Chapter 7: Man to Man

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Leo let out a laugh as he heard his partner's question. "Not unless his old pal was up to something." He stated. "Usually when someone starts the conversation out like that, they're really here to talk about something that's bugging them. So what is it Mick? What do you really want to chat about? Why don't you just cut right to the chase?" Mick sighed. He should've known he wouldn't be able to trick his old partner. Leo was always one step ahead. He was too smart at times for his own good.

Most the time, Mick would usually come out and say what he meant. But this was different. The accusation at hand could now effect Leo's family. He didn't want Leo becoming mad at anyone for what he was about to say. So for now, he chose to leave Lisa out of the situation. "Did you pick up on your old habits again?" Mick asked. As Leo heard Mick's words. He could feel a hint of anger surge through him. "Where the hell.. Did you get such a crazy idea from?" Leo growled. His voice sounding like his old cold usual self. He couldn't believe his partner would ask such a question. Especially since he was now a family man. Leo wouldn't do that to Sara. He wouldn't go back to his old habits, put his family in jeopardy. His old life was too dangerous to lead with his kids involved. He wouldn't put his daughters at risk upon his enemies. He was laying low, how he liked it. Leo was getting used to living the quiet life. He wouldn't change it for anything. If he got back into his old habit, his enemies would find him again. His daughters would be placed in danger.

Mick held up his hand to stop Leo from getting too out of control. Which he found odd. As usually Leo was the one who needed to calm Mick down. Since Mick didn't want Lisa getting in trouble, he decided to come up with a different explanation. Before he spoke, he glanced around, making sure nobody was around them, or able to listen in. He then leaned slightly close towards his partners face, staring him straight in the eye. "Because.. I saw you." He said in a quiet, gruff voice. "I watched you exit the building. Does Sara know?"

Leo glared at him. "No!" He responded, almost too quickly. Mick raised his eye. "No, of course she wouldn't know." Leo said as he noticed the reaction. "Whatever you think you saw? It wasn't me. You know me.. I wouldn't put my family at risk. I wouldn't risk losing everything.."

"It sure looked a hell of a lot like you. Unless you have some other evil twin I don't know about. Either that someone was going through a lot of trouble to look like and frame you. And in that case. We need to figure out who and why." Mick responded. As he began listing his other theories.

"You should know by now Mick. Things don't always appear as they seem. My best guess? Your look a like theory to frame could be very much looked into. Not to mention. You're forgetting time travel is possible here now. Somehow. One of my doppelgängers could've ended up on this earth. And in that case? We need to figure out a way to ship them back out of here." Leo commented. "I wouldn't jeopardize what I have with Sara. You know me.. I have two daughters I need thinking about now. I wouldn't put them at risk. I wouldn't do what you're accusing me of doing. Not when their lives would be at stake. They're already at stake as is. With mine and Sara's old enemies still lurking around. Abby was already in the crossfires with those agents. I won't let that happen again to my family." Leo explained.

Mick kept a close watch on his partner. Something didn't add up. He couldn't put his finger on it. Something was different. But Leo seemed very genuine in his speech. After a few moments, Mick let out a small sigh. "You're right. I'm sorry.. I guess the past few months we have had some tough missions. I think the traveling is finally starting to catch up with me. Mess with my mind. I know you wouldn't risk losing your family. Or put them in danger." He said. Mick though, was still very high alert however. Lisa saw Leo. And Mick for some reason. One hundred percent believed Lisa knew something was up. For she had no reason to lie. Especially on things about her father. But for now Mick had to make Leo think he believed him. He would dig into the situation a little more. Without Leo's knowledge. Which he was aware would be rather tricky. As it was hard to trick his partner.

Mick's words took Leo off guard. He expected another round of arguments. Both men could be thick headed, and needed to prove they were right. Leo watched Mick like a hawk. He wasn't sure if the man was bluffing or not. His partner usually didn't give in this easily. Which had Leo curious. Though for now. If Mick chose to let things be. So could he. Leo would just keep a very close watch on both of them. He hated to have to spy on either of them. Especially his daughter. But sometimes things had to be done. Whether he liked to do them or not.

Leo extended his hand slowly out towards his old partner. "Apology accepted." He said. Mick gave a small grin to himself before he extended his hand, accepting the handshake. He gave Leo's hand a few shakes before letting go. "I should be getting back to my team." Mick said as he stood up from his spot on the couch.  Not realizing the words he said. Mick still had to get used of the idea he was now part of the mission. And what he considered his group of enemies before. Were now like one big family. Though he wouldn't admit that out loud to them. They'd let it get to their heads. So Mick kept quiet on that matter.

Leo nodded and stood up shortly after Mick did. "Of course. Make sure not to become a stranger around here. Lisa and Abby miss you. And we would love for you to come for some visits when you're not busy with your missions. You know you're always welcomed here." Leo reminded him.

Mick gave a small grin. His version of a smile. The only person who ever saw his true smile had been Lisa. And on very rare occasions, her sister Abby. "Don't worry. I will make sure to stop by more often." He promised. As Mick left Leo's place after saying goodbye to Lisa and Abby. He already had some plans formed in his mind. He was going to find out exactly what was going on with his partner.

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