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Finn drove us back to my house, then left after. Amelia started stirring, she woke up. But that was a good thing because I needed to get her pyjamas on. I put her in the shower first and then put her in her pyjamas. 

"Do you wanna order pizza for dinner?" I asked her, she nodded excitedly. "Okay which kind?"

"Pepperoni." She said, I nodded. (Pretend Millie likes pizza in this.)

I put on a movie, then after about 30 minutes, the doorbell rang. The pizza was here, I payed the pizza guy. Then took it in, I put it in the middle of us both, and we ate it.

"Is Finn coming here tonight?" She asked, then took a bite of her pizza.

"No, I don't think so." I said.

"Can I sleep in your bed with you? I don't want the boy at the beach to get me." She said with a frown. "I don't want him to be my daddy, I want Finn to be my daddy."

"Of course you can sleep in my bed, you could of even if Finn came. I won't let him get you, Finn won't either." I said, she smiled.

The time was 8:30pm, but it was clear Amelia wasn't going to sleep any time soon, due to the fact I let her have a really long nap on the way home.

"Anyways, do you wanna make hot chocolates?" I asked, her eyes lit up.

"And we can make cookies?" She asked, I gave in and nodded.

Maybe this will tire her out. We walked into the kitchen after putting the pizza box in the trash, and I got out all of the ingredients to bake cookies, then I googled the recipe.

"Okay, so I need to set the oven to 200, but you can't do that because your a kid." I said, she nodded while getting our aprons, then passed one to me, which I put on.

She pulled a stool up to the kitchen counter, I made her wash her hands first, then I did after setting the oven.

"Okay so here's the thing you can do, pour this sugar in until I say stop." I said, she nodded and picked up the sugar and started pouring it.

"Stop!" I said, she stopped with a little laugh.

"Okay, now the butter." I said, she put the butter in.

"You can crack the egg mommy, we don't want shell in it." She said, I nodded with a laugh.

We did everything else, then shaped them into different shapes, like starts, hearts and all of that magical stuff. Then I put them in the oven.

"Okay, now we can make hot chocolate while we wait for them to cook." I said, she cheered.

We made hot chocolates and put whipped cream on top and marshmallows. Then we drank them, soon enough the cookies were done. We two each, then put the rest of them in the cookie jar we never use.

After we ate our cookies, we brushed our teeth, I put her hair in two plaits so it would be curly for tomorrow, then we got in bed and fell asleep.


I woke up to my phone ringing, I checked the time 3:44am. I furrowed my eyebrows at who it could be, then I read the name, Sadie. I answered, not wanting to ignore my best friend because if she is calling me at this time, something is wrong.

"Hello?" I asked, but quietly so I wouldn't wake Amelia.

"Millie! It's Romeo. I was just at a party and someone told him your address. He's coming right now, Finn and the rest of us are on our way to your house. He's got a knife!" She said. "We're here! We are in your drive so let us in."

Panicking, I ran down the stairs and let them in, then shut it and locked it. I felt tears running down my face.

"Where is Amelia now?" Noah asked me as Sadie hugged me.

"She's in my room, sleeping." I said, wiping my tears. "Come upstairs, I don't trust her being up there alone now."

We all walked upstairs in my room to see Amelia sat up and awake, she immediately walked over to Finn and held her arms up, he picked her up. Then we heard a massive bang on the door and shouts by Romeo.

Amelia started crying, so Finn wiped her tears and tried to calm her down. Maddie called the police and Grace was looking out of the window to see what Romeo was doing.

"Finn! He's put your front window through!" Grace said, Finn walked to the window.

I seen Finn suddenly look really angry, but he was trying to keep his cool. Amelia walked up to him again, then his angry face turned into a soft one. He picked her up again.

We heard sirens, the police were here. Caleb walked downstairs and unlocked the door. Romeo was arrested and two police officers came in to ask us questions, we answered them all truthfully. Then the officers left.

"I hate Romeo so much." Gaten said, everyone agreed.

Finn was on his phone in the kitchen, telling his mum about his car window. She was really understanding about the whole situation, she didn't get angry at Finn for it.

I walked in the kitchen to him and sat on the chair, he looked up at me and smiled a little.

"Sorry about your car window." I said to him, he shook his head.

"Don't apologise, it wasn't you." He said, sitting next to me. "I'll just get it fixed soon, I get money from modelling tomorrow."

"Mills, were gonna head off home okay? If you need anything, call us okay?" Gaten said, walking through the kitchen door.

"Yeah, thanks Gaten." I smiled, giving him a friendly hug.

I hugged everyone goodbye and Finn was about to walk out of the door but I grabbed his hand.

"Can you stay here, please?" I asked, he nodded.

"Sure." He said, Amelia cheered.

"Thanks. Now come on Amelia, time for bed." I said, she nodded and let me pick her up.

Finn stayed downstairs while I put her to bed, I don't think we're gonna go to sleep anytime soon. We were both wide awake.

I made sure all of the doors were locked, before going back downstairs to Finn. We sat on the sofa. One weird thing is that we haven't mentioned the fact we almost kissed, or mentioned the fact we both confessed our feelings, so I am going to ask.

"Finn, can you remember the time in your basement when we almost kissed?" I asked, he nodded.

"Yes, until we were rudely interrupted by Ricardo or whatever his name is." He rolled his eyes.

"Romeo, Finn. His name is Romeo." I said with a laugh.

"Romeo then." He said, smiling

"Kiss me now, if you want to." I said.

"wait.. can I actually?" He asked, I nodded.

I leant in, he did too, I closed my eyes, and I'm pretty sure he did as well. Then I felt his plump lips on mine, I opened my mouth into it, I felt him smile.

I couldn't be happier.

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