Chapter 15: Theorizing

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After Leonard finally confessed a few of his concerns.  And him and Sara got a long talk out the other day.  Sara made her way towards the location of the ship.  Stepping onto the waverider as it was uncloaked for her to enter.  As Sara stepped on to the ship.  She felt strange being back there.  She hadn't been on the ship since before Abby was born.  And in a way, it felt good to be back.  But she didn't ever have any intentions of returning.  Not now that she had her family.

"Hello?  Is anybody here?"  She called out.  "It's good to see you back captain."  Gideons' chipperish voice called out.  A small grin formed on Sara's lips.  "I'm not back Gideon..  And I am not here to take my old place back.  But thank you."  "Sorry captain..  Old habits."  Gideon responded.  "Can you tell me where the team members might be?"  She asked.  "Mister Rory, Palmer, and Heywood are on a mission misses Snart.  Miss Jiwe and miss Tomaz are in their compartments."  Sara raised her eye at the mention of the new names.  "I'm sorry..  Who?"  She asked.  "The newest members of the team misses Snart.  Mister Stein thought he needed some extra help.."  Gideon explained. 

Sara cleared her throat.  "Oh right..  Yes of course."  She responded.  "I've been told of a few things from Mick.  But until the incident with Lisa.  It's been awhile.  And he's been mostly focused on her.  So he didn't mention about the new team members."  Sara stated.  "Mister Stein thought he could use two extra hands.  So when he needed to rescue miss Tomaz.  He brought her onto the ship for her protection.  And she had some powers he thought could come in handy for them.  As for miss Jiwe.  She was part of the Justice Society of America.  The two teams crossed paths.  Having a common enemy.."  She continued explaining.  Getting Sara caught up as much as possible.  "It is nice to talk with you again..  Sara.."  Gideon stated.  Sara managed a small smile.  "It's good to hear from you again too Gideon.  Do you know how long it'll be before the team members might return?"  Sara knew with being on the waverider all that time.  She never knew how long a mission would last.  So she could be waiting awhile.

"I'm not sure.  They've been gone an hour already."  Gideon's voice responded.  Sara looked hesitant.  She knew she shouldn't ask this next question.  It would be too tempting to return for good.  If she got out on that field again.  But since she was there.  And Leonard was at his office working.  Abby and Lisa were once again out with friends since it was a nice summer day.  And though she knew a little of what was going on now that her and Leo talked the other night.  Sara still hated being in the quiet.  Letting her thoughts get in the way.  "Do you think they might need some help?"  "Are you sure that is a good idea captain?"  Gideon asked.  Sara grinned hearing the word captain.  She had missed hearing that.  Even if she did tell Gideon to call her Sara instead.  But if she went back out on the field.  She would also miss her family.  And risk getting hurt, and her daughters not having their mother in the future.  The time masters seemed to be out to get them.  She remembered from Rip that they didn't like him and Miranda together.  It was against the rules.  Time masters falling in love.  And now she and Leo were with each other.  So if she were to go back out, and still be married to Leo.  The time masters wouldn't like that at all. 

Sara let out a sigh hearing Gideon's question.  She needed to focus on the real reason why she was here.  "No..  Most likely not.."  She responded.  "You know we all miss you and mister Snart too.."  Gideon said.  Sara smiled a little.  "We miss you all too.."  Sara commented just as she heard some footsteps approaching the main room of the waverider.  "Sara!"  Ray's voice said in an excited tone.  Sara's smile stayed on her face as she turned around to face the three men.  Mick she saw a lot more than anyone else since he stopped by to visit Leo.  But she hadn't seen Ray since they departed last year after dealing with the time bureau. 

Sara's arms wrapped around Ray as he took a few quick strides over to hug her.  She closed her eyes hugging Ray tight back.  "I've missed you too Ray."  She said quietly.  Before slowly pulling back to look up at him.  Seeing the smile still on Ray's face.  Sara took a sideways glance towards Mick's direction.  As always, he seemed more serious.  And he could tell Sara was here for something important.  Since she hadn't stepped foot on the waverider in a year.

