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the story won't be dark for long, I'm gonna make happy chapters soon😂 also the book is ending shortly:( I can't do 55 chapters like I said because I am having literal writers block.


I woke up on the kitchen floor, my head was in excruciating pain. I put my hand on my head, groaning as tears escaped my eyes. I tried my hardest to stand up, I succeeded. I gripped onto the table to keep my balance.

"Nicholas?!" I yelled to see if he was still here, I got no response, so I guess he went.

My phone was placed on the kitchen table, with some cracks on the screen which weren't there before. I sighed, the pain shooting through my whole body as I picked it up and pressed the contacts button.

I called Finn first, he picked up after the second call.

"Hello?" He said, he sounded like he'd just woke up.

"Finn, Nicholas is in LA. He came round to the house and knocked me out, I only just woke up but he tried to hurt me and-" he cut off.

"Where are you? Are you okay?" He questioned.

"I'm at home." I cried.

"I'll be right there, call the cops." He said, then the line went dead.

I called the cops, telling them my address and everything that happened, they were on their way.

"Millie?!" I heard Finn shout.

"I'm in the kitchen." I shouted back, but my head started pounding again, making me groan.

Finn ran into the kitchen, straight to me, he hugged me tightly as I cried.

"What happened?" He asked, I explained everything hat happened, but I missed one part out. The part where Nicholas told me about what happened to Finn.

I felt bad knowing, yet not telling him about it, I had to. "Finn, he told me something."

"What did he tell you?" Finn asked, holding my hand.

"He told me that he almost r-raped you and nobody knows." I said, Finns eyes instantly filled with worry as he struggled with what to say next.

"W-what are you talking about?" He nervously said, playing dumb.

I gripped his hand tighter and looked at him, "it's okay, baby. You can trust me."

"It was when I was 16, he told me to come over his house to get high or something so I did. When we were intoxicated he kissed me, I didn't know what to do so I pushed him off, telling him i aren't into guys." He explained, taking a deep breath before carrying on, "it angered him, so he got up and locked his door. He pinned me down and did stuff to me, I tried to get him off but he just wouldn't. Before he could actually rape me, I kicked him in his dick, then unlocked his door and ran home. I didn't tell anyone, I still haven't. I guess you're now the only person that knows."

"That is a secret way too big not to tell anybody." I frowned, he nodded.

"I know, I was just embarrassed about it I guess. But anyways this isn't about me, it's about you."

Finns POV:

Millie was at the doctors, getting her head checked out. I was sat in my room, thinking about everything that had happened and what I should do about it.

My bedroom door opened, revealing Nick. I gasped and hugged him.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I asked, still hugging him.

"Well i heard Nicholas was in LA, and I know we need to get revenge on him for all of this bullshit he keeps doing. Therefore, I found his location and we are all going to give him and his goons a taste of his own medicine." Nick said, then Caleb, Gaten, Jack and Noah came from behind him. I smiled.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!" I said, putting on my shoes.

We all ran out of the door and got into Nicks car, he drove us to where Nicholas was. I wasn't even scared anymore, I want to hurt him. I want to hurt him bad.

We got out of the car, to see Nicholas and his friends smoking. I didn't waste any time before punching Nicholas straight round his face with force. He fell to the ground, but got back up. His mouth was bleeding as he smiled.

"I guess you've got some fire in you after all, Wolfhard." He said, throwing his hands up.

I looked at him, with angry eyes. With the look of his face I got flashbacks, I got flashbacks of him constantly bullying everyone, telling me I aren't good enough, forcing me to do things I didn't want to do, touching me in ways I didn't want him to, forcing himself on me. All of my anger towards him came rushing out of me.

We all started to fight each other, I had Nicholas on the ground as I repeatedly hit him in the face with all of my strength. He got me off him and gripped me down to the floor. The same way he did back in Vancouver when he tried it with me.

As I looked at him, my mind kept flashing back to the day he tried to rape me. He was holding me the same way, he had the same look on his face. I lifted my head up and head butted him straight in his nose, causing him to come right off me.

I stood myself up, repeatedly kicking him in the face. I had knocked him out already, but I didn't stop, until Nick pulled me off, but I still tried to get to him.

"Finn, he's knocked out, calm down." Nick said, not allowing me to hit him anymore.

"The son of a bitch deserves to be dead!" I said, they all agreed.

"True, but you can't kill him because you'll get put in jail." He said.

We all got back in the car and Nick dropped everyone at home, we acted like nothing ever happened when we got back home. I walked upstairs and jumped in the shower, cleaning Nicholas' blood from my knuckles.

He deserved everything he got and more.


Sorry this chapter was short x

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