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Would you guys want a face reveal of my ugly self or nah?

It was now lunch, I walked alongside Sadie to the cafeteria. She couldn't stop talking about me hanging out with Finn and how excited she was to spend time with Amelia, which was cute.

"I'm coming round straight after school, because if your going at 4, I need to help you get ready." She said, I laughed.

"Sadie it's not that big of a deal, we are just hanging out." I said, she rolled her eyes.

"It is a big deal, you like him. He likes you, so I'm gonna help you get him if it's the last thing I do." She said, then shut up when we approached the table.

We sat down in our normal seats, Noah was eating fries in front of me, so you know I'm gonna steal some. I reached my hand over to his plate and stole 4 of them, he slapped my hand.

"Get off my food you hoe!" He said, stuffing more fries into his mouth.

"Jesus slow down that's disgusting." I grimaced.

"Your disgusting!" He said, stuffing even more fries in that tiny mouth of his.

I just laughed at him, then turned to see Maddie taking selfies, I photobombed her. But then I seen Iris Apatow and Loren Beech walk to our table. Iris put her arm around Finns shoulder and sat near him.

Finn lightly took her arm off him and placed it on the table, I couldn't help but laugh, so I looked away. Sadie looked at me and grinned.

"Don't ignore me now Finnie. Wouldn't you rather be over there with us? The popular ones?" She asked, then looked me up and down. "Rather than Momma Mills?"

"Hate on me all you want but I'm the one with an extra reason to smile when I wake up." I sassed, then pulled out my phone so I didn't have to deal with everything.

"No, your just a slut. What kind of girl has a kid at the age of 15? One that can't keep boys out of her panties. That's who." She said, I felt tears making their way up to the front of my eyes, but I wouldn't let them spill, not in front of her. No way.

"Excuse me, bitch. Don't you ever talk to Millie like that again. It was a drunken mistake, we have all made mistakes before! But out of that mistake she got a gorgeous little girl that loves her, obviously you have never been loved before either. That's why you don't know what it is, you can't show it to anyone else. Nobody loves you so you love yourself and make others feel shit." Sadie said, standing up.

"Yeah, we have all made mistakes. Right Finn? Why don't you tell everybody the guy you used to be in Vancouver?" Iris asked, I looked at him and furrowed my eyebrows.

"Wait- are you some sort of fucking stalker?" Finn asked, standing up too.

"No, but I have my resources." She smirked.

"You know nothing about me." Finn said, angrily.

Right now he wasn't the smiley happy chap he usually is, I haven't seen him look angry yet. But he really does, his hand was balled up in a fist.

"So I don't know that after your father was killed in the war by the Germans-" Iris exposed, the cafeteria gasped.

"Iris, shut your fucking mouth. What did I do wrong to you?" Finn asked, the tears in his eyes were visible if you were looking at him from the side, clearly the mention of his dad affected him.

Iris flicked her blonde hair and walked away with Loren, after about 2 minutes later the people in the cafeteria went back to do what they were doing. Finn was sat looking at the floor, we were all in awkward silence.

"So, Finn. Care to explain what she was talking about?" Sadie asked, raising her eyebrows.

Finn let out a sigh. "Come on, were your friends we deserve to know." Caleb said, Finn nodded.

"Your right." He said, we all began listening. "Okay, well when my dad passed away, killed by the Germans as you heard. I went off the rails and I did things that I shouldn't of done, like drugs and parties and all of that dumb stuff and I was like the big popular guy of the school that cared for nobody because I was lost. I developed anxiety, but I tended not to show it and I was a massive facade. I was just lost and needed help getting on the right track, so then when we moved to LA, I wanted to forget everything and start a new, just like I used to be but clearly the past doesn't go away and it haunts you. And now you all probably hate me and-" Noah cut him off.

"I don't hate you, we all make mistakes." He said, softly.

"Yeah, me neither. I couldn't hate you. Your to sweet." Sadie said also.

"Yeah, me neither. I'm still gonna watch incredibles' 2 with you." I said, he let out a little laugh.

Everyone else said that they don't hate him, I was a little shocked, but who am I to judge, right? I wonder which drugs he did, because he didn't say specifically which ones. I pushed the thought to the back of my head and engaged in convocation with everybody else.

-time skip-

Sadie was now in my room with me, picking out an outfit for me to wear. I don't understand why it was such a big deal. I'm only hanging out with a friend, it's not a date or anything and she's acting like I'm going to meet Queen Elizabeth.

She pulled out some high-waisted, ripped blue jeans with a brown belt and placed them on my bed, then she got a white crop top which had no sleeves and crossed over at the bottom. She put my white lower converse at the bottom of it and pulled out a black bomber jacket.

"You are going to look flawless." She said, pushing me into the bathroom to get changed.

Amelia had the idea in her head that I was going on a date, because she claims this is how the girls act in movies when they're going on dates. I've told her 10 times that I'm just going out with a friend. She doesn't believe me.

After getting changed into the clothes, I got out and Sadie instantly sat me down at my vanity, pulling out my makeup. She did the foundation and the concealer.

"Right you can do the contour because I can't do that." She said, which caused me to laugh.

I put contour on my cheekbones and lightly on my jawline and corners of my forehead. Then blended. Sadie did my eyeshadow a light ombré colour with some nice silver glitter, then my mascara, she did my eyebrows and put a light pink shade of lipstick on me. Then of course some setting spray.

I put my hair half up half down, with a bun in the top half, then curled my bottom half. Sadie insisted in taking selfies with me, of course I accepted, who says no to a selfie? Definitely not me and that's for sure.

Then I heard the doorbell ring, then the door open, then Amelia shouted something that embarrassed the fucking life out of me.

"Mommy your boyfriend is here! I answered the door!" She shouted, Sadie burst out laughing.

I quickly ran down the stairs with Sadie behind me, physically dying. To see Finn who is bright red.

"Amelia he isn't my boyfriend!" I said, she and Sadie rolled their eyes.

"Okay.. go have fun. Finn don't you dare make any move on her or I will break your legs. Okay! Bye now, Amelia and I are going to eat ice cream." Sadie said, pushing us both out of the door, I heard Amelia let out a cheer at the words ice cream.

Now to hang out with Finn. We got in his car, he was wearing some black jeans and a grey sweatshirt with his vans, he looked hot.

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