As Ray finally stepped back, Nate stepped forward, extending his hand towards the blonde.  Giving her a smile.  "You must be mister Heywood."  Sara commented before Nate could introduce himself.  Extending her hand to accept his handshake.  Nate cleared his throat.  "Yes..  That is me!  Mick must've told you a lot about me."  He smirked, teasing a bit.  Sara grinned a little.  "Actually, Gideon filled me in.  And I'm glad you could join the team to help out." 

After a moment, Mick cleared his throat.  "I'm assuming you're here for a reason Sara?"  He asked.  Sara took a deep breath and nodded.  "Yes..  I am.."  She glanced at the other two.  Not quite sure she should be speaking about this in front of Nate when they didn't know each other well yet.  Ray knew of the situation a little bit.  That was going on with Leo.  Because he was close friends with Mick.  And one of the few team members, Mick had begun talking to when they thought Leo died in the explosion.  But Sara didn't want to make Nate feel left out when he was already a newer member of the team.

However, it seemed Nate read Sara's thoughts.  He cleared his throat.  "I am going to go check on Amaya.  Let her know we are back."  Sara noticed the small grin from Ray as Nate mentioned Amaya.  Once Nate left, she glanced back at the two of them.  "Leo feels that there's something going on with him.  Something maybe he thinks that could be an effect to surviving the explosion.  He said he's been away because he's been trying to do some research.  Something had been off about him for awhile.  So he wanted to figure it out, see what was going on.  And was hoping he could fix it without telling and getting me worried.  I have tried to mention to him a few things that had happened over time.  And he looked confused at each one.  I think I know what it is that's messing with Leonard's memories.  What if the time bureau is back to their old tricks again?"  She started explaining. 

Mick and Ray kept their eyes on Sara as she started telling them her theory.  Mick narrowed his eyes.  "It could be a possibility.  Even though they knew they weren't.  They did everything they could to sabotage Abby and him.  Thinking they were anachronisms.   Maybe they're pissed that we ousted them and are trying to one up on us."  Mick suggested.

"It does make sense.  We managed to take care of Ava.  But there were quite a few of them.  They could've been instructed to carry on her orders if her plans failed."  Sara added.  "I can see if I can get a hold of where Rip is.  He worked with them before.  Maybe he might have some inside information that could be useful.  Or if nothing else..  He could probably help out in the matter.  Look into the situation."  Sara managed a smile towards the two.  "Thank you..  I appreciate that.  Leo and I will see what we can figure out on our end.  I am meeting him in a little bit at the office so we can look into it more.  Since Abby and Lisa are out with some friends."

Mick managed a grin at the mention of Lisa.  His form of a smile.  The only ones who had ever seen Mick's real true smile was Lisa, Sara and Leo.  "How has she been doing?"  He asked.  "She's been doing a lot better since the incident.  Healing fast and well."  Sara grinned.  "She's a trooper."  Sara still didn't know that Lisa staged the incident to get Mick and the team here.  After seeing her father robbing the bank that day at the park.  She didn't want to tell Sara and worry her then.  So she wanted to contact Mick and tell him her suspicions.  There was no other way of getting a hold of the team.  Since they were away.  None of the members, Lisa noticed, didn't seemed to have phones.  But it had worked.  When Sara called Leo about Lisa.  Leo was able to contact Mick.  Let him know what was going on.  Since him and Lisa were close, Leo knew Mick would want to know in case something happened.

"Is there anything else you wanted us to look into?"  Ray asked when he noticed it had gone quiet between the two.  Sara turned her attention back on Ray, coming out of her thoughts.  Shaking her head in response.  "No..  I think that should be it.  Right now, I think it's better we just look into it.  Before acting on anything.  We need proof.  Once we figure out who or what is behind this.  Then we can start taking action.."  Sara responded.  Ray nodded.  "Alright..  We'll let you know if we find anything out."  He said.  "Thank you..  I should be heading out and get ready to meet Leo." 

"It was nice to see you again Sara."  Ray said.  Sara glanced up at Ray once more as Gideon opened the door for her to exit the waveride.  The smile forming back on her face.  "It was good to see you again too Ray."  She said quietly before stepping off the ship and making her way back home.

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