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I had my first panic attack today and believe me it was awful.

I walked into my house, shutting the door behind me. My mom had just called me saying she needed me home because she needed to tell me something important. It wasn't often my mom wanted a talk with me, so I was worried about what it could be.

"Finn is that you?" I heard my mom say from the kitchen.

"Yeah." I said, making my way into the same room she was in, to see her and a man, sat at the table. "Who's that?"

"Finn, I would like you to meet my boyfriend, Richard (not Richie Tozier that's pedophilia before you all comment.)" she said, I sarcastically laughed.

"Are you being serious?" I asked.

"Yes, Finn." She said, I shook my head at her, really pissed off.

"Well I don't want anything to do with neither of you." I said, I ignored my moms shouts for me as I ran down the stairs to the basement, I kicked my drums and they all fell over, then I threw my guitar and keyboard.

I slid down the wall and put my head in my hands, I felt tears running down my face. I wiped them away but more fell. I felt two arms wrap around me, I looked up to see my big brother, nick.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, excited but upset.

"I was going to surprise you, but after I heard all of your instruments being thrown about and mom shouting for you I knew something went wrong so I couldn't. But I'm staying for two weeks. You gotta calm down Finn, it was time for mom to move on." He said.

"You don't understand nick! Dad wasn't as close to you as he was to me, okay?! I miss him and seeing mom with another guy hurts. Because dad could still be here now perfectly fine if he just didn't go to war." I said, more tears falling down my face.

"Finn, I understand this is hard for you. I understand where you are coming from I really do, but mom will be hurt too, Finn. Don't you think she misses him? I bet she misses him every single day, we all do and it's time she's happy again." He said, he tried to hug me but I pushed him away.

"then I guess I get to be happy too." I said, I stood up and ran out of the room.

I did something I thought I was over, drugs.

Millie's POV:

It was 2:45am, I was sat on my bed watching Netflix on my phone, when suddenly my phone started ringing, it was Noah.

"Millie?" Noah said from the other line.

"Hello." I said.

"Finn is high as fuck, literally. Can I bring him to your house? I can't bring him to mine because I snuck out and I cant take him back to his." He said, I agreed immediately.

"Okay, thanks mills. We will be there in like 5 minutes, I'll see you then." He said, then ended it.

Finn was high again? I thought he was over the whole drug thing now. I need to know the reason he did them again so I can help. He must've been in a bad place if he did drugs.

A knock was heard on my door, so I walked downstairs and answered it, making sure to be quiet so I didn't wake Amelia up. At the door stood Noah holding Finn up with an arm around his waist, Finns eyes were red as fuck and he was slouched over.

"He is a wreck." Noah said, handing him over to me.

"I h-heard that." Finn replied as I put my arm around his waist.

"Good luck." Noah said with a laugh as he left us.

"Come on Finn, sit down." I said, helping him sit on the sofa then I went to the kitchen to get him some water. I brought it back and helped him drink a little bit of it. "Why have you done this again?"

"M-my m-mom she is a b-bitch." He said, I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"Why?" I asked.

"S-she got a n-new boyfriend a-and introduced him t-to me like it was n-nothing." He said, before laying his head near my stomach.

"She was bound to move on at some point Finn." I said, he lifted his head up with a pissed off look.

"Y-you're just l-like everybody else." He said, folding his arms. "You dont u-understand. Nobody does."

"Finn don't be like that." I frowned.

"Be like what, M-Millie? I try to b-be this good guy w-who cares and I t-try my hardest and my m-mom repays me w-with this?" He said, the tears in his eyes were very visible.

"Finn-" he cut me off.

"Don't tell me that s-she misses him t-too I heard all of I-it before." He said as a tear dripped down his face.

I wiped it away and looked at him. "Don't cry, please." I said, more tears fell down his face.

"I j-just wanna go b-back to Vancouver." He cried. "Everything was s-so much e-easier."

"But if you stayed in Vancouver we would have never met." I said.

"You're the only g-good thing about t-this whole place, and A-Amelia." He said.

"But you have Noah, Caleb, Grace, Sadie and Gaten too." I said. "They're your friends too."

"But in V-Vancouver, I had m-more." He said, I nodded.

"Yeah you might of, but just think of how long it took you to get out of this whole drug phase and you've gone and done it again. I understand that your hurting right now but this isn't the answer, okay?" I said, putting my arm around him. He nodded.

"Sorry." He said, before he hugged me.

I kissed his head, then turned on the TV. We both watched this thing about beauty pageants, because there was nothing else on at this time. Finn was making little circles on my stomach, then over my stretch marks I have at the side of my stomach from Amelia, I have been so self conscious about them since the day they appeared, I felt him make a love heart over the top of them, before his breathing got slower, and he fell asleep.

I smiled at him before my phone vibrated, it was Noah.

Noah: hey, how's Finn?

Mills: he's sleeping now, he wasn't that hard to cope with. He just told me why he did it, then cried about it a little, then we watched TV and he's just fell asleep

Noah: good, do you wanna come to the beach tomorrow? We are all going and obviously we want Amelia and you to come.

Mills: sure we'll be there, nigh Schnapple x

Noah: night mills x

I kissed Finns cheek, before falling asleep myself, with my arms wrapped around him and around me. I've never been so happy before, with anybody. I am truly head over heals for that boy, and at first I doubted it in every way.

But he's proved to me that all boys aren't the same, and some of them don't care about teens with kids, he's one in a million, or one in a gazillion for that cause.

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