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Hi, sorry I haven't updated. I was planning on updating yesterday but somehow my phone randomly broke whilst I was watching The Goonies and I can't get it to work so I'm on my sisters iPad, I'll try and update as much as I can. Updates might be slower😩 💞

I hadn't spoken to my mom in two days, she annoyed me. I didn't really speak to anyone other than Millie, but I only spoke to her a few times. I knew I shouldn't take my anger out on everyone else by ignoring them, but I couldn't help it. I just didn't want to talk.

I wouldn't even talk to Jack, which was strange of me. I usually told Jack everything because he was my best friend. That's what everyone said, if I don't speak to Jack then something is seriously wrong, which was right.

My bedroom door opened just I slipped on my last sock. It was my mom, I ignored her and pulled out my phone. It wasn't long before she took my phone out of my hand and switched it off, I glared at her.

"Listen, Finn. We need to talk." She said, I sighed.

"I've heard everything." I said, that was the first time I spoke to her since I found out.

"No, you haven't. I need to tell you why I didn't tell you about how your dad actually died.— I thought that if I told you he passed away in war that you'd be more understanding of it, because that's his job." She started.

I didn't want to listen to her speak about my dad, but I knew I had to. It upset me when people spoke about my dad... a lot. But I'd have to face it sooner or later, because that's just life.

"But seeing the way you reacted, I didn't think it was safe to tell you. I didn't want you to harm yourself more than you already did, Finn. I was going to tell you, I really was." She said, stopping to wipe a tear, "but after my own son got rushed into hospital three times for trying to commit suicide, I wasn't going to tell you. I didn't want you to hurt even more."

"I'd of reacted the same way no matter the situation, mom. My dad died, how'd you expect me to act? Wether he died in war or got murdered, he's still dead." I said, she nodded.

"I know... I miss him too. It isn't just you who's hurting. Brooklyn misses him, we all do. I know she doesn't understand as much as you do, because you're older and she's only 8. But she was hurt too." She said.

She put her hand on my knee to comfort me, "ignoring your friends and family isn't going to make your problems go away. For one, it's going to make your anxiety worse because you aren't socialising yourself as much as the doctor said you should."

"I'm fine, mom." I replied, "I'll go out later."

"Promise?" She asked.

"I promise." I said.

She nodded and walked out of the room, I locked it and sat back on my bed. I got my phone back from the nightstand where she put it, and texted the group chat.

Finn🍒: hey, sorry for ignoring you all for two days. I was just upset but now my mom is making me go out.. so does anyone wanna hang?

Noah🐭: I'm down :)

Gaten🍫: me too

Maddie🎀: I will

Millie🇬🇧: I wanna go for food I'm so pregnant

Maddie🎀: me^

Grace🙊: yeah same, I want food even though  I'm not pregnant at all.

Gaten🍫: FUCK YES this is the best day of my lIfE

Jack👶: I'll go for food :)

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