thirty one

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It was around two in the morning when the boys decided they were hungry, Seungmin crept down the stairs, hand firmly locked with Hyunjin's to 'guide him' as he tried carefully to avoid the stairs that creaked, knowing all too well which ones they were from the countless times he'd snuck down to raid the snacks cupboard. He flicked the light switch, a soft buzzing emanating from it as it warmed up, light filling the small area and even spreading into the lounge room Hyunjin leant against the counter and watched as Seungmin opened cabinets and stuck his head in them, looking at all the different possibilities. He pulled back and turned around to face Hyunjin, grabbing his hand and pulling him forward lightly as he spoke almost inaudibly, "Jinnie pick something I'm too indecisive."

His eyes roamed the assortment of items placed throughout he small cupboard, from the neatly stacked cups of instant ramen to the large sectioned container, each small square filled to the brim with a plethora of different tea leaves and small dried fruits, the sweet aroma infiltrating his nostrils from where he was standing. His eyes lit up as he grabbed a small box from the back of a shelf, pulling it out and excitedly grinning as he turned around to face Seungmin and plead quietly, "please can we have this I haven't had it in so long please please please?"

"You want hot chocolate?" Seungmin asked, his features turning soft as his lips curled up into a fond smile at Hyunjin's excessive nodding and bright eyes, despite the somewhat dim lighting. He walked back over but this time reaching for the cabinet above the counter and grabbing two mugs, his life flashing before his eyes as one of them got caught on the lip of the shelf and he lost his grip on it and watched on, frozen in fear as it tumbled down and hit the tiled flooring, breaking into sharp pieces as the boys jumped around and hissed as if making cat noises would reduce the sound of it smashing onto the floor.

A looming silence filled the house as they listened to the soft rustling of blankets from Seungmin's mothers room followed by a few faint snores, signalling that she hadn't fully woken up to the sound, they silently made eye contact, standing frozen for a few seconds before bursting into giggles hands shooting to their mouths, trying (and failing) to contain the sounds which only made them laugh harder, eventually resorting to the both of them turning away from each other in attempts to calm down.

They cleaned up the mess, grieving over the loss of another dollar store coffee mug as Seungmin tipped the dustpan of small leftover porcelain into the garbage bin, Hyunjin wiped away a few fake tears as he whispered a soft 'rest in pieces' causing them to burst into a fit of giggles once more. They resumed what they were doing prior to the breaking cup after their giggles died down. Hyunjin, making himself at home, jumped up and sat on the bench, legs dangling over the edge as he watched Seungmin bounce to and fro on the pads of his feet, softly humming the tune to a song he wasn't familiar with as he emptied the sachets of powdered chocolate into the fresh mugs and precariously pulled the milk from the door of the fridge, uncapping it an pouring it in the mugs. Obviously he over estimated the circumference of the cup and ended up pouring the milk straight onto the counter, with a very loud sigh he placed the milk back on the counter and dropped his head, the impact of his forehead smacking against the counter making the cutlery drawer rattle, Hyunjin's eyes widened, having not seen the milk incident, and hopped off the counter, worriedly walking over beside the boy just in time to hear him whine "top ten anime betrayals".

That made him erupt into more than giggles this time, he was laughing at his own stupidity and for some unknown reason that made it ten times funnier, so there he was, butt planted on the ground as he tried to quieten his boisterous cackles as Hyunjin hovered above him, hissing at him to be quiet or else he'd wake his mother up, Hyunjin tried again to shut the boy up but to no avail he kept laughing, grasping at his stomach as he wheezed. "Seungmin- stop- laughing- you'll- wake- your- mum- up," he said through gritted teeth, lightly tapping the boys head in between words which only caused his laughter to continue. Hyunjin crouched down, about to do the only thing he knew that would shut the boy up, he placed his hands either side of Seungmin's cheeks and leant in, softly capturing the others lips in his own.

Seungmin stiffened out of shock but it soon melted away as his eyes closed and he wrapped his arms around Hyunjin's neck and kissed back, their lips moving together in sync, the happy, bubbly fire tickling his stomach as his heart pounded against the restraints of his ribcage. They pulled away briefly, oxygen refilling itself in their lungs as their eyes reopened and made contact with each other, wide smiles spreading across each of their faces, Hyunjin's hands still resting on the side of Seungmin's cheeks, they leaned into each other again, this kiss not lasting as long as the other but still having the same finger numbing, head tingling feeling as they figuratively stole each others ability to breath. They broke apart breathless once more and Hyunjin planted a small kiss to to tip of Seungmin's pink flushed nose to both of his peach dusted cheeks then to his forehead and finally back on his lips, mumbling a soft "thank you for everything".

Hyunjin stood up, extending his hand and helping Seungmin up off the floor, the latter not letting go of Hyunjin's hand but interlocking their fingers together as they finished making their drinks and cleaned up the mess, grabbing an unopened packet of cookies and creeping up the stairs again, both still bashful and giddy about the kiss as they laid down again, Seungmin using the excuse "its more convenient" as he sat in between Hyunjin's legs, laptop perched on his lap and back resting against the others chest, his rapidly happy heartbeat bursting through his chest.

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