I woke up to the sound of rain once again, I was laid in Finns arms, so it was instantly a good day. Today was Friday, Iris was still here, which I didn't mind. I looked up at Finn, his cheeks were slightly blushed and his long eyelashes were lightly grazing over his freckles.
I just laid there and admired his features, no wonder his mum loves him to model. He is beautiful. His whole family is. I shook him lightly, because we had to wake up for school. His eyes opened and instantly met with mine.
"Good morning." He said quietly, half awake.
"Good morning." I replied, pushing myself up so my face was near his. "You look cute when you just wake up."
"You look cute all the time." He said, causing me to blush. "I don't wanna go to school I feel sick."
"Do you? Are you okay?" I asked, he smiled.
"I'm joking, I just don't wanna go." He said, turning around so his arm was wrapped around my waist. "But are you okay?"
"I'm fine." I said, kissing his cheek. "Now come on lazy bones, get ready."
He groaned and sat up. He started to get ready so I walked out of the room to wake Amelia. Iris was already awake because I could hear her getting ready. After waking up Amelia I got her dressed for school.
I walked back in my room to see Finn looking at himself in the mirror, trying to brush his hair, I started laughing. I picked out some clothes and walked into the bathroom to change. When I walked back out I seen Amelia sat on my bed, watching Finn brush his hair, well at least try to brush it. Iris was sat next to her as the both giggled.
"Do you need help?" I asked while laughing.
"Well yeah it would be nice!" He said, smiling too.
I grabbed the brush and brushed it, once it was brushed, his curls were much curlier, but they were cute. After eating breakfast, iris, Amelia and I got in my car and Finn got in his own. When we arrived at school, Iris got a lot of weird looks from people. After all she did just get out of her post enemies car.
It's been this way all week, but Iris was handling it well, she didn't even care that people were staring at her which was strange for her. It was a good strange though. All of our friends were welcoming of Iris. They were sceptical about her at first, but they've warmed up to her.
I also met Finn's new neighbours yesterday, Maggie, Kelsey and Sahar. They're all really kind, I can't help but think Maggie has a little crush on Finn which is growing. It's quite annoying to be honest. She is way prettier than me, they all are.
I haven't told Finn though. Kelsey, Sahar and I have been getting on really well. Especially Kelsey, she is really funny.
Another update, the school dance is next week and I don't have a date yet. I don't think I'm going anyways, if I decide to go, it's a Friday so Amelia is at my mums house so I'm free to go. Sahar told me if she doesn't get a date, and I don't get a date she will go with me. Kelsey I'm pretty sure has a thing for Gaten.
"What is making you think so much this morning?" Finn asked with a little laugh as we walked down the corridor.
"Nothing, I'm just thinking about the school dance. Are you going?" I asked, trying to see if he is going to ask me to go.
"I don't know." He said, I slowly nodded.
We stopped at his locker and I waited for him to get his books out. Once he got them, we parted ways and went to our lessons.
"Mills!" I heard someone call me from behind, I turned around to see Jack. I smiled at him and walked to him.
"Hey, I thought I'd walk with you to science because I actually need to talk to you." He said.
"Okay, go ahead." I said.
He looked around to see if anyone was walking down this corridor, they weren't.
"I like Noah." He blurted out, my eyes went wide and I'm pretty sure my jaw hit the floor. Jack looked down.
"Jack I-I don't know what to tell you. I'm not sure if Noah is gay, or bisexual for that matter. He hasn't told any of us. But who knows." I said, "talk to him and tell him your feelings, that way you're not hiding anything and it will make you feel better."
"What if he finds me weird?" Jack asked, I shook my head.
"No, Noah isn't that type of person. He is really understanding. He will handle it like a real man should." I said, causing Jack to smile a little.
"Thanks Millie." He said.
"You're welcome. Now come on let's go to science." I said with a smile.
We walked to science and sat in our seats. The teacher gave us our work and other things, then we got on with it. The door opened, revealing the principal, he was trying to get someone in the classroom.
"No, I aren't going in there!" I heard a familiar voice groan, Finn.
"Finn, come on. It isn't bad, it will save you from getting in trouble with Mr Clarke. Now if you'd come in the classroom it would be appreciated. If not I will call your mom and have you suspended." The principal said, an annoyed looking Finn walk through the door, rolling his eyes. Jack and I held back our laughs.
"Go sit over there, Finn." Mr Baker said, pointing to the back of the class.
Finn huffed and was about to walk away but the principal didn't let him.
"Change your attitude." He said.
"What attitude?" Finn asked, clearly getting mad. The kids in the class were all letting out little laughs.
"You don't walk into a classroom and huff, Finn. You're disturbing the learning of these students in here." The principal stated.
"No, you're disturbing the learning by making a big deal about a tiny huff you could of ignored." Finn said, again with another eye roll.
"Right you can spend the rest of this lesson up in the isolation. I am not having any child of this school talk to me like that. Now Mr Efron please pick a student to tutor Finn for this lesson." The principal said.
"Hmm... Millie Brown, you can do it." Mr Efron said, I nodded with a smile.
I packed my things up and said bye to Jack, before walking down the corridor with Finn and the principal. We sat on a table and the Principal sat opposite us, to have a talk with Finn.
"So, Finn. What're you planning on studying at college? Are you going to college?" He asked.
"I aren't going." Finn simply said, I looked at him and he smiled at me.
"And you think not going to college is going to get you far in life?" He asked, "what're you going to do?"
"Model." Finn said, the principal rolled his eyes.
"That isn't going to pay a lot. Modelling is stupid, what do you model for?" He asked.
"My moms brand." Finn said.
"Never heard of it, see. You can't get paid that much." He said.
"Oh, hold on. What brand is your shirt, sir?" Finn asked, the principal checked his label.
"Wolfhard something I don't know?" He said, Finn smirked.
"Oh, is that right? Wolfhard... does that name seem familiar to you? You know baring in mind it's my surname and my mom made that shirt, I also modelled that shirt last week and got $200 for it, so thank you." Finn smugly smiled.
The principal nodded in defeat and walked away.
"Savage." I laughed to Finn.
"I know right." Finn laughed back.
He is perfect, oh my life.

Fanfictionfillie, I never thought anybody would love me. I'm 18 years old living alone with a child, but then he came along. He proved me wrong, he loved me and loved my daughter as his own. Highest rank #1 in fillie Ranked #1 in Milliebobbybrown Ranked #1 in...