Chapter 14: Gaining Understanding

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Since Abby and Lisa were both out with some friends. Sara had the house to herself. For some time to rest, and think. Which she didn't really like. Because thinking lead her to getting into trouble. But she couldn't help but do so. She was worried about what was going on with Leonard. And feared that she was losing him. Sara didn't think she'd ever have to worry about Snart going back in the rogue business.

As Sara's thoughts continued on. And fear crept into her mind about possibly losing her husband. She could feel a bit of her bloodlust starting to spark. For the most part these days, she had it under control. Because she didn't want her daughters ever learning about that time. But when things like this came up. Sara couldn't help that feeling. And she felt the need to fight, get some of the anger out. But she couldn't. She couldn't go back out on the battlefield again. Because she had her two daughters to raise. She didn't want them growing up without their mother. Which was why when Sara learned she was pregnant with Abby. She decided it was a good time to step down as captain. And pass it over to professor Stein. But there were still those times where Sara needed to get out. Work off her rage. However, when she felt it slipping. She managed to keep under control. Lately she found it harder to do so. For usually it was Leonard who could bring her back, when she got in that state.

Since Sara could feel her mind wandering, and bloodlust kick in. Sara had kept her mind occupied by starting to clean. As she usually did. It helped distract her. As Sara started dusting however, she came across a picture on the shelf. Of her and Leo's wedding day. She glanced at the photo as she picked it up. So she could dust the spot on the shelf. She set the rag down. Letting her hand rest on the photo. Staring at Snart's image. She hadn't realized she allowed a tear to fall down. There had been a few times that Sara wanted to break down. But she couldn't with Abby and Lisa. She had always been pinned as the strong one. And she needed to keep that image up for her daughters.

Sara had been so intent staring at the photo. She didn't hear anybody come in. Where usually she was on guard. Especially if something or someone was out of place. As Sara felt a gentle hand on her shoulder. She gasped, dropping the photo on the floor and spinning around. Ready for an attack. Leonard quickly backed up, seeing he had caught Sara off guard. Holding his hands up. "Hey.. It's just me.. Sara.." He said quietly. Seeing Sara's reaction, worried Snart a bit. Usually, Sara knew it was him, and she had never been startled by him before.

"It's just me.." He said calmly again when he noticed Sara wasn't loosening up. Leo's expression became more worried. He knew that look before. It was something he saw when they were in Russia. And Sara was focused on needing to kill the professor. Under Rip's orders. But he'd managed to pull her out, and snapped her out of it. Leo knew he was going to have to tread the waters carefully as he approached her in this state.

"And how the hell do I know it's you?" She whispered, feeling a tear falling down her face. Which surprised Snart. He had never seen Sara cry. Except for on the news she heard of Laurel dying.

Leonard took a deep breath. "Look... I am not sure why. But I feel that something has been off with me lately." He began quickly. "It could be the fact that I survived an explosion I shouldn't have. But that was a while ago now. Before Abby was born. So I don't think that should affect me anymore. I've been trying to do some research on it. I am sorry that I haven't been around here as much. And I know I should be. And I'm sorry I didn't tell you about anything." Leonard slowly took a step closer towards his wife, seeing she seemed to soften a bit. "I didn't want to worry you. I'm not sure if it's something to do with the explosion.. Or maybe even still some effects when I was brainwashed by Vandal Savage. Or it could possibly be due to last year. With us working on the mission in which we had to alternate a few things to save Abby. But I have been trying to figure this out. And I am going to try and fix this I promise." He began rambling. Hoping Sara wouldn't be mad at him for too long.

Sara kept her eyes on Leo. Feeling tears fall down her face. For the last few months, it felt like Leo wasn't really the Leo she knew. It felt like he was someone else completely different. But the person standing in front of her, was definitely the Leo she had come to learn and love. She watched as Leo took a step towards her. Feeling his hand rest gently on her arm, Sara took a deep breath. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I hadn't meant to keep any secrets from you. And we should've worked on this together, like we always do. As I said, I didn't want to worry you." He whispered, pulling Sara close to him. He was hoping that he hadn't done too much damage between the two of them. Between him acting strange, and keeping the secret from Sara. Keeping a bit of distance from her so he could figure this all out on his own. He still had to get used to the fact that he was married now, with kids. And he didn't have to do everything on his own anymore. He had Sara to help him.

Sara glanced down a moment as Leo rested a gentle hand on her arm. Then looked back up at him. "You should know me by now Leo. I can read people well.. And I can tell when something is off. Lisa thought so too.. When she saw you robbing that bank a few weeks or so back. And Mick pointed out a few things as well. I've tried asking you about it a few times. But you shrugged it off. Told me things were fine. But clearly they're not." Leonard narrowed his eyes a bit. He remembered a lot of his talks where Sara was concerned. And he didn't have any recollection at all. Of Sara ever asking him if things were okay. Nor did he remember ever robbing a bank. He didn't do that anymore. But he let Sara continue on with what she wanted to say. "I'm glad you finally told me what was going on. And from now on.. We're sticking together. We're doing this together.. I am your wife.. After all.. In case you have forgotten." Sara whispered the last part. She was afraid of losing Leo. With everything that was going on these last few months. She felt like they were slipping. Every time Sara asked if he was okay. Leonard had ignored her. It was like he had closed off from her again. And he was the same person she met when she first got on that time ship.

Leonard let his arms slip around Sara. Leaning forward to give Sara a kiss on the forehead. "I haven't forgotten Sara." He whispered. "I can't.. And won't ever forget that. I hope you know that." Sara took a deep breath looking into his eyes as he spoke those words. "I love you Leo. And I don't want to lose you." Her voice was still a whisper. Leonard pulled Sara closer to him, her head rested against his chest as he hugged her tight. He closed his eyes taking a deep breath at those words. He couldn't lose her either. And because of whatever was going on with him. Whatever this was. Was pulling them apart. Leo was determined to figure out what that something was. "I love you too Sara Snart." He smirked at calling her by her full name. "And you won't ever lose me. You can't.." Sara's eyes closed. A small smile forming hearing Leonard whispering her name.

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