twenty one

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It had been a few weeks since the party and neither Hyunjin nor Seungmin spoke about their spooning incident, Taehyung was still relentlessly making snarky comments and witty remarks about the two and it wasn't coming to a stop. Only when he'd made a poster of a badly photoshopped Seungmin and Hyunjin 'kissing' and ran throughout the school, plastering them up along the walls and bellowing his preposterous claims as he stormed past classrooms did Hyunjin get mad.

It was lunch and the nine boys were sitting inside again, Taehyung sat down at his table beside them, back facing the boys as he leant back and not so subtly said "who do you think bottoms out of them? Hyunjin has twink written all over him but Seungmin seems like a cockslut so I'm not sure." Hyunjin shot up, blinded by rage as he grabbed Taehyung by the back of his school shirt and dragged him off the chair, "what the fuck is wrong with you? We're not dating, we're just friends Jesus Christ can your thick fucking head not wrap around the concept of friends?" He shouted earning the attention of surrounding students who whipped out their phones eager for a fight to take place.

Taehyung stood up angrily, smug smile on his face, "What are you going to do? Go running home to daddy and cry? Oh wait you can't because he'll-"

"You shut the fuck up Kim Taehyung, you shut your damn fucking mouth before I-"

"Before you what? Hit me? Go on do it, you're too much of a wimp to hit me," he replied a smug grin washing over his face, happy he'd succeeded in getting a reaction from him.

Hyunjin lifted his fist, rushing forward blinded by rage as his knuckles came into contact with his nose, a sharp hiss resonating throughout the cafeteria as students gasped. Hyunjin blinked confusedly, he'd meant to hit Taehyung so why was Seungmin now standing in front of Taehyung, blood dripping through his fingers and down his wrist and Taehyung standing behind him, laughing to his hearts content, "holy shit Seungmin I'm so sorry are you okay?"

"Kim! Hwang! My office now!" The Principal shouted as she ushered the two out of the cafeteria, blood still seeping into Seungmin's uniform as Hyunjin guiltily followed behind him, hand placed comfortingly in the small of his back. The principal opened the door to her office as the boys filed in and stood warily in the centre of the room as she paced back and fourth across the floor, "I can't believe you two, just because you may not like each other it doesn't mean you have to take physical action, especially on school grounds, could you not have pushed your grudges aside? This a school for crying out loud, you're only here for five and a half hours each day, why can't you stick your head in and complete your studies and do your tomfoolery over the weekend? After school detention today and you'll both be cleaning up the mess Mr Kim has left."

"Miss you don't understand, it wasn't Seungmin I didn't mean to hit hi-"

"Enough Mr Hwang. If you don't clean your act up I'm afraid you will not be able to graduate this year and you'll be forced to stay behind to complete another years worth of schooling and I highly doubt you of all people would enjoy that now get out of my office. Mr Kim please go ask student services for a new uniform, you may have it free of charge," she sighed, dismissing the boys.

"Seungmin I'm so sorry, I honestly didn't see you step in front of him- wait why did you step in front of him?"

"I didn't want you to get in trouble but I didn't think you'd actually hit me but don't worry about it, makes me look cool you know?" He chuckled, nose still bleeding while his hands tried desperately to contain all the blood.

"You should've just let me hit the damn bitch," he growled, Seungmin walking over to the student services window and explaining his situation, reaching out and taking the new school shirt then making their way to the nearest bathroom to clean Seungmin up.

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