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I walked through the front door, seeing Brooklyn playing with Richard, great. Cool to see that she's warmed up to him. I rolled my eyes at the sight, then walked in the bathroom to get some pain killers for my headache. The bathroom door opened, revealing my mom.

"Do you know how to knock?" I rolled my eyes while taking the pills.

"Why are you taking pain killers? Are you okay?" She asked.

"I have a headache." I said, then walked away from her, but she stopped me by grabbing my arm.

"Why don't you just listen to me? Okay! Stop being awful to me just because I have a new boyfriend and you can't accept that because your father died, I know it's hard on you, and I know you cry at night because you miss him. I know that every time you see a photo of him you hide your tears until we get home and you're in your room. But please, let me be happy. Just this once, because wether you like it or not, Richard makes me happy. The man that makes me happy isn't David anymore! He never did, okay? The only reason we were still together is because of Brooklyn and you! We fell out of love time ago!" She said, raising her voice slightly.

"Are you fucking kidding me? You decide to tell me this now? You say you hear me cry, but where were you to hug me and tell me it was gonna be okay? Where were you when I had tears in my eyes when I seen a photo of him.. oh yeah that's right, dreaming about another guy in that stupid fucking head of yours!!" I said, before I felt a sting on my left cheek, she slapped me. My eyes widened, as I walked up stairs, not wanting to speak to her anymore.

"Finn- dear! Please I'm so sorry. Just come back here!!" She shouted up the stairs, I ignored her.

I slammed my bedroom door, kicking over my chair next to my desk and threw my fist at the wall, punching it multiple times, my hand was pouring with blood but I didn't care. I kept punching it until I felt someone get me down to the floor.

"Get off of me!" I yelled at Nick as I tried to push my way out of his grip.

"I aren't letting go of you until you calm down, this isn't you Finn! Can't you see it?! You're acting fucking dumb!!" He shouted back at me, still not letting me go.

"Get off, Nick!! Please." I said calmly, he held on to me for like 20 more seconds before letting me go.

"Just stop being so angry with everything." He said.

"I can't help it, that's the way I'm wired." I said, walking into my bathroom and putting my hand under the faucet to clean it.


I had calmed down a lot now, it has been 2 hours since the argument with my mom. I just stayed in my room, not doing anything. I just had a long and hard think about my life.

My phone started ringing, i looked at the contact, the contact read Bubba.. it was Jack Grazer. My best friend from back in Vancouver. He got bullied a lot, I'm not sure if he still does. He was bullied because he's gay and wears makeup, but that doesn't bother me at all. I answered the call and his face popped up.

"Guess who just moved into a house in Los Angeles?" He asked.

"Who?" I asked.

"Me bitch!! Surprise I live here!" He said, my mouth went wide.

"Why?! Who with?" I asked in excitement.

"My mom and dad! And because the bullying got too much, so they told me we could move, so I chose here." He said.

"Okay well come over to my house! I'll text you the address, okay?" I said, he nodded and ended the call.

I texted him the address, and about 20 minutes later he arrived. I went downstairs to answer the door. My mom, Brooklyn, Nick and Richard were already out somewhere.

I gave him a hug, before we walked down to my basement. We had a long catch up, I told him about Millie, Amelia and all my other friends, he was really happy for me.

"So are you starting the school I go to?" I asked, he nodded.

I was so happy I got one of my friends from Vancouver back, I really needed it at this time in my life. Jack has been my best friend since I can remember, he thought that I'd hate him when he came out to me, but I didn't. It was an emotional experience. I always kinda knew he way gay anyways because of the way he spoke, and when I used to think a girl was hot he would never agree.

I was in my room, playing my electric guitar when suddenly my door opened, revealing my best friend, Jack Grazer. His eyes were bloodshot and red, I put my guitar down and walked over to him.

"Hey what's wrong? You look like someone just poked you in the eye with a pencil." I said.

"Finn, just stop joking for a second please. I need to tell you something." He said with a sniffle.

"Okay." I said, sitting down, he did too.

"You're gonna hate me." He started to sob, my eyes softened as I wrapped my arm around him.

"Nothing could make me hate you, just tell me what's wrong." I said, ruffling his hair slightly.

"I'm disgusting." He sobbed into my shoulder, I felt tears in my eyes at the sight of my best friend.

"You aren't." I said, hugging him.

"I'm g-gay Finn." He said, I smiled.

"Are you being serious? That's what all this is about? Jack, bubba. I know." I said and wiped his tears.

"You do?" He asked, sniffling.

"I do, don't think I don't know about your crush on Isaac because I do." I said with a laugh, he chuckled.

"Ya, well.. he kissed me behind the bleachers." He shrugged, my eyes went wide.

"Jack! He has a girlfriend." I said, laughing.

"She's a bitch, she deserves it." He said, I shrugged.

"True shit, go for it bubba." I said.

I will never forget that day for as long as I live and how broken Jack was about it, but at least there's someone here now I can tell everything to.

I mean I can trust everyone here, but I can't trust them like I can trust Jack. He's been there for me since we were 2 years old and stuck my be ever since, he was there for me through all my lowest times.

He was there to pick me up when I was high as shit and couldn't walk, he was there the one time I was foaming out of the mouth because I took one too many pills, he was there through it all.

I couldn't ever thank Jack enough if I tried, when I felt like giving up he was always there to make sure I didn't, he's just an amazing friend. Hopefully my friends will like him.

New character, Jack Dylan Grazer everybodyyyyy

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