. He spotted a nice looking floor cleaner that was labelled as berry scented on the top shelf and he decided on that one, he reached up in hopes to grab it but pushed it further back, climbing onto the shelf but still unable to reach it, he hopped down and stuck his head out the small room, "Hyunjin you're slightly taller than me can you please get this for me?" Hyunjin waltzed into the room the door shutting softly behind him, Seungmin squished himself against a shelf so there was enough room for Hyunjin to reach up and grab it. He stood on the bottom shelf and lifted himself up, leaning up to grab the bottle, he jumped down and handed it to Seungmin and turned to the door, pushing on the door handle and out but the door didn't open. He pushed the handle once more and shook it, rattling the door but not opening it, "stop playing games open the door Hyunjin."

"I can't, honestly I can't did you leave the keys in the lock?"

"No why would I do that?"

"Because when the keys are in the lock the door stays open but when you take them out the door automatically locks when it shuts, didn't I tell you that?"

"No, no you didn't, wait does that mean we're stuck in here?" Seungmin's eyes widened as he pushed Hyunjin to the side and pushed on the door handle as Hyunjin shuffled to the back of the room where there was a little more space and he didn't feel like he was being impaled by a dustpan handle. Seungmin rapidly turned around, coming face to face with Hyunjin and now only just realising how small the room really was considering they had about seven centimetres between each others torsos and there faces were almost pressed together if it weren't for Hyunjin being that tiny bit taller.

Seungmin turned around and tried the handle again, rattling it vigorously but it didn't do much. He turned back around, "my phones out of data can you call someone or something?"

"Yeah but my phones in my pocket and I can't reach it, its too squishy," Hyunjin pouted as he flailed his arms and stomped his feet the best he could, resembling a small child throwing a tantrum. Seungmin reached behind and slipped his hand into Hyunjin's pocket, searching for his phone but receiving a yelp and a flick to the arm, "that's not my pocket!" Yelled a bright red Hyunjin, giving of more heat than what either of them wanted, being stuck in a small, stuffy closet. Seungmin pulled his hand out quickly shouting some apologies as he found the actual pocket and pulled out Hyunjin's phone, and handed it to him.

Hyunjin lifted his arms up so he had room to type his message to Minho (probably the only person that wasn't busy that wouldn't repeat this to anyone) his thumb tapped a bit to far off the side of the screen and sent the phone flying to the ground, because Hyunjin was more squished than Seungmin it was the latter that bent down to get it, he handed it up to Hyunjin, who got flustered at the position they were in and finished his message, telling Minho to 'hurry your damn ass up because I'm dying'.

Twenty minutes had passed of Hyunjin's shallow breathing and flustered red face as Seungmin turned around in the hopes the door had magically unlocked every three minutes, "Seungmin I swear to god stop moving," he whispered lowly.

Seungmin turned around again to face him, confusion written all over his face as he tilted his head to the side, "what do you mean I just want to check to see if the doors unlocked," he replied, turning around for the umpteenth time as Hyunjin let out a whine.

"Seriously Seungmin stop oh my god," Hyunjin wheezed, tears forming in the corners of his eyes.

"Why? I'm only tryi-"

"Because your ass has touched my dick at least like forty times and I'm going to cry from trying not to bust a damn nut if you turn around once more," he groaned.

At that Seungmin turned once more so that his butt wasn't pressed against Hyunjin, "I thought I told you not to turn around?" Hyunjin wheezed exasperatedly, a few small tears leaking from his eyes from the strain of literally trying not to bust a nut as his head dropped and he tried to regulate his breathing and think about something to turn him off. The air in the room had become so hot you could probably steam vegetables and the sexual tension was so thick you could do the '1000 degree knife challenge' to the air and it still wouldn't melt away, both boys were red and flustered, both looking in opposite directions, the awkward silence killing both of them.

(Baby don't stop literally just started playing from my music oof)

"I'd appreciate if this stays between us," Hyunjin whispered as he looked down slightly at Seungmin who just nodded his head in return and brought his eyes to make eye contact with Hyunjin, the two stared at each other for a while, Hyunjin's heavy breaths fanning across Seungmin's lips, Seungmin's eyes momentarily flickered to Hyunjin's lips before looking back to his eyes seeing his thoughts returned when he saw the feeling of desire push it's way through to his pupils as they dilated, Hyunjin's teeth gripped onto his lip as he chewed it with worry, worried in case he was reading the signs wrong as he leant forward and connected their lips together, slotting together like two puzzle pieces.

Seungmin stiffened, simply because he was unsure of what to do and Hyunjin internally panicked, thinking he had misread those little signs and ruined a friendship big time, but his worries were pushed aside when he felt Seungmin kiss back, his hands winding around Hyunjin's waist and Hyunjin's tangling itself in the short hair on the nape of Seungmin's neck, the other finding its way to the small of Seungmin's back and pushed him further into himself (even though they were both already pressed against each other) as his tongue ran across Seungmin's lower lip, silently asking for entrance, Seungmin opened his mouth a little more, Hyunjin's tongue slipping in and wasting no time in exploring every inch, both too caught up in the heat of the moment to care about what they were doing. Until they heard the soft jingle of keys on the other side of the door and broke apart, both blushing furiously.

Hyunjin ran his hand through his hair, brushing the strands from his face as he looked away embarrassed, he didn't know whether to be grateful or disappointed that they were interrupted and now thinking about a wide range of disgusting things to turn himself off again. Seungmin, even though he was filled with his own worries and doubts still looked at Hyunjin and smiled, planting a small kiss on his cheek and turning around, both boys secretly fanning their faces so Minho wouldn't see and get suspicious.

The lock clicked and the handle turned, door swinging open to reveal a grinning Minho, Jisung latched onto his arm. Seungmin forgot completely about detention and what he was meant to do as he walked past the two boys, grabbed his bag and ran out of the large room, leaving the couple confused and Hyunjin muttering a small 'fuck' under his breath. Minho turned to him, smug smile on his face as he poked his chest, "you guys kissed or something didn't you?". Hyunjin flushed an even deeper shade of red before he denied Minho's true accusations "N-no we didn't!"

"Why are you both so red then," Minho giggled as he and Jisung left before Hyunjin could snap an answer back. There were still a few minutes left before detention was meant to end so Hyunjin quickly got to work, not wanting Seungmin to get in trouble for them not cleaning up what they were meant to. After he'd cleaned it all and the floor was sparkling clean he grabbed his bag and made his way to the detention room and walked in, "we finished cleaning but the blood made Seungmin feel sick so he just went to the bathroom," he lied, hoping it would trick her. She nodded and waved her hand, dismissing Hyunjin as he walked out the door and down the hall to the front entrance and made his way home, the kiss being the only positive thing on his mind as he pushed away the negative thoughts.

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