Amelia and I walked up the stairs to get some ice cream, that was my surprise. I let her pick two of them, one for her and one for Millie. She picked a dairy milk magnum for her, and a passion fruit flavoured popsicle for Millie.
"Finnie." Amelia said, as I poured her orange juice.
"Yeah?" I asked.
"Do you have a daddy?" She asked, I turned round and she was staring at a picture of me and my father on Halloween. It was placed on the kitchen counter.
"I do, but he's not around anymore. He's in heaven." I said to her, she nodded.
"Mommy tells me that my daddy moved away, to England where she is from." She said, I frowned with sympathy for her.
"But you have a mommy, a really good mommy who loves you a lot. So you don't need a daddy okay?" I reassured, rubbing her back.
"Do you love my mommy?" She asked, I laughed a little.
"Love is a big word." I said, she nodded understandingly.
"Do you think she's beautiful?" She asked.
"Yeah, but let's keep it a secret." I said, putting my finger up to my lips.
She pretended to zip her mouth and throw away the key, which made me laugh.
"Do you think I'm beautiful?" She asked.
"Yeah, you look like your mommy." I said, she smiled.
"Let's go give mommy this ice cream!!" She said, running back down to the basement.
I shook my head with a smile, before following her actions and walking to the basement, to see Amelia sat ready to learn how to play the keyboard.
I pulled up a chair and sat near her, I was learning her twinkle twinkle little star, as that's what she suggested. She made a lot of mistakes at first, she tried to give up about three times but I wouldn't let her.
"I can't do this!" She sighed, putting her hands on the side of her face.
"I couldn't do it at first either, don't give up." I said, then repeated the tune for her.
Her little fingers pressed each key, she was figuring out the noises they make. "Okay, let's do it." She said, I looked at Millie. She was watching in awe as she smiled.
I smiled at her, then turned back to face Amelia. "Okay, now place this finger on here and tap it twice." I said, she nodded.
She did that, then I told her everything else. "Now remember it, can you?" I asked, she nodded.
She played twinkle twinkle little star perfectly. I looked at her with my mouth agape. Then me and Millie started cheering for her, she joined in, cheering for herself.
-time skip-
It was now Monday, I parked my car in a parking space and walked to my locker. I opened it and put a few things inside, like books I didn't need. The door of my locker was slammed shut, which caused me to jump.
I turned round to see Caleb, he had the biggest smile on his face.
"Jesus, what's got you so happy?" I asked with a laugh.
"Sadie is officially single." He said with a wink.
"That's good for you, but what happened between her and Dolton?" I asked.
"He cheated on her." He said, with a little frown. "She's upset about it."
"I bet you could cheer her up." I said, slinging my backpack over my shoulders.
"How?" He asked.
"Buy her flowers or something, girls love flowers." I shrugged as we walked.
"Sadie hates flowers." He said.
"Oh." I replied, I don't really know anything that girls like. "Maybe ice cream?"
"She's vegan." He said.
"Jesus, you could of chosen a more simple girl." I said, he laughed. "How about vegan ice cream?"
"That's a good idea, but it's a bit boring." He said, I nodded, agreeing.
"Well, I could ask Millie what Sadie likes, without making it obvious you like her?" I suggested, he quickly nodded. "Okay, well this is my class, see you later."
"Bye Finn!" He said, before walking away.
I walked into my class and sat at my desk, everyone just sat there, listening to Mrs Buono's boring lecture, when the door opened, revealing Millie and the principle.
"Hello, sorry to interrupt. But Millie will be attending your class from now on." The principle said, I instantly felt a smile make its way on my lips.
"Okay, welcome to History Millie, I'm Mrs Buono. You can go and sit near Finn over at the back." Mrs Buono said, that made my smile grow wider.
Millie smiled before walking over and sitting next to me, she looked at me and smiled.
"Why are you in here?" I asked her, quietly.
"I failed Mr Harris' exam." She whispered back with a fake frown.
I smiled at her and shook my head before turning back to the board, not listening to a word Mrs Buono said, but thinking, long and hard.
My mom walked into the front yard, with a dad look on her face.
"Are you okay? What's wrong?" I asked her, tears fell out of her eyes. I walked and hugged her.
"Finn, your father. He-he got shot, he's passed a-away." She said, making me let go of the hug and run upstairs.
I punched my wall multiple times, so my hand was pouring with blood from my knuckles. I picked up the photo frame which had a picture of me and my dad inside and threw it on my hard floor, the glass shattered all over, then I regretted it.
"For god sake." I said with tears dripping down my face as I bent down, picking up the broken picture.
The blood from my hand dripped on to the photo, over my face, so it was just my dads face in the view. Tears spilled fast out of my dark eyes, I just sat on my bedroom floor, with a bunch of broken pieces of glass surrounding me, as I sobbed. I sobbed hard.
"Finn, Finn what's wrong?" Millie asked me quietly, taking me out of my memory.
I felt tears running down my face, but I quickly wiped them away and faced the board.
"Nothing I'm fine." I muttered.
I always think of that day, and it breaks me every single time. It's like a memory that is so bad, you just can't get over it, so instead of thinking about the happy moments I had with my dad, my mind always darts back to that day.
I went to therapy, to try and get rid of it. My mom was worried about me, I knew that. So I had to pretend it as gone, but the memory still haunts me, it always have and it always will. No matter how hard I try and forget. It will always be somewhere.
"Are you sure?" Millie asked, I nodded with a half smile.

أدب الهواةfillie, I never thought anybody would love me. I'm 18 years old living alone with a child, but then he came along. He proved me wrong, he loved me and loved my daughter as his own. Highest rank #1 in fillie Ranked #1 in Milliebobbybrown Ranked #1 in...