How can people sit there and take the absolute piss out of Demi and her overdose situation? She is clearly in a bad state mentally to try and take her own life and I am in utter disgust to know that some people have the audacity to sit and make memes about it. Just because she is a 'female celebrity' and 'has everything' and shows the happy side of herself online does NOT mean she has the picture perfect life on the inside and it's so fucking awful. People making memes and sharing the memes, or even liking the fucking dirty memes are literal trash. I'm sorry that she has more than you, and I'm sorry that she worked for her success and your jealousy got in the way. She is a strong woman and I hope to god she is okay because she is an amazing person who deserves to be happy.
Also the tea has finished, enjoy the chapter.
"Finn, mom told me to come and tell you to get up." I heard Brooklyn say from my door, waking me up from my precious sleep.I groaned, and turned over. I put my blanket over my head as I tried to fall back to sleep. I felt a light weight hit my bed sheets, Brooklyn was sat on me. She pulled the blanket from over my head and looked at her with her brown eyes which were identical to mine.
"You have to wake up or you'll be late." She said.
"School is trash anyways." I said, rolling over so she fell off me.
"Finnie!! Just please get out of bed. If you don't I will go downstairs and mess up all of your music." She said, I looked at her with a stern look.
"Brooklyn you dare step-" she giggled and ran out of my room.
I got up and ran after her, she ran down the stairs and straight through the kitchen. I followed her, trying to catch her. She ran down the stairs into the basement, so I chased her all the way down there and picked her up. I pulled her up the stairs and sat her in the kitchen.
"Keep her away from my music stuff please." I said to my mom, my mom nodded.
I forgave my mom yesterday. I think she deserves my apology.
"Go get dressed, then come down for breakfast." She said, I nodded.
I noticed it was raining, I quickly got a shower, then got dressed into some black jeans and a grey sweatshirt, I slipped on my grey vans and dried my hair as much as I could with the hair dryer. I opened my curtains to see Maggie in her room, she was dancing around while brushing her hair. I shook my head with a laugh before taking my phone off the charger, to notice I have a bunch of messages from the group chat.
Bitches and Hoes.
Toothless🍫: I lost my car privileges. Can someone pick me up? I can't walk in the rain and I aren't allowed on the bus😂
Momma mills☺️: I won't be there in time, I have to take Amelia to school.
Ginge❤️: I have to take my mom to the cleaners
Midnight🙊: I'm running late
The talented one✌️: I'm at music until 11am
Finnlard🐨: I'll come and pick you up in 10 minutes Gaten
Schnapple🍎: see you at schoooollll
I got up from my bed and put my phone in my pocket, then walked down the stairs. I didn't feel like eating breakfast, so I just grabbed an apple. I opened the fridge and got out my lunch, then put it in my backpack.
"Have you showered? Brushed your teeth?" My mom asked me before letting me go.
"Yes, I have." I said with a playful eye roll. "I need to go pick up Gaten, see you after school."
"See you then, don't get into any trouble and be on time." She said, kissing me on the cheek. "Love you, have a good day."
"Love you too mom, and oh, I'm at soccer tonight so I won't be back until around 5pm." I said, she furrowed her eyebrows.
"You do soccer?" She asked, I nodded with a laugh.
"Yup, Caleb asked me to try out so I did. I got on the team." I said, she gave me a proud smile.
"Okay, don't forget you have a modelling shoot at 7pm too, so don't make any plans for then." She said, I nodded.
"Okay, gotta go. Bye Brook." I said, then walked out.
I used my bag to stop my hair from getting wet, then I got in my car and slammed the door shut. I drove to Gatens house and honked, he came out 2 minutes later with half a waffle hanging out of his mouth and he was pulling up his trousers. He quickly got in my car.
"Damn are you okay?" I laughed, he nodded with a smile.
"Yes, I weren't expecting you so soon." He said.
I turned on the radio, Rise by Jack and Jack started playing, I rolled my eyes. I hate pop music. Gaten was singing really loud and guarding the buttons so I couldn't change it over. So I was stuck listening to stupid pop music. After 4 minutes in hell, the next song started playing. It was Justin Bieber. I wanted to jump out of the window then and there and let my car crash.
We finally got to school, and I turned the awful music off as soon as I could. I got out of the car to notice Millie was just parking too. I put my hood up and walked to her.
"Boo!" I said, causing her to jump and slap my chest.
Gaten and I burst out laughing, as she gave us both a serious look, but then she started laughing too. We walked into the school away from the rain. I headed to homeroom, where Caleb was sat with Noah. I joined their table.
"I thought you were running late?" I asked Caleb who smirked.
"No, I just couldn't be bothered taking Gaten because he listens to pop music and that shit is annoying." He said, I instantly agreed.
"It was the worst 10 minutes of my life, literally. I felt like crashing the car." I said, causing them both to laugh.
Noah seemed off today, which was weird. He was usually really bubbly and happy. I decided to not ask him about it yet. I didn't want to put him on the spot, so I shrugged off the thought and brought up something else.
It was now time for soccer. All of our friends were watching, the grass was still really wet because of the rain. Millie had brought Amelia who was sat under an umbrella. She kept shouting "Go Finnie!"I kicked the ball to a guy on the team called Jake, he kicked it to Caleb and then Caleb kicked it back to me, I kicked the ball in the net and everyone started cheering and hugging me. We got on with the game again, by the end of it we won, but we were all covered in mud.
Our team colour was light blue, so all of our kits were covered. I walked up to all of our friends alongside Caleb. Amelia gave me a high five.
"I would hug you but I don't wanna get dirty." She said, causing me to laugh.
"I need to go home and shower, I have a shoot in 2 hours." I sighed, sitting next to Millie.
"Cute." she said, causing me to smile at her.
"Cute to you, not to me." I said, playfully rolling my eyes causing her to jokingly slap me on the am.
"Wanna come to my house after?" She asked as we walked to our cars.
"Sure, I'll text you." I said with a smile. "By Millie, bye Lia."
I got in my car and drove home to shower.

Fanfictionfillie, I never thought anybody would love me. I'm 18 years old living alone with a child, but then he came along. He proved me wrong, he loved me and loved my daughter as his own. Highest rank #1 in fillie Ranked #1 in Milliebobbybrown Ranked #1 in...