Chapter 4: A Game Gone Wrong

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Once they got outside, Abby set the bag with the bow and arrows down on the ground next to her. Then wasted no time in telling what was going to go down. "Okay.. Here is what's going to happen.." She grinned. Lisa scrunched up her nose as she heard her sister speaking to her and telling her the rules. Lisa rolled her eyes. She's getting to be so bossy. She thought as she was half blocking out the things that Abby was telling her. She was one who preferred to go with the flow and make things up on the spot.

"Alright..  Get in ready position!"  She called out to her sister.  Lisa stayed standing crossing her arms across her chest.  "Shouldn't you teach me how to use those first?  Before we go after our enemies?"  Abby rolled her eyes.  "You're too young to use these yet.  I'll use these for the game.  But I tell you what?  How about I'll show you how they're used after the game?"  Abby suggested quickly seeing the disappointed look on Lisa's face.  A small smile formed at the thought.  "Okay!  Promise?"  She asked.  Abby sighed.  "Promise!  Now get in position!  They're coming!"  Abby said again. 

Once Lisa was at the ready and on guard . Abby began to fling some arrows out in different directions.  Using targets as their fake enemies.  She was careful as Lisa began running after them not to hit her sister.  The two of them went back and forth with the game for quite a while.  Losing track of time.

"Now they're over there!" Lisa yelled. The two of them were crouched up behind the tree as they were pretending to hide from one of their enemies. They had been going at the game now for a good hour. Lisa would point to a target and Abby would aim and shoot. So far they had been lucky with Sara not coming out to check on them, or at least they thought they weren't being kept an eye on. Now and then Sara had looked out the window hearing Lisa's yelling, worried at first that something was wrong. She grew a bit pale at first at seeing her daughter with the bow and arrows gift, tempted to walk out there and taking them away. But they seemed to be having too much fun so she couldn't bring herself to do it. Besides, as she was looking out the window now and then to check on them, she saw that Abby was being careful on her aims and she knew that Abby and Lisa would both know to be careful to not get in the way. She would let them play for now and have their fun, and scorn Abby about her idea later.

Lisa watched as Abby aimed once again, hitting the spot of the target that she pointed, that they were pretending was their enemy. "Yes!" She threw her hand up in fist style in the air as they took down another bad guy. Abby laughed watching her sister. She was enjoying being able to spend time with just the two of them. School work and her friends had kept her busy. But since it was summer, she was going to try and make it a habit again of spending more time with Lisa. As Lisa had watched Abby take down their targets, she gave a small grin to herself suddenly getting an idea.

"I know what we can do next!" Lisa suggested. Abby frowned glancing at her sister. "Let's just stick to this game. Your ideas aren't always the best." Lisa glared crossing her arms across her chest. "But you haven't even heard the idea yet!" She whined. Abby sighed a little. "Alright, what is your idea?" Lisa grinned as she kept her watch on her sister. She had something formed in her mind.  It was risky, but it might be the only way she could get Mick's attention to come back here, so she could ask him, without anyone else being suspicious. If he knew what was going on with her father.  "What if we change it up a bit. I can be the bad guy.." Abby raised her eye at her sister realizing what she was having in mind. "No.. Like I said, it is a bad idea." Lisa scowled. "You wouldn't be aiming the arrow directly at me." She stated. "No!" Abby growled. "That's too dangerous." Lisa sighed. "Fine.."

The two girls got back in their ready stance where they were at before, and they continued the same routine that they had been doing. Lisa grinned after a while suddenly realizing what she could do. "I'm going to go over there so we can pretend like we are ganging up on them." She pointed at the other tree across the yard. Abby raised her eye being slightly leery of her sister's action. Lisa noticed her sister's reaction and scowled. "You never let me do anything I want to do." Lisa began to whine again. "I can hide at the other tree over there and we can pretend like they're walking across that area over there." She pointed to the empty area of grass between the tree they were standing at and the other tree Lisa had pointed at earlier. "They won't see us from either side. I can pretend to be using a gun while you shoot them with your arrows." Abby sighed. "That is still in line of my fire. I don't want to have a chance of any accidents." Abby stated. Lisa sighed.  "Fine, then you can aim where you always have been, and I'll go over there." Abby rolled her eyes. "Fine, just once." Abby mumbled. Lisa rolled her eyes. So bossy. She thought. Sometimes she had missed hanging out with her sister, but she also didn't miss how Abby usually was whenever the two of them played. Because she was older, she thought she always had to be the leader.

