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Sorry for no update. My friend has just gone and started dating the boy I like:( then the boy told me to kill myself and he'd never like me so it's been an eventful day. I just can't help liking him😩 anyways on a better note I'm working on a new fillie book that may just be coming out tonight;)

Today was Monday, which meant school. I already dropped Amelia off, I parked in the Parking lot at my school. I got out to see Finn talking to a guy with a full face of makeup, Finn was trying to pull the boy along with him, but he looked scared. That's probably Jack, Finn told me about him.

I walked up to them with a smile, giving Finn a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey Mills, nobody is gonna bully Jack are they?" Finn asked, i shook my head no.

"Hey Jack, I'm Millie. Nice to meet you." I said, shaking his hand.

"Nice to meet you too, so you're this Millie Finn has been none stop talking about huh.." jack wiggled his eyebrows.

I turned around to see Finn bright red, he awkwardly turned around and looked at everyone coming through the gates which made me laugh.

"Alright bubba that's enough come on." Finn said, pushing him in. Bubba? That is so cute. Jack suits a little bubba.

We helped jack get his schedule, and it turned out he had first period with me, so I walked with him. We sat next to each other, the lesson was math. After Jack nervously introduced himself, we started doing work and talking at the same time.

"Did Finn do any more drugs when he was here?" He asked me, I nodded.

"He got high, but that was only once and he was really upset." I said, jack looked like he understood.

"Yeah, he's been that way for a while. He just can't handle when things don't go his way. He likes everything to be just perfect. Like if something isn't going right he hates it and tries to fix it, but if it doesn't fix he will get really mad with himself for it." He said, I frowned slightly. "I've known him since I was 2 years old, he's been my best friend ever since."

He pulled up a photo on his phone of two little boys, the curly haired one was looking bored, that's definitely Finn. The other one was playing with two male Barbie dolls, pretending they're getting married by the looks of it, that's Jack. I awed at the picture and smiled.

"That's back when he couldn't say my name, he wasn't the best speaker. Instead he called me bubba. His bubba dest fend as he used to call me." He said which made us both laugh.

"Awww! Was you there through the whole hard time too?" I asked, he nodded.

"That was terrible, like the most awful thing I've ever seen. Don't tell him I told you all of these things, but one day I got a text from him, saying he needed help and he couldn't do it anymore. I quickly drove to his house and seen him laid with a tub of pills in his hand and he was nearly overdosing. I stopped him and got it into his head that it doesn't take away his pain, so instead he went to a party and got high, popped pills all that dumb stuff. I tried to stop him yet again, he listened to me. Until one day when he was really high, he told me that he could see his dad and that his dad was telling him to join him. Which wasn't true, it was just the drugs. He was in a literal state, to the point he didn't even want to live anymore." Jack said, I frowned. "He was just so messed up and I didn't leave his house every night until he fell asleep to make sure he didnt do anything stupid."

"I know about his dad passing away and the drugs and everything, but I had no idea he tried to commit suicide, that's so sad." I said, he nodded.

"I'm just glad he met you, Millie. I haven't seen him so happy in such a long time and-" he got cut off by loads of shouting down the hall.

All the students rushed out of the classroom, ignoring the teachers shouts for them to come back. Jack and I followed, wondering what all the fuss was about. Both of our mouths dropped when we seen the sight.

Finn had a guy on the floor, punching him. He looked really mad, he was bright red.

"Holy fuck." Jack said, before running in and yanking Finn off the guy, who stood up too.

"Finn, calm down. Just stay calm okay?" Jack said, patting his back and he held him back.

"Have you got your little faggot boyfriend here to stick up for you huh? Little pussy bitch." The boy said to Jack, that angered Finn even more. (Ugh I hate to type that word I hate it.)

"Nope, he's just my friend but clearly you don't have any of them because instead you just like to talk shit about my dead parents and be homophobic to my best fucking friend!" Finn shouted at him, trying to get to him but jack was still holding him back.

"Oh.. that's decent coming from you, you know step dad of the year with slutty Millie's baby." The boy said, I furrowed my eyebrows. I was about to react, but before I could I seen Finn punching him again, this time jack didn't stop him, the principal did, but Finn was already angry as fuck.

"Get the fuck off me!!" Finn yelled at the principal, pushing him. Finn kicked the guy in the stomach one last time before walking out. Jack and I followed.

Jack caught up to him and grabbed him, turning him round, Finns face was still red with anger and he had tears in his eyes.

"He really felt the need to fucking bring up my dad! I'd love for him to feel what I fucking felt!" Finn said, kicking a trash can over.

"Stop damaging shit, and I know it was disrespectful but you can't hit people, I didn't hit him and he called me a faggot. Just don't turn it into violence." Jack said, I agreed.

"Yeah so I'm a slut too.." I said with a little laugh.

"You aren't a faggot, and you aren't a slut. So don't." Finn said, sitting on the hood of his car.

We all sat and talked for a bit, before deciding to fuck off out of school because none of us wanted to be here. Jacks excuse so his parents were that someone called him a faggot and Finn got into a fight, his mum was really kind and said it was okay.

We all decided to go to my house, as that was the place with no parents. We walked in and watched TV, pretty little liars. Well Jack and I were watching it, Finn was on his phone. He wasn't interested at all, he was in a bad mood.

Suddenly Finn started speaking, I looked at him, he was on the phone.

"Who is this? How did you get my number? Okay. Well delete it and don't call me again, okay? Yeah good." Finn spoke, then ended it.

"Who was that?" I asked.

"Iris. She said she got my number from someone I don't know who." He said, I nodded to say okay.

Great, so Iris is after Finn now, and she will get what she wants. Finn said he wasn't interested in Iris, but how much can I actually believe of that? After all it is Iris Apatow.

Wherever Iris is, there is trouble. I've come to realise that.


You're gonna hate me for the next chapter

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