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I don't know if this needs a trigger warning... but it's kind of bad and sensitive...

Also I said to my friends today that I aren't loosing my virginity until I get married and they're MAKING FUN OF ME I'm just tryna swing on the swing so I'm updating and ignoring them annoying ass people
Sadie and I were currently outside of Jacob's house. We looked at each other before Sadie tried the door, it opened. The front door instantly opened to the living room, where we seen Jacob, he was asleep on the sofa with a can of coke in his hand. Sadie gasped and walked backwards, I grabbed her hand in a friendly, comforting way.

"Just stay quiet." I whispered, she nodded keeping a hold of my hand, but I didn't mind. She was scared and she is my best friend.

"What if he wakes up?" She whispered back.

"Then I beat his ass, come on." I whispered.

We walked into his house, and tiptoed around quietly. I opened the kitchen drawers, there was no sign of a camera. Sadie was in the living room looking. I opened the cupboards to find nothing but cups and plates. I rolled my eyes before walking into the bathroom.

I opened his medicine cabinet, nothing but medicine and pills. I shut that back up and walked out of there. I bumped into Sadie causing her to nearly scream, but I quickly put my hand over her mouth to stop her from waking him up.

We walked upstairs and I checked his bedroom, Sadie checked the guest bedroom. I pulled off his blankets, nothing. Under his pillow, nothing. Closet, nothing. Drawers, nothing. There was no sign of a camera anywhere. The bedroom door opened, I was met with Sadie yet again.

"Found it." She said, showing me a camera.

"Quickly let's go." I said, we tiptoed down the stairs, to see Jacob stood near the front door, with a knife in his hand.

"Take one more step, and I'll stab." Jacob said, I looked at Sadie and she surprisingly didn't look scared.

"Do it, Jacob. Or should we even call you by your name? Do you deserve it? No rapist deserves to be called by a name which puts shame on all of the other Jacob's in this world. You're disgusting." Sadie grimaced.

Jacob walked to her with the knife, but out of nowhere Sadie pulled out a gun. Jacob gasped, as did I.

"Where the fuck did you get that?" I asked, she shushed me.

"Stab, and I'll shoot." Sadie said, I looked at her like she was crazy, she is fucking crazy.

Jacob dropped his knife, then suddenly Romeo and the guy who tried to rape Millie came out. I guess that son of a bitch woke up.

"Sadie go, take the camera and I'll meet you outside." I said.

"I aren't leaving you-"

"Sadie, go. Get in my car I'll be out in a second." I said, she gave me a look, then went out.

"And then there were 4 men." Romeo smiled, clenching his fists.

"Basically one man, because real men don't rape women. Or leave there children, or strip a girl naked and attempt to rape her, or do things with her without permission from her." I said, walking to Jacob and taking his knife.

"Real men don't hold women down, and take pictures of them after fulfilling their worst nightmare." I said, knocking Jacob down to the floor with one punch, then I walked to Romeo.

"Real men don't walk out of a beautiful little girls life, and a perfect woman's life. Because you know what Romeo? I fell in love with the girl you were supposed to love. I fell in love with the whole idea of her and I wouldn't dare let her down the way you did." I said, Romeo punched me in the face so I slammed him to the wall, and looked at him with stern eyes, he didn't keep eye contact for much longer, I let him go and he stayed near the wall.

"And as for you, you have already been beat unconscious from me. So you would want that again would you? If I see you anywhere near Millie ever again I won't hesitate to chop off your fucking hands and feed them to you." I said with a sarcastic smile.

"Now I'm going to go hand in the camera to the cops. So you guys better say your precious psycho goodbyes. Bye bye now." I said, walking out of the door and slamming it behind me.

I wiped my nose, realising it was pouring with blood. Shit. I quickly got in the car and Sadie gasped.

"What happened to your nose? Are you alright?" She asked.

"I'm fine, Romeo just punched me now let's go." I said, driving to my house. "We need to do something about my nose and then we will go to the cops okay?"

"We have to go to Millie before we go to the cops. She needs to know that we found it." Sadie said, I nodded.

We got out of my car, the time was 12:30am, so we had to sneak through my bedroom window.

Sadie's POV:

We got through Finn's bedroom window and he shut it loudly by accident.

"Finn? What is all the noise?" I heard his mom say, he gasped and pushed me inside of his closet. I could see him through it.

His mom walked in his bedroom just as Finn jumped in his bed, pulling the blankets over his blood nose.

"What was that noise?" She asked.

"I just shut my window because I was cold, I didn't realise it was so loud, sorry." Finn said, his mom nodded.

"Okay, well get some sleep, okay?" She said, Finn nodded. "Goodnight, love you."

"Love you ma, night." Finn said, then his mom walked out of the bedroom.

I opened the closet door and he locked his bedroom door, then wiped his nose and changed his shirt. We climbed back out of his window and in his car, we drove straight to Millie's. I opened the door to see Millie and Iris sat on the sofa waiting for us.

Finns POV:

"Did you find it?" Millie immediately asked, we nodded.

"We haven't looked on it though." I said, sitting next to her. Sadie gave her the camera.

"So what happened?" She asked.

We explained everything to her, and i mean everything. Even the part where I held her hand, like I said I tell her the truth because I'm loyal to her. She wasn't bothered anyways.

"He punched you in the nose?" She asked. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." I said with a smile. She smiled and kissed my cheek.

"Good, I'm proud of you both. Now go give it to the cops, okay?" She said, I nodded.

I pecked her on the lips once before me and Sadie walked out to the police station to hopefully get them all locked up.

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