thirty two

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Seungmin woke up with a small yawn, eyes prickling with tiredness from how long he'd slept, he shifted around a little, coming to a conclusion that yes, he was wrapped in Hyunjin's arms like a small warm burrito, his eyes formed crescents and his mouth curved up into a smile as he buried his head further into Hyunjin's chest, a raspy chuckle emitting from the latter. Seungmin's faced flushed with embarrassment, he didn't know Hyunjin was awake, and now he'd just obviously snuggled into him, he mentally slapped himself a few times as he pulled his head back and looked up at Hyunjin, who was staring down at the embarrassed boy with a sleepy, lopsided grin on his face. He used his free hand to brush the hair from Seungmin's forehead and plant his lips there, "d'you sleep well?" He asked tiredly, Seungmin nodding his head in response as he yawned again, "how long have you been awake?"

"Not sure but not too long," he yawned in return, the two of them erupting in a match of back and forth yawning before Hyunjin spoke up, "I guess we should get up for school yeah?" Seungmin nodded halfheartedly as he rolled over in Hyunjin's embrace and grabbed his phone from the night stand, eyes widening to the size of large ceiling fans as he noticed they were currently five hours late for school, hissing out a heap of profanities, he jumped up and out of bed in a fleeting panic as a thousand different thoughts rushed through his head at once 'mums going to kill me' 'I've only ever been late a few times and that was for doctors appointments oh shit I'm going to die' 'what do I do its too late to get ready and go to school because it ends in an hour'. He was too busy pacing to notice Hyunjin getting out of the bed and walking over to him, wrapping his arms around him tightly to prevent him from pacing another step, "calm down sunshine it's alright, you won't die. Did you see the message your mum sent its at the top of your notifications."

Seungmin shook his head, flushing red from the embarrassment of voicing his thoughts aloud as he pried himself from Hyunjin's grasp and darted over to his phone, punching in his passcode and opening up the recent message from his mother,

'I know you two were up extremely late so you'll probably be very tired if I wake you up and I wouldn't put you through the torture of going to school on an hour of sleep so don't worry about it, stay home. btw that was my favourite mug you broke last night xx'

Relief flooded Seungmin's body, his tense shoulders relaxing as he dropped the phone to the bed and stretched, joints cracking here and there. His cheeks formed a cute rosy hue when he realised something that made him bite his knuckle to prevent himself from squealing, "you- you called me sunshine!" Hyunjin's eyes opened a little wider as he realised he did in fact call Seungmin sunshine, he turned away shyly, a smile slowly edging itself on his face as he watched Seungmin fan his face from his peripherals.

"If we don't have school can we go back to sleep?" Seungmin asked expectantly. Hyunjin nodded, fist covering his mouth as he yawned and climbed back under the covers, pulling Seungmin back down onto the bed and almost instantly falling asleep, Seungmin smiled fondly at him as he draped his arm over his waist and drifted back to sleep.

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