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"ProBaBlY woNT uPdaTE"

I'm sick so I've been writing ahead and I'm excited for chapter twelve }:]


Seungmin went home that afternoon and collapsed on the lounge room couch, pulling out his phone and scrolling through Instagram



younghoe and 367 others like this |tenoutta10 - Saturdays are boring someone come hang out?bamfam - Thai? Don't know heryounghoe - I'll come hang out cutie 😍tenoutta10 - go back to ur hoes @bamfam and sure @younghoe 😘

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younghoe and 367 others like this |
tenoutta10 - Saturdays are boring someone come hang out?
bamfam - Thai? Don't know her
younghoe - I'll come hang out cutie 😍
tenoutta10 - go back to ur hoes @bamfam and sure @younghoe 😘



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ja.wang and 1,847 others like this |
k.teahyung - guess who @chimminey and I saw today laughing together and touching and shit ☕☕
view 375 comments...
junglecock - who??
k.teahyung - the kid that said the other one slept with the teachers and then the one that apparently sleeps with teachers, they were v friendly today @junglecock
gingin - maybe they made up that fight thing?
k.teahyung - they're probably dating and just used that argument to cover up or something 🙊🙊 @gingin
junguwu - don't know why they would, the whole schools pretty much gay :0


"Mother fucker!" Seungmin shouted.

"Language!" His mum shouted in return.

'Of course the biggest gossipers at school had to see Hunjin being nice and automatically post about it. It wasn't their business!' he thought to himself as he ran up to his room, slamming the door behind him.

He started a new dm with Hyunjin, getting frustrated at how fast news spreads throughout the school.



Have you seen Taehyung's latest post?

Hello 2 u 2, no I haven't y?

Go look at it

I read through the comments and pretty much the entire school is on board with us 2 dating wtf??

Can't you like talk to him about it or something?

What am I meant to say?
"Hey u no that rumour u made up abt me and seungmin yeah we aren't dating"
He'll think were trying to cover it up bc we've been 'exposed' or some shit

Idfk but I can't talk to him!

Y not??

He's a senior,, I'm a junior
You're closer to him anyway!

We aren't best buds!
His friends r scary!
I'm a yr younger than most people in my grade I'm only a few months older than u!!

Just tell him to take it down or something

No u do it

No way

What r u gonna do then?

I'm going to ignore it



Seungmin placed his phone beside him on the mattress, he flipped over onto his stomach, groaning as he shoved his face in his pillow.

He hoped this would all blow over tomorrow and no one would remember the post. After a few minutes of laying there his phone started ringing.

He rolled onto his side and grabbed his phone swiping to answer Jeongin's call.

"Are you and Hyunjin dating?" He asked softly.

"No, but apparently the whole school thinks we are."

"What do you mean?"

"Taehyung started that rumour and everyone thinks were dating now so I messaged Hyunjin and he said he wouldn't talk to Tae and I said I wouldn't either so I dunno, I hope it blows over," Seungmin groaned.

"But why would Taehyung make that up?" Jeongin asked confusedly.

"Hyunjin said something and I laughed and I guess Jimin and Taehyung saw it," Seungmin said as he put Jeongin on speaker, rolling onto his back.

"That's silly, those group of seniors are really nosy, but every time I walk past the hospitality room Seokjin's food smells really good," Jeongin murmured.

Seungmin hummed in agreement as he closed his eyes tiredly.

"I can tell you're tired so I'm going to hang up," Jeongin chuckled, the soft beeping filling the room to signal the end of the call.

"Goodnight," Seungmin yawned to no one as he let the heavy feeling of sleep overtake him.

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