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It's been three weeks since Finn has spoken to me, and I missed him a lot. I hate him so much for just cutting things off like that and not even giving me an explanation. He gave me a note in history a few weeks back, which said I just can't be your friend or anything more for reasons. Then didn't even speak a word.

Amelia constantly asked where Finn was, and I didn't know what to tell her, so I told her the truth, that Finn hates me and he doesn't want to come anymore. She now hates him too.

I don't want to ever see Finn again, but I know that's not possible. My friends are still friends with him, especially Sadie. She's been really close to him lately and it's really getting on my nerves, it's annoying Caleb too.

Finns POV:

"I miss her! I don't know what to do!" I said to Sadie.

We were both sat in my basement, we still haven't found out who Romeos secret little friend is, but it's getting on my nerves now, I aren't going to give Romeo what he wants. He wants me to be scared of him.

"wait, Noah's calling." She said, Noah spoke to her on the other end of the phone call, her eyes went wide.

She quickly put on her shoes. "Finn, get your shoes on. Romeo has got Millie and Amelia!"

I instantly put my shoes on and we got in my car to the place they were at, I instantly got there to see Amelia crying her eyes out and Millie with a bust nose, they were both tied up to chairs.

"Romeo what the fuck?!" I yelled at him, pushing him down to the floor.

Then I seen Maddie, she approached me and hit me around the head with a baseball bat, I fell to the floor. But didn't give up yet. Romeo hit Millie in the face to Amelia started crying again. I guess Maddie was Romeos little spy, I should have known.

All the others turned up, but so did Romeos friends from back in England, we were all having a massive fight. I got hold of this guy called Jacob, and hit him repeatedly in the face, until I got up and seen one of them winding up Amelia. I pulled him off and kicked him in the stomach.

I untied Amelia and picked her up, then untied Millie too. Soon enough Romeo and his little friends ran away.

"Thanks for your help and all but I still hate you." She said, before running away with Amelia.

I sighed loudly, Sadie patted my back in comfort.

"You have to sort this out, Finn." Noah said to me.

"I'm gonna, Sadie could you get a ride home with someone else? I need to sort things out with Millie." I said, she nodded with a smile.

"Of course. Go get your girl!" She said, and pushed me to my car.

I drove to Millie's house and knocked on the door, she answered like 5 minutes later, she seen me and tried to shut it, but I put my foot in the way.

"Millie let me explain please." I said, she sighed, before motioning for me to explain.

"I don't hate you, Romeo made me cut all ties with you, he said he'd hurt you and your family if not, and I couldn't let that happen. I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry I acted like a jerk and I didn't mean to upset you. It killed me not talking to you for all this time. I understand that you hate me, and I'm sure Amelia does too. That's what hurts most because I shouldn't have listened to Romeo again and if I didn't then none of that would of happened. I- I care about you Millie, because I-I love you." I finally admitted.

Her bottom lip was quivering, then she instantly went to tears, hugging me. I hugged her back. She put her head on my shoulder and sobbed, I let a few tears escape my eyes too, she pulled away from me and looked me directly in the eyes.

"I love you too, Finn. But don't break my heart okay? I can't bare with going through that again." She said, I nodded.

"I won't, I promise. I don't make promises I can't keep." I said, she smiled.

"Come in." She said, then let me in.

"Where is Amelia?" I asked her.

"She's in bed, she was scared and tired. Thanks for saving her and me, by the way. I was a bitch before." She said as we sat on the sofa.

"I deserved it, it's okay." I said, before she connected our lips together.

I put my hand on her lower back as she positioned herself on my lap. She continued to kiss me as she put her hands in my hair, I continued to kiss her back, obviously. She tugged on my hair, causing me to let out a low groan, I felt her smile, I pulled away and looked at her, she was laughing at what she made me do.

"Don't do that again." I said with a smile as I tried to hold in my laugh.

"Okay I'm sorry." She said, getting rid of her laugh and kissing me again.

We got cut off by a knock on the door, Millie climbed off me with a sigh and walked to the door, opening it. Stood there was a woman, Millie's jaw dropped to the floor and a few tears escaped her eyes.

That must be her mom, she hugged her tightly as I watched in awe.

"Millie, i am so sorry. I missed you so much." Her mom cried.

"I missed you too." Millie said, also crying.

Her mom pulled away from the hug and looked at me, smiling lightly. "And who is that?"

"That's Finn, he's my... I don't know." She said, her mom laughed.

"Nice to meet you Finn, I'm glad you got rid of Romeo mills." She said, Millie nodded.

"Yup, he's caused a lot of trouble recently. But Finn was there to help." Millie smiled at me.

Her mom randomly hugged me, so I sort of hugged her back, she pulled away and smiled at me.

"Where's dad?" Millie asked.

"He didn't wanna get in touch with you again, so he didn't come. But I did." She said, Millie smiled again.

Im glad she's got her mom again, she needs a female adult in her life.

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