forty one

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Seungmin rolled over in his bed, pulling the covers up further to make it look like he was sleeping so Jisung would leave him alone, the muffled chatter from downstairs was replaced with the front door shutting followed by quick footsteps and the creaking floorboards of the stairs. His bedroom door opened and then closed, the person slowly walking over and sitting on the end of the bed. Seungmin sighed, his voice cracking when he spoke, "Jisung I wanted to be left alone, please go home."

"I'm not Jisung," the person whispered in reply, Seungmin rolled his eyes from his cocoon under the blanket and hissed, "fuck off Hyunjin."


"This is my room get out."


Seungmin's heart felt like it was about to implode, just the thought of his presence was enough to have his eyes watering again. He'll admit that it stung a bit at how quickly Hyunjin had given up but its probably for the best right? He tried to hold his tears back but he failed, he curled up further into a ball, pulling the blanket further over his head to quieten his small sobs until he heard Hyunjin speak up again, a slight smile toying at the corners of his lips but he pushed it away, he was meant to be mad.

"Sunshine don't cry please I'm sorry," he whispered.

"I thought I said to get out of my room."

"I am out of your room. Sunshine I know you're upset with me but I have to talk to you."

"I don't want to talk to you."

"You don't have to, Minnie. But please listen."

After a long silence Hyunjin took it as a sign to talk, "I only said that so Taehyung wouldn't start his shit again. I know it sounded like I meant it but I didn't, sunshine. I was only angry that he said that stuff about you. I promise I was never using you and I'm sorry its taken me this long to apologise. I like you Seungmin, I really do. I just didn't want Taehyung to hurt you but I ended up hurting you instead and I'm so sorry," he whispered quietly, climbing into the bed, wrapping his arms around the younger boy and pulling him closer. "I-I'm still mad at you," he whispered, not making an attempt to move away, "you have every right to be mad at me, you can hate me or never want to see me again but I just wanted you to know that I do like you Minnie, I really, really like you," Hyunjin replied, his breath fanning over Seungmin's neck as the latter sobbed again a little harder this time, he shifted and turned around, grabbing Hyunjin by the shirt and burying his head into his chest, the older winding his arms around him and threading his fingers through his hair, "I'm s-sorry I said you're like your dad, I was ups-set," he cried earning a small kiss on his forehead.

"It hurt a little but not as much as it hurt knowing I hurt you." The two stayed silent for a long time except for Seungmin's soft sniffles, if thoughts could speak then the room would sound like a busy city with everything that was going through Seungmin's mind. He pulled away and looked up at Hyunjin, watery eyes, red cheeks and a small pout painted on his face, "how do I know you're serious," he asked quietly, afraid his voice would crack again. Hyunjin hugged him tighter, lost in thought for a moment until he smiled at the boy, "how about I take you on a date Friday night?"

Seungmin pondered on the thought for a bit before he nodded, "okay but until Friday night I'm still upset with you." Hyunjin chuckled and placed another kiss to his forehead, "so you're upset with me right now?" He asked pretend sadness laced through his voice. "I'm upset with you starting in ten minutes when I kick you out of my house for trespassing."

"Why ten minutes?" He asked genuine confusion written in bold letters across his face.

"I may be mad but I still need affection."

I got sad from all the drama that's why I cleared it up so quick oof sorry

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