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Today I had an interview for my new job, looking after the girl with a mental illness. I was quite nervous. Amelia got home from my mums in four hours so I had plenty of time, the woman said that I would be there in the interview for two hours. It will take me twenty minutes to drive there.

I made sure I looked presentable, and not too much over the top. I had on some simple high waisted blue shorts with my converse and a purple t-shirt. I put my hair in a bun and a little makeup. I looked okay.

I took a deep breath before walking out of my room and downstairs into the kitchen. I looked at my phone, 15 minutes until I had to go. I opened the cupboards and pulled out some cereal.

I made them whilst texting Finn.

Finn: hey, good luck for your interview. I know you'll do well, u always do💞☺️

Millie: thanks!! I'm going on 15 minutes, I'm nervous:(♥️

Finn: don't be nervous. You will do great. Love you!!!💛

Millie: love you a lot more, going now. Bye loser😘

Finn: bye dork😛♥️

I giggled to myself before washing my bowl and then walking out of the house. I locked the doors then got in my car, driving twenty minutes until I reached the house.

It was a mansion, protected by big, high, black gates. It was white and had three cars in the drive way. Two guys were stood outside, they both had suits on.

One of them walked to the car and I rolled my window down.

"What is your name?" He asked, "and what are you here for?"

"My name is Millie Bobby Brown and I'm here for an interview about a new job." I replied.

"Okay." He said, they both opened the gates so I drove in and parked my car.

They walked me inside, the floor was white marble, and the walls were grey and the halls were long. I was met with a woman who had a really neat low bun in her hair. She was wearing a black skirt which reached her knees and a white shirt.

"Hello there. You must be Millie." She said, shaking my hand with a smile, "I'm Miss Buckingham."

"Nice to meet you Miss Buckingham." I said, smiling too.

"Let's go right through here." She said, leading me to a room which had a table and two chairs, one behind the table and the other in front. It was like a desk.

It had a computer and loads of paper on it.

"The job you're going for is a very serious one which involves a lot of serious care." She started, "it's good money, it's $500 every session. Do you have any experience with care?"

"Yes, I have been looking after my child single handedly since I was 15 years old. I have lived on my own since then too. She is 4 years old, I am also pregnant too. I have had a lot of experience." I said, she nodded.

"Congratulations." She said, I thanked her. "It seems like you're a very responsible girl. I like you already."

"Thank you." I smiled.

"Any time. My daughter, her name is Ella. She has PTSD." She said, I awed. "She has a big sister, named Lilia who does cheerleading after school so she won't be able to look after her. That's why we need somebody."

I nodded, understanding. "You will look after her for an hour after school every other day. You're welcome to bring your daughter, I don't want her missing you a lot. Lilia will take care of her when she comes back and you're free to leave every time she does."

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