Once Lisa made her way over to the other tree to hide, Abby took her same position and ready to aim the bow and arrows at her same target. Lisa grinned to herself. This still can work. "Alright ready?" Abby yelled. Lisa managed to take her spot pretending like she was hiding behind the tree for the bad guys to come. "Ready!" She yelled. Lisa watched as Abby was pretending to be on the lookout for someone and giggled a little. For some reason she found her amusing at times. "They're coming they're coming!" Abby yelled. At that point, Sara grew nervous a moment and glanced out the window. Letting out a small sigh when she realized it was just part of the game the girls were playing, watching them, as now it seemed to be Lisa was pretending to copy her sister with aiming at the bad guys. Sara was a bit on edge these days, but she wasn't sure why. She chuckled as she watched the two of them then went back to what she was doing.

Lisa watched waiting for her sister's signal so she could pretend shoot their guy they were trying to capture. Waiting until about three or four rounds later, so Abby wouldn't get suspicious with what she wanted to do. "There!" She heard Abby say and pointed towards the target. Alright, this is it. I just have to time it. Lisa watched closely as her sister took aim, and as soon as she flung the string back to release the arrow, Lisa took that moment to quickly take off at a run.

As Abby was about to release the string to let the arrow go, she realized what Lisa was doing as she started to take off at a run. Her heart began to pound fast. Unfortunately, it was too late for her to stop the arrow, it was already released and Lisa was heading straight towards the arrow's path. Abby turned pale and was nervous. Lisa what the hell are you trying to do! "Lisa look out!" She screamed just as the arrow connected to Lisa's side. Lisa let out a cry of pain as she felt the arrow hit her side, before falling to the ground holding her side where the arrow had hit.

Hearing the scream, Sara quickly looked out the window and gasped at what she had seen. Lisa! She quickly rushed outside as Abby had rushed over and knelt down next to her sister. Lisa had fallen curled up on the ground holding her side. "Lisa what the hell were you trying to do!" Abby growled. Sara had gotten there just to hear Abby say that. "What happened?" She asked quickly grabbing her phone to dial for the ambulance.

Abby suddenly grew nervous, she wasn't supposed to have the bow and arrows set to begin with, and now because of her her sister was injured, and she was going to be in major trouble. "Ow! It hurts it hurts!" Lisa cried. Abby suddenly had tears in her eyes watching. Noticing that as Lisa moved her hand to see the wound that there was some blood. "Lisa I'm sorry!" She squeaked. "Abby go get something that we can use to stop the bleeding till the ambulance arrives." Abby nodded and quickly got up, rushing into the house, grabbing something she thought would work. Then came back outside. "Will this work?" She asked handing her mother a towel. Sara grabbed the towel glancing at the wound, luckily it didn't seem like the arrow had gone in too deep. "I'm sorry.." Abby kept mumbling watching in horror. They were going to have to pull the arrow out which might cause Lisa to bleed more. Sara glanced at Abby. "Call your father to have him meet us at the hospital." Sara snapped. She hadn't really meant to at Abby, she knew it was an accident, but she also knew Abby shouldn't of had those arrows to begin with. I should've taken them away as soon as I saw them. She thought to herself. Sara glanced at Lisa taking a deep breath. "This is going to hurt." She said quietly." She could feel tears coming down her face. She hadn't wanted either of her children to ever get hurt, or ever have to go through what she had.

Lisa let out a cry in pain as Sara pulled out the arrow, then quickly put the towel on the wound pressing down on it to keep the blood from flowing until the ambulance came. Abby couldn't watch anymore. She could feel her own tears falling down her face. But just like her parents, she was stubborn about letting anyone see her show any emotions, or see her weak. She took off at a run. Sara glanced over as she noticed some movement to see Abby taking off across the lawn. "Abby!" Sara called out, worried now about both of her daughters, but Abby didn't stop, she kept running. She knew just who to run to, making her way to Oliver's place.

Once the ambulance came, Sara stepped aside so they could do what they needed to. As soon as they placed Lisa into the ambulance, Sara watched, feeling more worried than when she first saw Lisa. "I'm coming with." Sara said as she heard one of the paramedics ask if she was riding along or not. Sara stepped into the ambulance and sat down where they told her to, just as the ambulance rushed off making their way towards the hospital.

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