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"I swear it was a nightmare Felix," Seungmin sighed, telling his friend the story of yesterdays detention as they ate their lunch on a cold metal table out by the art block.

"It sounds horrendous, I don't like him but he's got some cute friends," Felix explained, eyes glossing over as his thoughts trailed to his friend.

Seungmin laughed as he pushed his friend, making him wobble and almost fall off the top of the table.

"I know you like that Changbin guy," Seungmin wiggled his eyebrows.

"What? Do not!"

"Do too!"

"No I don't! Not gay!"

"You just said his friends were cute!"

"Felix talking about Changbin again? Why're we out here it's cold." Jisung questioned as he sat down.

"I hate you guys," Felix huffed earning chuckles from the other two as he continued to eat his apple.

Out of breath and slightly sweaty, Jeongin ran up to their table wheezing.

"Innie, you okay?" Jisung asked handing his water bottle to the younger.

Jeongin nodded, taking a large gulp before handing it back and taking a big breath.

"S-some senior's looking for you Seungmin, he's really angry about what you d-did. Why would you do that by the way I didn't know he did anything to you?" Jeongin said quickly in one exhale.

Seungmin looked at his friends confusedly. Receiving just as confused stares in return.

"What did I do exactly?"

"You drew p-penis's on the guys locker and wrote a heap of mean names like dickhead and and the 'c' word and stuff?" Jeongin said confusedly.

"He's been with me all morning he never did anything? Which senior?" Felix asked.

"I-Im Jaebum."

"Shit! He's scary as fuck! I didn't do that I swear! Why does he think it's me?" Seungmin asked, panic flaring through his body.

"Apparently you wrote your name on a piece of paper and put it through the slit in his locker, now he's looking for you!" Jeongin said exasperated.

"He-He's found you," Jisung stuttered awkwardly.

"Hey kid! The fuck do you think you're doing?" The senior shouted, storming towards the table, a wave of students following him, phones out and most likely recording.

Seungmin jumped up and threw his hands in the air.

"I-I-I swear it wasn't me, I've been with my friend all morning, I only just found out what I apparently did!" Seungmin shouted in fear, pointing to Felix.

The older looked towards Felix, eyes staring daggers into him as he confirmed the witness.

"Was he with you all morning?" He seethed, fists clenching at his sides.

Felix almost gave himself whiplash from how vigorously he nodded.

"Yes! He w-was. He didn't do it I swear on my family's, mine and my cats life!" He squeaked, joining Jeongin and Jisung huddled together at the end of the table.

After a few minutes of silence the senior spoke up again. Obviously more calm but still furious.

"Come with me kid. What's your name, Seungmin right?" He sighed.

Seungmin nodded shakily as he picked up his backpack and followed him.

"I'm sorry about your locker. It wasn't me I swear!" He apologised, scared he might breath in the wrong direction.


They arrived at his locker and Seungmin gasped at the vandalism scribbled across it. He didn't even know how to draw such detailed dicks.

"Mister Kim please tell me you're not hanging around with Mister Hwang, you're picking up on an awful lot of his habits, first truancy now vandalism. What next? Are you going to rebel against the teachers entirely?" The deputy sighed.

"Miss I really didn't do this! I don't know who did but it wasn't me I promise I'm a good student I swear!" Seungmin whined, a few onlookers laughing at him silently.

"I'm sorry Mister Kim but three days of after school detention and you'll be cleaning this today," she said, walking back to her office.

"Three days?! I already have the rest of this week for detention," he groaned dropping his head in shame as he trudged his way to class.

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