Chapter 28: The Results

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Sara took a deep breath.  "Yes..  I do..  It will put my mind at ease, knowing.."  Martin nodded slowly standing up from the cot.  "Even if it isn't this earth's Leo?"  He asked.  Sara bit her lip.  She was hoping as well with the results.  They'd show this baby was really her Snart's.  Then they could at least be on the mends again.  Sara knew this situation would already have their family tainted in some ways.  Even if this child was actually her husband's.  But the knowing would still make her feel somewhat better.  And if it was really her Leo's.  Then she hoped that would get him to come back home.  If she didn't do the tests.  Sara would always have the small inkling that it really wasn't her Leo's.  Those second thoughts.  That it was his doppleganger's.  And she hated the guessing.  She hated that thought it wasn't his.  At least with the test, they'd know for sure.  Put her mind at ease.  And if it wasn't her Leo's.  Then Sara would figure out a way to move on alone with her two daughters.  Even if she didn't like it.  But if this child wasn't hers and Leo's.  She already knew her husband wouldn't stay.  After all, he already left.  Or so Sara thought.  Leo had gone away to have some time to think.  But to her, it meant he wasn't coming back.

"Alright..  I have a few things to set up in the medbay.  For this to work.  Why don't you stay here and rest for a few minutes."  Martin watched Sara closely.  He'd been worried about her these last few months, being pregnant and worried about her daughters and Leo.  "I should go check on my daughters.  They're playing cards in their room."  Martin lifted his hand and gave it a wave to wave Sara's thought off.  "Nate is with the girls.  They'll be fine.  You wait here.  Captain's orders."  Martin smirked before taking his exit from his room to head towards the medbay.

Sara rolled her eyes but couldn't help smirking at Stein's words.  She hated to admit it but Sara did feel a bit tired.  So she laid down on the cot and closed her eyes to rest while Martin went to get things set up.  The rest only lasted a few minutes however, before she suddenly felt some pain shooting through.  Sara gasped jolting herself upright.  Her hand rested on her stomach, and leaned forward slightly.  She could feel her breathing pick up as thoughts of worry pulled through her mind.  As the pain seemed to continue, Sara let out a small cry.  Taking a few deep breaths, she pulled herself over so she could stand up and start to head towards the medbay.  But as she did so, she could feel a spell of dizziness hit her.  Her hand gripped the ledge of the cot.  Closing her eyes hoping the moment would pass.

As Sara was trying to get the feeling and pain to pass, Ray was making his way down the hall.  He stopped when he noticed Sara in Stein's room, noticing her expression, worry spread over his face.  He turned so he was standing just inside the room by the doorway.  "Sara..  Hey.."  Sara opened her eyes but the dizziness wasn't going away.  Her hand was still placed over her stomach.  And Ray could see her face paled a bit.  He took the few strides over to Sara.  Placing a hand on her shoulder looking very concerned for her.  "Sara..  What's wrong?"  He asked.  Sara took a few deep breaths, the dizzy spell seemed to be getting worse and she felt ready to pass out.  "Ray."  She mumbled.  "I think something's wrong."  As she could feel herself slipping into unconsciousness she noticed Ray's words were sounding more like mumblings.  So she didn't understand what he was telling her.  "I'm going to get you to the medbay alright?"  Ray wrapped an arm around Sara.  But as he tried to help her up, her body slumped and Sara's eyes closed as she fell into Ray's arms.

"Sara!  Hey..  Stay with me.."  Ray could feel his heart race worrying something could happen to the baby.  Or even Sara as well.  He knew she was going through a lot of stress.  Ray gritted his teeth as he tried to lift Sara a bit to carry her.  Since nobody was around to help him.  He did what he could to get her to the medbay quickly.

Stein turned his head as he heard footsteps seeing Ray appearing with an unconscious Sara a few moments later.  "Professor."  He muttered.  Martin's eyes grew wide then wasted no time rushing over to help Ray get Sara placed on the chair.  "What happened?"  He asked starting to get Sara looked over.  "Gideon.." He said in a rushed tone.  Stein didn't really need to finish what he wanted her to do.  Gideon prepared to get some scans going on Sara's body right away.  As soon as Ray placed her on the chair with Stein's help.  "I'm not sure..  I was making my way to my own room when I saw her."  Ray explained quickly.

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