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You're all gonna have mixed feelings about this chapter but I FORGOT TO UPDATE AGAIN I AM SORRY!

The faces I seen angered me, how did they find out that this is where I'm staying? I walked out of the door and shut it, making sure nobody was outside with me.

"What do you guys want? Can't you just leave me to be happy?" I asked, they laughed.

"No way. You just left us... you didn't say goodbye, you didn't tell us you were moving to Los Angeles, why Wolfhard?" The main one, Nicholas Hamilton said.

"I didn't wanna be a part of this stupid group and I was dumb to ever get myself involved with you guys. I don't wanna be a part of it so please just go." I said, looking at the ground.

"There is no way we're leaving without getting payback on you, so here's the deal. If you do drugs with us one last time, we will leave you alone." Nicholas said, all of the other boys nodded, agreeing.

"I can't, I- I don't wanna." I said, still not making eye contact.

I felt my body being slammed up against the wall of the villa, my head banged against it.

"Listen to me Wolfhard. Nobody says no to me. You're going drugs with us, if you know what's good for you. You know how fast I can fuck up anybody's life." He said, slapping me around the face. "Look at me, Wolfhard."

I hesitantly lifted my eyes up to look at him, I was genuinely scared of Nicholas. I always have been and probably always will be. After seeing everything he does to other people, I wouldn't dare get on his bad side, like I almost am.

"Okay! Okay! I'll do drugs with you one last time." I gave in, he looked at me with a wide grin.

"Good. Meet me at the beach, 9pm." He said, slamming me into the wall one last time. I nodded.

"Excellent." He said, pulling my hair and sending my head flying into the wall again, I let out a little 'ouch.'

They all walked out, following Nicholas like baby ducks following their mom. I sighed before walking back into the villa. Everyone was sat on the table. I put my hand at the back of my head, feeling a wet substance. I gasped before walking upstairs. I heard someone following me but I didn't care.

I locked myself in the bathroom and grabbed some tissue, putting it at the back of my head. When I lifted it off it had blood on it. What have I gotten myself into?

Just as I started getting better, and happier I turn miserable. I don't wanna be miserable anymore. I just wanna be happy but I always find a way to fuck it all up, it's like I see a chance to mess things up and I take it, not knowing the outcome.

Me doing drugs tonight could make Millie break up with me and I don't want that. Everyone else could fall out with me and I don't want that either. I heard a knock on the door.

"Finn, its bubba let me in." I heard Jack say, I opened the door and pulled him in, he looked at me with worry in his eyes.

"I fucked up, Bubba. I fucked up so bad." I said, pacing back and fourth.

"What did you do? What did Nicholas say?" He asked.

"He told me if I don't do drugs with him one last time, then he will fuck my life up well and truly. I agreed to it because I know what he can do, I've seen him fuck people's lives up before. I don't want him hurting any of you and i know that's the first thing he will do." I said, jack frowned.

"I know, too. I'd of done the same thing if I was in your situation. This is the only time I'm allowing you to do this and I'm gonna keep quiet about it, for your sake. Okay? This is my apology." Jack said, I looked up at him while tears welled up in my eyes.

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